Pc wins yet again. How can console cucks ever recover from this

pc wins yet again. How can console cucks ever recover from this.

First off, they said that Destiny 1 would come for PC too

Secondly, who the fuck still cares about Destiny?

Still has millions of players. Osiris shows 200k people playing it every weekend and that's end game pvp that casuals don't even want to touch

I guess it's the right move. A ton of PCs userbase loves playing shit MMOs

Yeah, maybe while they're at it they will make an actual good game with open world segments and not just large "rooms" cause of console limitations.

Wasn't the selling point of Destiny that it was a destroyed and abandoned earth? All I saw from interviews, gameplay clips and reviews was hallways.

A second? I thought the game was supposed to run for like 10 years or something.

The destiny project is supposed to last 10 years

The entire saga is supposed to last 10 years, not the first game.

Holy shit man, you're fucking retarded.

>Dat playstation exclusive content sticker
>Dat nigger with a shotgun when

It really is 2017

Loved Destiny desu. I think it will really make sense to PC players once they get their hands on it.It's got some Diablo and MMO DNA that was weird as fuck to see on the consoles when it came out, not so much anymore, but will feel right at home on PC. It was surprising it never made the jump during the first game, but it's probably for the best that PC users only get the sequel when they can try and build from their troubled past.

Don't see much reason to post when you aren't familiar with the game. The "selling point" was never welcome to destroyed earth. That's fucking stupid.

cool. looking forward to it. I don't play the first game religiously but I enjoyed it enough and feel like I got my money's worth in the expansions.

>First off, they said that Destiny 1 would come for PC too

I don't believe it until it's actually out on PC.

Seriously optimistic about this. TTK brought life to this game and the director of that expansion is leading destiny 2.

Destiny is shit though.

Destiny is fucking trash regardless of what platform its on, I guarantee that unless they make considerable changes to gameplay that it will sell 50% of the original or less because of how disappointed people were with the original Destiny.

I don't even want it. Port it to the fucking Vita for all I care.

ugh shut uppp we get it you don't like game

I wish those posts were just over a minute from each other, and that I'd seen them before posting, because it does look like a samefag having a sperger session. So, that's my bad, man.
But it's a pretty lackluster game. ~30 hours into the first one and my take away from it was "it's an uninteresting borderlands, cool".


Considering Rise of Iron made more money than the original launch, I don't think that people are that disappointed anymore.

>one of the worst games in recent memory is coming to pc

...yay. is it going to be 30fps locked on pc as well? cant wait.
