Do you miss the extra hunting/fishing/Chao/shooting modes in Sonic games?

Do you miss the extra hunting/fishing/Chao/shooting modes in Sonic games?

Yeah because I'm not a "Muh speed" autist who can't appreciate gameplay diversity.

I didn't mind it in Sonic Adventure because you could do each mode at whatever pace you wanted, rather than having it dictated to you by the story. Pisses me off to be force-fed a treasure hunt every few stages in SA2, whereas if I'm in the MOOD for a treasure hunt in SA1, I'll happily go to Knuckles's campaign and play through it. It has nothing to do with "muh speed" like what suggests, it's more to do with the fact that the pacing of the game is absolutely destroyed by the constant forced switching, which wasn't present in SA1.

With that being said, it still had it's flaws. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Gamma and even fucking Amy had quite a lot of similarities and shared aspects between their gameplay and felt like one consistent package. Big The Cat had no purpose in being in that game. Forcing people to play one of the worst fishing sims on the Dreamcast in order to unlock the last level is just retarded.

Fuck no. And anyone who does is a nostalgiafag.

Wait what you arent quoting him.

In theory, I'd prefer one gameplay style done well, like in the classic games, rather than 2+ gameplay styles done okay, like in the Adventures.

Alas, games like Heroes, Lost World, Sonic 4 and Shadow have taught me that even if they focus on one gameplay style it doesn't mean they'll get it right, so I guess in practice I'm happy either way as long as it's actually a good game.

If ever I needed proof that Sup Forums was retarded, this post would be it

Nope. don't get it.

Also Colors. Fuck Wisps.

Chaos were the best thing about SA2 of course I miss that. Cooler than tamogachis

This I kinda hate how the games are now. Just automatically moving forward and not being able to explore

The hunting stages were good in SA1, but I feel as if finding red rings in stages in games like Generations does the job good enough.

What did he mean by this

>people think boost-to-win is more fun that climbing all the way to the Ark in Meteor Herd and jumping off

oh oops

what if i said i was merely pretending? thatd make it worse, wouldnt it?

>seriously advocating for treasure hunting
Jump off in real life.

They were all trash, so no.

The worst thing about the alternate playstyles is that Knuckles and Rouge played like a dream but were limited by their shitty "collect 3 of X" gameplay and level design. If they had more traditional A-to-B levels and Tails/Eggman didn't control like tanks, Sonic Adventure 2 would probably still be widely regarded as one of the best Sonic games out there.

Only Chao. Everything else is not for a Sonic game
Although Chao should just a mini mode for fun, not for completion.

I miss Chao Garden, that's about it.

>all these underage pretending mech shooting and treasure hunting were bad

No, but I do miss playing as other characters. Adventure one got it 1/2 right with Sonic, Tails, and Gamma. Knuckles and Amy are iffy. Big can burn though.

They should've built upon specifically Sonic's adventure gameplay and added more characters that play similarly, basically, a 3D mania. And I mean 3D.

the treasure hunting was bat in SA2 though, it was a common complaint even back then

Yeah, it was bat. She's called Rouge.

Don't see what that has to do with what I've said, though.