How come a massively overshilled indie darling of the month sold so little?

How come a massively overshilled indie darling of the month sold so little?

Other urls found in this thread:!MYhXXaLK!6ghRCjaHjNViE-tJXPhzTkJInzPRUVmg1wI3iOQDFIE

44k is a huge amount of owners for a new indie game.

This. Especially at $20 a pop, I'm sure the devs are happy enough.

I'll buy it for $5. Maybe $10 if I'm super bored.


Literal millionaire.

Undertale was released a long time ago and was frequently discounted. Also, as you could've probably noticed already, the base price of the game is only 10$.

I dunno. Maybe if someone would post a download of the GOG version I could comment on its quality.

Never heard of this trash but then again my mind filters out the indie releases and Ubisoft/EA titles.

>1.5 year old game
>Tons of hype behind it pre-release
>Absolute batshit fanbase, FNAF tier
>Comparable to anything

Too much world building and not enough gameplay, ~50k is still REALLY good for the devs but I guarantee some people just watch it instead of play, more so than your average indie game.

Because the maker of this shit is a communist faggot.why even use the evil imperialist system biying it when you he can share the fruits of his labor with the people with the GoG version.

Money is attracted to Jews. It is seriously the strongest passive and racial ability for edition 2 0 1 7.

>accuses a guy who practices capitalism of being a communist
>suggests communism to get back at the supposed active communist

Good one

>remember people shitting on Dragon's Lair for being a fake game
>have to interact with the environment in the right way and scenes play out
>normalfags saying how great it is and how it has the best graphics of any game but everyone else knew it was basically cheating since it wasn't a real game


then he wont be against me pirating and never playing his shit game.

Undertale was a runway success that shouldn't be compared to as a good metric for other indie titles.

he's against it because he wants your shekels, but still ofc he cant do shit against it

>this webm


apparently if you email and ask nicely they give you a free copy

20 bucks is way to much for what is is. maybe 10 bucks would be worth

theres a mega link as well somewhere but i didnt save it

The Matrix is a good movie.

Don't mistake lightning in a bottle scenario like Minecraft or Undertale as mandatory success routes for indie games.

Apparently the animator was commissioned to do it but I won't believe that until I see actual proofs. Pinkos aren't known for not being a bunch of whining cunt-crotched cuckolds, some Sup Forumstard probably showed them some DoJ statistics and they got hyper triggered.

>Literally high-school tier writing
>Literally worse graphics than the NES
>Literally no good work put into it


>everyone sucking off undertale
>lisa largely forgotten and only brought up as a contrarian argument

such is life, I guess

Creator went full SJW after making a game SJWs hate. He has no friends left in this world.

>muh essjaydubyas


undertale broke him

he saw how much more successful undertale was and it did something to him inside

>getting triggered over an acronym
Don't bleed all over here with your gaping vagina you pansy.

>seeing the "enemy" everywhere

At the rate you're going you'll bleed to death.

Don't you fucking metion Lisa somewhere near Night in the Dumpster or Undertale, you fucking bitch or I'll snap you neck. Like ebin dunkey's vid wasn't enough.

I thought it was the death of his father

>pirating and never playing
but user, how will he know that you have hurt him, then?

dude drugs lmao

Mega where?

Ask, and ye shall recieve!MYhXXaLK!6ghRCjaHjNViE-tJXPhzTkJInzPRUVmg1wI3iOQDFIE


Thanks m8

Don't thank me, my hatred of Communists knows no limits.

Nice malware m8

Mad that I didn't buy your game?

Pretty rad virus.

Worked for me, what's the issue?

Nah I just don't trust your mega because is a fucking wordpress blogsite and searching it turns up people complaining about adware being bundled in their downloads lmao

Alright, whatever man. Worked for me, and I have the most basic bitch antivirus stuff.

There is yet hope for man.


never underestimate the furry community

you could make the shittiest game but it has fapbait characters it will sell.

I tried this game after faggots such as you keep deepthroating its cock, and it's hardly amazing. Lots of randumb shit that gets boring quickly.

Share the wealth as they say!

Seems like the shilling wasn't enough, I never heard of it.

>Sup Forums retards don't know what malware repacks are
>too stupid to check with a hex editor

>makes over $400k
are you literally retarded?

Are you implying communists aren't hypocrites? That they can't use capitalism whenever it suits them?

As if the Castro brothers haven't been crying forever about the US embargo.

It seems to just be the regular GOG installer though.

I don't know, it suffers slightly from watch-not-play syndrome (like Walking Dead) but I know some big Youtubers are playing or about to play it, which will give it some more traction.
I played it myself and really liked it, its gameplay isn't great but is occasionally fun. The writing's really really good, art style is fantastic, overall pretty damn charming. But those dream sequences are so fucking bad. 8/10

Maybe because the "game" sucks shit and the story is retarded and centres around 20 something gays that like to steal for funsies
fuck off I hate you cunt it's actually unironically tumblr: the game
every line of dialogue could have been lifted straight from their stupid shitty website

because you can play it for free.

user, true communism has been dead for years. Hell the only "commi" left in any "communist" countries is old monetary systems and some distribution of power among there components of government. The evile reds died with ussr. Chinas version mutated from the getgo to not implode on itself. Everything else were small dictatorships at best.

>Not liberating the ice-cream shitting monster harnessed to this machine, forcefully fed cream and shaved ice and then shocked with electroprods.

your "true communism" has never existed, commies use whatever they can do to stay in power, everything for the revolution

capitalism isn't the polar opposite of communism, it's just an economic system that can exist under many different political systems, while communism is a political system that can benefit off capitalism, like the slave labor that happens commonly in commie countries

Yeah, a lot of indie games of a certain caliber are trying to pull a >$10 pricetag. May be a great game but it isn't good business.
It's one of the things that kept me hesitant from buying Hotline Miami 2.

He actually said shit about his 'white guilt' some months ago on twitter so I don't think that's too far off.