Other urls found in this thread:

Well that made me sad. Why OP?

Because you realized how close it hit home and now you feel bad about it.

Its OK bro, she gets laid and her life immediately becomes better

Wait where can I read the whole thing?
What is this even

I don't wanna see sad-chan cry

>tfw don't relate because i'm not worthless and everything is awesome

The name is something like "my first lesbian experience as a virgin" or something.

I'm 28 and I'm a virgin loser like her, feels bad to be honest, every day I think of killing myself but at least I'm going full CWC and going tranny

As far as I recall, that is not how the story ends. I'm pretty sure she has sex, reports that it was extremely awkward, she felt guilty afterward, but she still accepts that she's mega gay and that's another part of who she is.

Plz continue posting.
Or could someone at least source?

The title is The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness Manga. it's about the author and her loser life that she ended up with a lesbian fetish.

Dog bless

>fuckers translate 4 out of 6 chapters and the drop it.

What the fuck.

my lesbian experience with loneliness

hi fellow hot boy

>he doesn't speak moon
wew lad

I was wondering why the ending was so fucking disappointing.

> it's about the author and her loser life that she ended up with a lesbian fetish.
It was looking good so far. Fuck this


>when you get out-degenerated

Yeah from what I heard, she just posted autobiographical comics on pixiv for a while, gained a following to the point where someone wanted to publish it in Japan, she wasn't sure about it but after a bunch of her fans told her to go for it she just said "fuck it, let's see what happens" or something like that. I guess she's still dealing with her stuff a bit by bit, not like she's all fixed up and good to go.

Also seven seas is publishing it in English, I got my preorder down.

Hey, I read some of this before.

Well here's the problem


Sweet. Pre-ordered. Thanks, man.



so you get the sauce from Sup Forums and immediately decide to shitpost on Sup Forums huh

>Furry incest
Jesus christ, it's like mixing diarrhea with chocolate mousse.

Wait, which part's the diarrhea? I'm confused

Wow. That is a very accurate description.

Furries ruin quite a few things for me that way.

thanks doc




>I'm not furry but I'd fuck that fox
That's not how it works, buddy


fucking lost, well played

>another LOL thread so soon

It's like you want a 404


sauce? google reveals nothing.

OP made it before the last one got deleted though.




You're a goddamn hero, user









I don't really see what's supposed to be wrong with this


So many vidya related comicses, heh.



why the hell is she/he yelling

I mean I get manga is supposed to be expressive and shiet but she's just having a conversation with an officer



>New thing happens
>Better go to Sup Forums and share it with them!
>Vidyawhat? BUT GUYS LOOK

God I miss dubs

That's just how the speech bubbles are.


I mean her expression in the top right corner, she's clearly yelling:



Oh probably she's just serious since the opportunity to make a good first impression is there. She's more lax when talking to other people.


something I can't relate to




