Why the FUCK is this allowed?
Why the FUCK is this allowed?
You deserve it.
>Highest BST bonus unit I have access to
>What you take to arena having anything to do with spawning units facing the wrong way
Get some help
>phone game
You have only yourself to blame.
>not using Ursula
?? I don't understand what your problem is Op.
>Pissing away feathers on whores
>Gatcha game with zero depth made to make loads of money
>On mobile
You deserve whatever the fuck is going on. I rerolled till I got Lyn then uninstalled.
If it's just the bonus points you're looking for, 4* Ursula is perfectly fine.
Is that a kancolle clone?
My score is the worst it's been because I have to use Ursula. Her BST is garbo
What's the problem?
I'm not saying she's a great unit by any means, god knows she's the load on my team, but I'd rather a shitty attacker than a useless healer.
Priscilla has Rehabilitate, she's certainly not useless
>It's a retard doesn't know how useful healers are episode
See you in classic mode lad.
It's the only healing staff remotely worth anything, yes, but she can't attack and can't defend worth shit.
>Linde/Tacomeme player complaining
>Classic mode
Not out yet, and thus not relevant. As far as Arena goes Healers are clearly a sub-optimal choice, and arguably the least optimal.
i think the complaint is about the units facing the wrong way
>using a healer
>not using a dancer
They're facing the wrong direction. Literally unplayable.
>Using healers in FE
>When you can just use vulneraries and have more damage/tanks
How am I doing
Classic's being brought to Heroes somehow, though we lack specifics. It's some kind of event where if a unit dies they're unusable for the rest of the event, so healers would arguably be more useful in it except what's likely going to happen is just building OHKO teams to glass everything before they can glass you.
Gonna train up some fliers for the tenth stratum quest, don't have any 5* fliers, but for 4* I've got Camilla, Michalis, Catria, Palla, Caeda, Subaki, and Florina. Who would make the best team out of those?
Am I the only guy who's seeing a swastika here?
Catria, Michalis, Caeda (should have a flier buff I think), Subaki
Try to slap flier buffs on them.
I used Minerva, Caeda, Est and Cordelia with Est taking Hone from Palla.
Worked fairly well.
Is Lucina-chan still viable? I feel like skill inheritance has killed off a lot of Red Swords.
Why use her when I could just bring another mage?
>Has a healer
>Its not Elise
>Being a paedophile
You first
Who is he?
Mental gymnastics at its finest.
Oh you sweet summer child
Because mages have shit BST and you'll get no score.
Otherwise they're OP and frankly always have been.
Are Cain and Abel even that good? I've heard people going on about them for so long, but I'm levelling them for the Cavalry Quest right now and they're both getting rocked constantly.
Plus apparently Abel is literally a cuck, so that sucks.
But even that won't matter in 2 weeks.
Klein' fucking amazing. I rolled him so I could have him, Tacomeme, and Azura on a dream team rape machine together, but he's replaced Takumi entirely for me. That being said, my Takumi is +Res / -Spd unfortunately, while Klein is entirely neutral, which seems to be a pretty good stat spread for him.
Also, he's definitely got the best art in the game. His bow looks damn cool.
>4 Takumi
Just using 4 of the same character is really uninspired. What an uncreative asshole
Cain's not too great. I have a 5* version of him and I still prefer to use Eirika instead. He's good at getting across the map but he's not durable enough to justify using him. When I got a duplicate 5* of Cain I just gave his Brave Sword+ to Chrom instead.
Who's your favorite Fire Emblem character?
Lucina-chan! She's cute! CUTE!
Haar but at this rate it won't be likely to see him
reminder that these are the people that claim uncharted has "no gameplay"
Black Knight
We'll see him someday. I'm sure.
I want Haar so bad in heroes
I wonder if she's low key enough that she might actually be handed out as a 1-2 star. If they ever fucking change that rotation, that is.
>not Wrys
Shit taste desu.
What is the problem here? You have the best unit in the game, the previous meta, and a god tier buffer. Get good, you piece of shit.
Maybe halfway through the year they'll change it.
