ITT: Video game series you wish weren't dead

ITT: Video game series you wish weren't dead.

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Playstation All Stars should have tried to be a game like this instead of a wannabe Smash.

This, Rival Schools, Tech Romancer, Soul Calibur

Mass Effect


I miss Custom Robo

Also Soul Calibur, Virtual ON, F Zero and Viewtiful Joe

>Virtual ON
Well at least that's getting a new game, you'll just have to put up with it being crossed over with Index. At least the gameplay will be the same.

those 2 new stages are just not enough in Gitaroo Man Lives!
Its just not enough

what? user please, don't fuck with me

All of these minus Soul Calibur.

Not that user but

I wouldn't lie to you about this man



Advance Wars
Banjo Kazooie

I have to look at spiritual successors for all of these. And I'm sure there's good efforts but it's just not the same as the real thing.

All of these plus Star Gladiator.

The first may have been unremarkable, but Plasma Sword is my shit.

This too.

The only reason you enjoy Power Stone is because of nostalgia or you have incredibly poor taste in games. They were kusoge when they came out and don't exist today for the same reason.


Bushido Blade.
Imagine a version with modern technology. You could have super in-depth damage modeling and everything.

Eurofag here. I honestly loved this series because of how stupid shit was. Also, bunny waifu.

>I say Eurofag because we have Keio 2, the sequel that the US never got.

Fuuuuuck. I forgot about that shit.

>imagine a multiplayer bushido blade with micspamming technology
I would spam YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO with every kill.

>I honestly loved this series because of how stupid shit was.
I think even the devs themselves knew how stupid shit was.
>hey what do you want to make a game about
>I dunno how about some stupid shit, oh and some shitty FMV clips at super low quality
>uh okay
It was amusing though. Never played the second, but I heard it was alright, for a platformer.

Himiko is cute! CUTE!

>one game and a port
Dude Gitaroo Man is in my top 10 GOAT but quit bullshitting yourself.

I honestly say I wish it was back only for the sole reason of saying "Hey, I wonder what the fuck they're gonna do now?"

Like, this shit was stupid as hell, but that was it's charm. And hell, I would want to see more random shit involving Keio, so...yeah.

I don't really know what timeline is this now

I don't give a fuck about the anime shit, just give me old VO gameplay and Temjin again and I'm sold. Also now I remember...this means that last official poll about revive dead IPs was actually considerate by SEGA. I guess Virtua Figther is the next one

S-shut up
Does seeing it become a series count, because it should have gotten more games n shit

This. This so fucking hard. The amount of truth fucking hurts.

>I don't really know what timeline is this now
Bruh, when Gotham City Imposters actually happened for real last year in the UK or wherever I knew this world line was on crazy pills.

I want a modern Secret of Mana game. One that can replicate its action RPG elements in a 3D space.


Why do game series die? Is it mostly sales or execs not finding anyone to continue the project (games) successfully?

I should replay custom robo again this year

I want a modern Legend of Mana. Square Enix is failure not to deliver a remake of the masterpiece.

A Power Stone HD would make a great Switch or Vita game, shame they only brought it to fucking PSP


don't fucking remind me

Legend of Mana was such a beautiful game. It had so many working parts that made the world truly feel alive. Particularly all the side characters and content, people who don't particularly have anything to do with your own questline.

Great, great game. Best Mana game.

It's still pisses me off that they let it die with Dragon Song.

I hope you mean replay V2 AKA best Custom Robo game

I Power Stone 3 could be made just so that everyone could see it without nostalgia and realize that it was a shallow party game

Rouge should definitely be a MvCI rep though

>Power Stone on Switch

Holy shit that would be perfect with the joycon gimmick

DefJam, megaman

If memory serves me right, i thought the first one had a bit more depth in the combat systems (when you weren't hunting down the stones). 2 was definitely a party game. Also, loved the alchemy system.

It would have been a wannabe Power Stone then.

PS1 was a bit of a traditional fighter with an odd combat system. PS2 was definitely a party game.

If you could make a third one, make it a mix. Some dangerous stages, plus some normal stages. And a better fighting system.

Easy, Paper Mario. I'd give anything for another TTYD style game

>Bruh, when Gotham City Imposters actually happened for real last year in the UK

Now I'm curious. Please, elaborate

We will never have a lewd based game centered around these blue beauties.

Megaman X
Custom Robo
Zone of the Enders
Metal Gear Solid
Megaman Legends
Star Ocean
Wild Arms
Left 4 Dead
Half Life
Devil May Cry
Ragnarok Online
Trickster Online

They already had a Virtual On stage in Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, but this is a pleasant surprise. As long as Raiden's not that horribly gimped joke of a character from Force I'm game even if you gotta tack an anime on to sell it.

Mega Man has went through a lot.

ahahaha who am I kidding, Raiden's gonna be shit or not present at all

Also, of all the ways to revive VO, why tie it in to some fucking obscure-ass visual novel?

