So, when is he getting his rework? It's any time now, right?

So, when is he getting his rework? It's any time now, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

never ever.

I still find it funny that even though everyone shat on Street fighter 5 for being so bare bones they still got almost 3 times the content Overwatch has gotten.


>nerf his fan the hammer, and flashbang because they dont want him to be a close range monster
>buff his left click
>people get upset that he can snipe with a revolver so they nerf that
>nerf Dead Aim for some reason

I don't even like McCree but what do they think he should be good at?


Reddit would have you believe that McCree's job is killing flankers like Genji and Tracer.
I've only ever managed to hit them with a flashbang by accident.

His ult fucking sucks. Even when you flank, you instantly get hooked, slept or sniped. At least with pharah's ult you can get a kill or two out of it easily before getting shut down.

Just make it so that his gun has spread when he's moving. You know like in any other fps? So that way if he wants to snipe he needs to crouch and move slow or just stand still

Theres literally no reason to pick him over ana.

learn to aim
learn to have synergy with other ults

That said,mcree is still shit at the moment,there is literally no reason to pick him over other DPSs

>Just make the most immobile character more immobile.

He'es so busted it's not even funny anymore. Fan the hammer is a non-option, as headshotting someone is almost always the preferrable option, combat roll is pathetic and on far too long of a cooldown, flashbang only works ~50% of the time, his ultimate is a joke, he's slow and has the loudest footsteps in the game, and he has no survivability. There is 0 reason to pick McCree over 76 right now.

Yea if you want to snipe you should have to move at a snails pace, you know like any other sniper would.

Dude, just aim a slow stupidly short-range projectile at a hero with a shit-ton of fast mobility skills, one of which can deflect your attack back at you, and it doesn't matter anyway because they'll keep moving for the duration of the stun anyway, lmao

Once you stop thinking of it as a way to kill people and start thinking of it as advanced peekaboo with the enemy team it becomes more bareable.
Im happy just getting the fucks of my goddamn objective at this point

This. At the very least, his flashbang should freeze fuckers where they're standing.

I think he would be fine if they either reverted the damage back before the big nerf but kept the falloff, or kept the current damage and removed the falloff. Either would work.

>learn to aim
Not him but flashbang really is just shit.

I can see how a mcree "main" would adapt to it and make i t work but for anybody that doesn't spend all their time on him it's a weird and confusing mechanic.

He was fucking fine at launch, or at least could've used some MINOR tweaking, not a crippling nerf. Then he had an amazing revolver with good aim and range but a shit fth, and people just bitched about that too.

And then for some god damn reason they took his somewhat useful ult and made it objectively the worst ult in the game.

Now you have a character who is shit at short range with a weak fth, shit at long range, can't stand a chance against characters he's "supposedly" meant to counter, and he doesn't have an ult to make up for any of this.

Bring back vanilla mccree. And stop this "nerf this into the ground, buff this into the sky" teeter totter balance.

>they took his somewhat useful ult

I thought American flags represented White Nationalism, shouldn't this skin be removed?

When you were interrupted (which happens all the time), the ult charge dropped to 50%, so you could try again pretty fast.
They later nerfed that, but also buffed his revolver. Then they reverted the buff, but kept the nerf.

I'm convinced that someone in Blizzard really hates McCree and really loves Ana.

Literally all they needed to do after launch was put a cooldown on fan the hammer, but no, gotta fuck around with literally everything but that.

It used to at least be useful as a straight up zoning ult when you could cancel it and retain 50%, now it's just flat up the worst ult in the game.

Great ult, whatever. You were still a sitting duck with a huge aura and a loud audio cue when you used it, at least you could kill with it, or at the very least retain some % of it.

I don't play since release, I didn't know they changed that 50% thing.

wow, jumpshots. something blizzard didnt think about as a mechanic is being used as an argument to keep this hero mobile.

terrible argument

>ITT: People not realizing that Blizzard can't balance for shit.


>something blizzard didnt think about as a mechanic
>you get an achievement for doing it, thus showing Blizzard intends for it to be a normal part of gameplay

>us complaining about Blizzards balancing isn't realizing that Blizzard can't balance

Use your head user

>Press E
>Press rmb
>Anyone in his path is dead before they can react


>to fix his mobility, make him invulnerable while rolling
>to fix his long distance, back paddle the damage fall off
>to fix his short range, shorter fan the hammer spread
>to fix his flashbang,actually put effort into it just like they did to roadhog hook
But no,let's buff already good character such as lucio,that will fix the meta

Why does Overwatch get the free pass then?

>road get a free kill if he hook
>mei get a free kill if she freezes with M1
>rein get a free kill if he pin
>"nah man,mcree needs to hit two headshots if he flashbang,even if that last for half a second.Make his RMB useless :^)"

>Press shift
>Press lmb
>Anyone he grabs is dead before they can react
>Press E to return to full health :^)

I don't see the issue.

>Gets BTFO
>Doesn't reply
Every time

>Balanced (or soon to be balanced) characters
Lucio (soon to be)
D. Va

>Characters that need major buffs

>Characters that need minor buffs

>Characters that need major nerfs

>Characters that need minor nerfs
Soldier 76

>No idea yet

Cool. Did you send your white paper to Jeff?

>Game has been out for a couple of months

Revert all nerfs and buffs. Now remove the flashbang. Everyone wins.
Why is blizzard so stupid?

