>Play game.
>Other people don't like how you play game.
>Get reported and banned.
thx blizz
>Play game.
>Other people don't like how you play game.
>Get reported and banned.
thx blizz
This will go well.
>Other people don't like how you play game.
Read what it says in the report description.
>can't report people on ps4
>glitch into walls with bastion and torb turrets with no repercussions
consoles win again baby
>Play Tracer and constantly get important picks.
>People don't see you in team fights.
>"report tracer she doesn't do anything"
>staying silent in team voice chat
What the fuck? You can get banned for that? That's ridiculous. I really liked online games before voice chat happened. It's complete cancer.
>play hanzo or genji or widow
>never ever make any effort to go for the objective
>do absolutely horrible every game
>when people try to shit talk me I talk like a 3rd world shitter with bad English
>makes them even madder
Is there a greater feeling than ruining games for people? I fucking loved getting to a high MMR in Dota 2 then doing awful every game to piss off some serious fucking autists.
no, it says the opposite, read it again
>being illiterate
fuck off you worthless nigger
thats bullshit lol, i would have got banned a million times for playing WIDOMAKER in comp
stupid azzholes LMAO
love when people lose thier shit over widow
ITT: We don't read the image
I remember Riot having a similar option in LoL, but it could never lead to a ban. I don't think this will either.
>constantly trying to rack up kills, seperating from the team
>calling your team names when they tell you to stop
Mirin those trips bro
Go back to reddit, you underage nigger.
Holy shit this.
Fucking mongoloids.
>Poor teamwork is:
>Not trying to complete map objectives
So assassin class is not a valid playstyle?
Where's the problem? This is great.
Fuck the people who play a competitive teamgame without the intention to be competitive or cooperate.
Probably made by the same person who thought of unlocking boxes only through arcade.
One thing I hate about multiplayer games these days is how some of them will ban people for talking shit.
You can actually go on the forums and see people posting shit like 'I get home from work and just want to relax and play x game only to have someone make me feel bad!'
No you butt, generally speaking as an assassin class type you're trying to set up picks to establish footing for a push. Your efficiency in doing so may be questioned but that's like playing a tank and not actively pushing or being front lines
you guys realize this is for those people who throw games and griefers that make up """elo hell"""" you always bitch about in comp threads, right?
Fucking READ
And no you can't be banned cause every faggot that tries to say they've been banned for it has been BTFO by Blizzard on the official forums and have had their logs posted and they turned out to be a massive faggot to their teammates
I would assume killing important opponents in order to capture or defend an objective unless they're sucking themselves off and you're fee to capture/defend the point
>what are match statistics
It's more about people ducking about somewhere on the map away from the objective than anything else.
As long as you're trying it shouldn't make a difference.
Sup Forums is by majority, illiterate.
>game with 5 player teams
>only needs 2 votes to votekick someone
This system is designed solely to see how low man can truly fall
people like that should be burned at the stake imho :^)
>Sup Forums is by majority, illiterate.
>is by majority, illiterate.
>by majority, illiterate.
>majority, illiterate
Different game, same shit:
In World of Tank some people say that I am bot before the game even starts (cause mods, my name appears red because I am really a bad gamer and have bad stats).
Imagine me playing like 4k games and winning like only every 6 game or something.
I don't reply most of the time or start spouting memes after I am dead and laugh my ass off. Sometimes I stream it and the people come to the stream and get even more buttfrustrated. I still enjoy the game and have fun and sometimes with these turboautists it is even funnier. Last line someone wrote to me was "I am gonna make you famous" like saying "Gonna report your guild all over the place" LOL
>playing comp
>diamond shitter joins
>two teammates start yelling at him for picking attack torb
>starts shouting back that he plays games to relax and isn't autistic and that everyone else is a tryhard that need to get a life
>teammates tell him to relax in quickplay or arcade like the rest of the shitters
wew lad
Wow they will let me stay silent?
I want the mainstream internet to be nuked.
t. Illiterate
Is there a point to this post or is it just an anecdote I seriously can't tell
I think OP is suggesting nobody does because it gives players an easy "blame the other players for their own fuck ups" so they report people.
If you're getting "important picks" then your team should be winning teamfights without you because of it. Therefore nobody gets mad and nobody reports you.
What are you fucking braindead?
There are a ton of divey/flanker heroes in the game and people know how they work unless you're literally bronze. I've never seen anyone complain about them as long as they actually do their jobs. Even then thats not grounds for reporting.
I've seen like 2 people that would actually qualify for that report and they were both walking out of spawn, finding the nearest cliff, and jumping off it until the game ended. Thats "poor teamwork" There probably have been more that technically fit the definition, but I just mute people who start sperging really hard so I wouldn't know if they were doing it constantly or not. Only fags report people over what they say in chat/comms anyway though.
In this case the torb is most definitely not trying to relax but wants to achieve the opposite reaction from his teammates. Unless its relaxing to him to make people have a negative experience.
>play Tracer
>we push payload
>destroy enemy team from behind
>constantly draw attention of 2+ enemy heroes
>never die
>lose game
>teammates start to yell in ALL CHAT "REPORT TRACER TROLL GAME RUINER"
>enemy says "Tracer is the only good player on your side. Tracer was real pain in the ass!"
>get commended by all enemy team
It happens all the time in 3000 mmr.
>choose widowmaker
>absolute shit game, 3 picks in 10 minutes
>still win game
feels good to be masters and be able to rely on your teammates
>mfw this happens when I play comp Junkrat.
The dipshits among my team normally shut their mouths once half of the enemy team learns to fly. And then lands in a lake.
Or I stuff a hard push with a well placed RIP.
>then your team should be winning teamfights without you because of it. Therefore nobody gets mad and nobody reports you.
oh haha, looks like you haven't played overwatch. Getting randomly assigned teams of people who lose fights against half their numbers is a staple of the game and mobas in general.
I fucking weep for the future when shit like this will be commonplace in every game. It isn't the devs job to babysit their fucking players who fly into a screeching autistic foaming-at-the-mouth fit every time someone performs slightly sub-optimally or does something "off meta". You should never, under any fucking citcumstances, have a chance to be banned just because enough people decided they didn't like what you were doing. Goes for trash talk as well, can't handle banter? Maybe ignore the chat then? You paper skinned baby.
>Ruin your teammates' fun
>5 people might be mad
>Kick the enemy team's ass and ruin their fun
>6 people might be mad
get gud
>this morning played a bunch of McCree and did great
>despite such, all my teams bitched and moaned, no matter how well we were doing
>sometimes they even quit because they didn't like my pick
Orisa's weapon is three barreled pulse rifle from Half Life 2, but just with green projectiles.
Playing Overwatch should be enough to get you banned from Overwatch.
and I bet you ARE a 3rd world shitter with bad english,
>tfw people actually believe that people pick characters they like because they actually have a hate-boner for their teammates
"What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Alex?"
"That's correct! Another acceptable answer would have been 'What is the League of Legends community?'."