>unironically discussing shitty phone games
I think this is the 3rd time theyve repeated the rotation? It's so boring, I wish I saved them instead of sending them all home just to inherit skills
I like this glutton and her sage model.
Gotta give late comers a chance to get Olivia and Subaru desu
Who Nino here?
She has gone a long way from 3*.
>Using useless units
She's trash. TRASH!
Regularly use her in my team, unsure if I'll ever replace her desu. She and Eirika have great synergy
>tfw she has all her skills learned including inherited skills I get her and yet she ends up getting the lion's share of my main teams kills and sp gain
Oh hey, I have a +atk -HP Nino too.
How is she for you? Mine's still at four stars.
Please, don't bully the illiterate mage.
I want an Eirika so bad. Not in any hurry to replace Luci, but having a dedicated buffer would be neat.
My Kagero was a huge hoarder, she just kills everything.
She's great. +spd might have been better, but she's still great.
She has great synergy with Kagero. I gave her Hone Speed and Drawback and they make a nice battery, covering just about everything. Having a dancer makes it hilarious since I can pick lots of things up and just Drawback away.
That's Linde and Robin for me, mage's are by far the safest for kills so the get most of them. Robin's got still 1k+ SP.
Meanwhile Olivia...
>massive 5 star dry spell
>rolling red and blue
>endless flow of 3 star tikis and corrins
>finally a 5 star after like 150 orbs
>fuckig caeda
i just wanted a tharja, i dont even care if shes not 5 stars
Oh man, dude. I have a 5-star Caeda too.
She fucking sucks.
Exact same thing that happened to me, freaking 5* Caeda ruining my pity%
Still, she did help me finish the flyer quest.
yeah if anything atleast maybe i can do a flying slut team now since i also have hinoka so maybe i can get that quest done
Haven't lost a single Advance arena match in 3 seasons with this team.
See. Only lost one unit.
Might as well just brand yourself as a failure.
Olivia is pretty good if you chunk some SP and skills onto her.
pros go for no deaths and max bst, its not hard to win if you are willing to lose units
keeping all units alive as well as use gay bonus units+ maintaning a high score is the hard part
Hows your quests coming along anons?
These fucking stupid jewish all same class level 10 training tower quest. Literally rigged.
I've spent 200$ to get my dancing dragon, my you guys would too if you weren't poorfags ;)
Already gave up on the armored quest, not even going to bother. Working on the flyer team. Got a 5* Minerva, a 5* Star Hinoka and a 3* Star Palla. I got a a 4* star Est too but she's kinda useless.
It's pretty hard since there's no flying mages or healers.
12/15 infantry, 8/15 flyers, 1/15 cavalry, probably won't bother level up 3 more armors
Hector would have to solo the Armor one unless I trained my Gwendolyn the last 9 levels she needs to get to 40, and I only have one cavalry unit at 4* It's Peri so I'm not going to get that one either.
>Implying i didnt morph Ninian while you wasted shekels
>No bonus unit
>Willing to let people die
I'm still working on the Infantry ones. I might do the Flying one since I got a 5 Star Catria, Minerva and a 4 Star Palla.
my two effies carried my one star gwen and draug
im f2p theres no excuse
Man the harpoons boys!
Creativity is so important when you play mobile games!
Defensive arena is all about gimmicks. Balanced groups are too easily countered because the ai controlling your shit is dumb.
Working on the cavs, I'm halfway there with three 4* and one 3*.
On the fliers, I might try it, but it's very unlikely that I'll get it if they drop the xp bonus.
lol, I only have Gwendolyn and Draug.
>That one quest that requires 4 armors
>Only have 3
I'm not spending money so I can roll a third Draug, thanks.
At least Effie is good.
Currently working on infantry. Not even gonna bother with cavalry/flying
That's a funny way of spelling Lissa.
Okay I got Merric
Which would be best to promote? Or should I wait for a Nino?
+Spd, though I'm honestly not a fan of him.
>healing give exp
>dancing doesn't
explain this
Moonblade or Luna on her?
Dancers are whores
they do it for free
Wow you are bad.
To be fair it was Peri. Who gives a shit about her