>you will never see ragnarok through
>Baldur will never have his vengeance
>Loki will never have his vengeance
>The finished DLC for new classes and gear will never surface
>You will never get to play co-op with devs every Monday night again
>The combat will never be refined
>It took over a decade to see this get made and it died because Dyack was a visionary jackass with too much ego and Epic couldn't just live with the money from Unreal Engine licenses and Gears games


I wouldnt go that far, that shits pretty popular over there.

Prince of Persia
Metal Gear Solid (I don't consider that new "Resident Evil ORC-like" a MGS, no fucking way)
Megaman X
Metal Slug

More like videogame series that you wish had more porn.
Look at these fucking titty twirlers god damn.

Tomba needs to come back. Even moreso now that metroidvania has proven to be succesful.

Not really a series, but Goddamn, as an IP, Phantom Dust deserves better.

Remember me?

Don't really know the game user, but a quick search says that it's getting an XBone/Pc Re-release. That must be something.

Microsoft commissioned Darkside Studios (Quite a young studio that had come on to the radar for doing the Borderlands DLC) for a full-blown reboot, then demanded more and more content without giving them any more money, which ultimately drove the studio under. They're now doing a half-assed remaster of the original to save face.

Better than nothing, sure, but it's one of their better IPs that they've rarely done anything right by.

Microsoft really loves doing shit like that don't they

>Put Powerstone 1 and 2 collection on poor selling portable
>Put Megaman X remake on that same portable

>"Woooow why didn't they sell? I guess nobody wants them anymore!"

Fuck Sony and fuck Capcom

What do you think it feels like if a tuba swallowed you alive?

Oh, that sucks. Better than nothing I guess.
Wish I had an OG Xbox, it seems to have a lot of interesting exclusives. Reminds me of the Dreamcast a lot.

Yeah, Microsoft sound like they're a fucking nightmare to deal with. Jason Schreier of all people actually did quite an interesting story on its development a while ago that's worth a read.

At least most of the game series posted in this thread are resting peacefully. Meanwhile these two, as well as Rare's IPs that aren't Killer Instinct, are stuck in limbo.


Star gladiator>>>>>plasma sword
Star gladiator was capcoms first 3D fighting game, plasma sword was a rival schools bootleg.

What a fate for a rhythm game that looked fun

Psychic force! or a new rpg/fighter maker. Also an inline skate version of SKATE would be the shit.

That actually looks pretty good. Weird to see a 3D Mana game though.

is Steep any good? does it fill the void?

a good tony hawk game


pic related is because i'm sad about the irreversible passage of time and having a lot of feels

I just want more Felicia porn.

>no Suikoden

I'm getting old...

Love this game...

Series? How about an entire fucking Genre

Pic related. Something about the bot construction and on the fly arena combat I liked.

Psychic Force for sure

All of these. Metroid too if it counts.

Power Stone
Custom Robo
Bloody Roar

Bloody Roar, why have you forsaken me.

>Bloody Roar

It still hurts man..
I need more Bakuryu in my life.

And this guy

I really miss the Megaman Battle Network games. And just when Star Force finally got good they offed the whole series.

Super Monkey Ball (Pre-Step & Roll)

I just want to play a Ball-Rolling Puzzle game as slick as SMB2 again

>square announces an SD collection
>missing both remakes of SD1 and Legend of Mana
What's the fucking point in making a compilation if you're only including a couple of the games in the series. It should be the entire series, even including the garbage games.

Mark my words, a new Banjo and/or Perfect Dark will be announced at either this or next E3. I'm sure of it. Not that it'll be any good, it'll be a microsoft product after all.

Auto Modellista and Outrun

Commandos, at least Shadow Tactics came out of nowhere last year and managed to somehow become the best game in its genre, still I'd love to see the older series continued, Commandos, Desperados, even Robin Hood.

Lord knows why it died, it seems like it would be cheap to produce and would sell pretty consistently. Hell they could even outsource production of new levels, toss it on PC with a level editor, pay creators of the most popular levels pennies to the dollar to sell their levels as DLC on consoles. Boom, everyone wins and Sega makes money doing next to no work.

People are into this series enough that they hack levels together in fan-made level editors and run them in emulators. Provide some official support and the series could easily make a tidy profit for years.

Powerstone, Earthworm Jim, Vectorman, Legacy of Kain, Timesplitters.

pre-step & roll
>This level has some gates skateboarding
>This level launches you really high into the air and you need to nail the landing to win
>This level has the gate spinning on a carousel at high speeds
>This level is literally a nintendo gamecube

post-step & roll
>All of our levels are really long and narrow obstacle courses with lots of bumpers

I miss creative level design

Gradius or R-Type

I just want to go fast and wreck every other racer in my path.

I wish Lunar hadn't gone to shit with the third "game".

>Tech Romancer
They could make a game just about those 5 (or 4 :( ) dudes in the tank and I'd play it. Man that shit must be fun to "drive".

Ape Escape
Earthworm Jim
Metal Slug
Metal Gear Solid

Probably a lot more but I've forgotten them because they are dead

Front Mission.
Was Evolved even that bad? I never played it.