Salvage the Destiny franchise
Salvage the Destiny franchise
A much bigger focus on skills, they should be more than a glorified grenade.
i thought they had some 10year update plan?
that was before they crashed and burned
Fuck Destiny
Make the game not boring as fuck with completely forgettable gunplay, setting, game modes, and graphics.
The normies played it to hell and back I thought? Why does it need saving?
>sci-fi setting
>each weapon is a generic contemporary military shootan gun
>only cool weapons are fusion rifles
>they get nerfed and suck dick after the first 3 weeks and never resurface as a viable choice
what the fuck did bungo mean by this
They did, but then the game made all it's money back and then some in the 1st year so they didn't need to.
The story and the whole franchise is supposed to span over 10 years. Not the first game.
How autistic are you?
>hey user what was that jelly you used on your toast?
>It was raspberry. YOU FUCKING AUTIST
Please tell me it's just you who goes on a name calling tirade every time someone makes that post. I'd like to think Destiny's fanbase isn't this hostile over such an easily made misunderstanding.
More like original Halo games, less like Borderlands.
>introduce strong female characters
>include more LGBTPIA+ people in the dev team
>avoid making the game into a patriarchial cis male power fantasy
>make the game easier, so that more casual people can play it
>add more gender pronouns to the character creation options
>include trigger warnings for all possible scenes
>keep the female characters body options realistic and non-oppressive
Spot on
>keep the female characters body options realistic and non-oppressive
At the expense of being unable to run and jump and having a huge hitbox?
>buy ps4 pro as a pcfag
>see destiny demo, guess I should check it out as it was one of the better looking games - not just graphically but overall
>game looks like a shooter from 2006
>locked to 30 fps with drops
>controls like a slow ass bipedal robot
Jesus christ people.
Did you just assume their hitbox, shitlord?
Your post triggered me, kill yourself, Hitler.
You can't. The problem with Dewstiny and the games like it (Phantasy Star, Warframe, The Division) etc. is that they can never have enough depth compared to WoW or ARR, traditional MMOs.
Just look at how shallow Destiny's classes are:
>3 classes
>3 specs each
>3 abilities per spec
>Some passives
There's just nothing there. Every class in destiny plays the same and every mechanic boils down to just shooting someone.
>Massive boss fights with tons of mechanics like soaking/tanks-waping/stacking/and tons of other shit
>Shoot the guy
For destiny 2 to succeed they really need to lean into the RPG elements.