>May 2016
>A couple of months

Overwatch has maps, gamemodes etc, and the characters play a lot differently to each other compared to SF. Fighting games are inherently samey.

It's been about 10 months my man, have you been in a coma?

Blizzard game always get a free pass. If Blizzard created SFV, it'd have MOBA tier numbers.

Because they'd actually innovative instead of pushing the same shit over and over again and wondering why it fails.

>Characters that need minor buffs
u wot

>SIX (6) sentries kill two of the attackers effortlessly
>deploy shield
>bunny hop around with your skinny hitbox and shield generator buff until you die after killing two more with your aimless tank-shredder

Just revert him back to original state

There, he's fine again

Git gud

>nerf his long range damage
>nerf his FTH

oh, ok

>You told everybody back in the beta that Macree was the only thing holding back tanks form becomeing cancer
>People just took at it as me not wanting Macree to get nerfed
You reap with you sow faggots


I've been asking for this since the closed beta, and every time I get shot down with

>yeah well one time I wasn't paying attention and he came up behind me and killed me wtf nerf him if anything

People still play this game?

I want a faster and silent teleport.
A cancellable wraith form.
There, fixed.

My intended implication was that if blizzard came out with the same game, barebones content and all, it'd still succeed because of the brand.

Also, people bashed SFV for what it changed and actually wanted more SFIV, so that doesn't make any sense.

that's really all I want too

>I want a faster and silent teleport.

That is fucking stupid.

One of the worst aspects of overwatch is how hard it is being sneaky
Reaper shouts out DEATH COMES whenever he teleports, Sombra feels the need to say something "witty" every time she comes out of being invisible, every hero goes CLONK CLONK CLONK while running and you get a giant red outline on enemies in case you're too retarded to miss them despite all of the above

>Balanced (or soon to be balanced) characters

>Characters that need minor buffs

>Characters that need minor nerfs

They have that brand for a reason.

this game is fucking retarded, I went from 3010 pts to 2900 with 3-5 losses in a row cause teammates just fucking troll with their picks and blizzard made it impossible to solo carry

The whole game is about team coordination.
The solo skill required is very low compared to other games.

This man is platinum rank

okay, so they make that their design focus but do players themselves focus on that shit? no, they don't KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING, THEY TROLL INGAME WITH THEIR POSITIONING AND SHIT, I had a fucking who never grouped with the team the entire round and cause of that our team never got anything done. IF PLAYERS ARE GONNA BE FUCKING SHIT THAN BLIZZARD NEEDS TO MAKE IT SO THE GOOD PLAYERS CAN FUCKING CARRY THEMSELVES

>Tracer is balanced
She is hands down one of the largest threats in the hands of a skilled player if you don't have someone take her out, same with good Zenyatta players.

>A cancellable wraith form.
I can not tell you how many times i would have killed someone instead of just standing there looking stupid for a 100 years.

That shit is infuriating


Dixie Flag McCree would look so badass dammit.

t. silver Genji main

Genji is just as good as 76, the only difference is that he has the highest skill ceiling in the game and the player needs to be fantastic in order for him to be used effectively.

Roadhog has been balanced since hook 2.0 and still is.

>McCree, Pharah, and Sym don't need buffs
>PTR Lucio isn't balanced
You're absolute trash at this video game.

Now that Ana isn't the bane of Pharah anymore Mccree should take that spot.
It's a bit ridiculous how much his gun tickles past a certain range.

Because they made good games in the past although haven't in about a decade?

Mei is the strongest character in the game, you can't prove me wrong

It's shit
t. Level 206

>team plays like shit

He's supposed to be a stealthy character, but he's even shittier at it than Sombra.

Luckily Tracer has a pathetic healthpool and can be removed by just about anything in the game. Tracer is hella annoying, yes, and can be deadly as sin in the right hands but almost the entire cast has a way of reliably killing her.

That's nice. Still doesn't make your opinion any less valid.

>roadhog can one-shot a majority of the cast

Skill is too OP in Overwatch

Expect another nerf

they have heroes that literally don't see any time at all in tournaments, don't see any time in comp mode unless the player is basically trolling cause their kits are so bad designed compared to others(roadhog, etc) that they are fucking useless

Lucio needs fixed for sure. I think he is a little OP as it stands.

What about Rein? She's a huge pain for me when I play as him.

Make it so he can ride Orisa. Perfect synergy.

"get self stunned for 3 seconds"
"Bright red clouds in a 5 meter radius"

Right, but it's okay when any other competitive game has that right? You don't see people ragging on street fighters awful cast.

He can stuns and then headshots killing squishy in two hits, fucking OP.

>"get self stunned for 3 seconds"

more like a second and a half before someone head shots you

The fuck are you on?

Why is Sup Forums so fucking awful at this game?

>Can't bait out hooks
>Moves about in the open when they have a Roadhog
>Can't juke hooks

>Not silver

They just released Overwatch. Clearly they've still got it.

What does that have to do with anything? Your team played like shit so you lost. Don't act like it's the fucking characters fault you blind grandma.

because I still play OW and ditched SFV for being a hot mess. Went back to SF4 and never looked back

Is Bastion no longer OP?

>I can't aim, therefore she's overpowered.

>Pharah needs a minor buff
And how to disregard someone's opinion. If you don't have one or two players focusing entirely on Pharah, she DESTROYS everything on her way.

I noticed Sup Forums is just generally shitty at online games. Fighting games, shooters, you name it.








>needing buffs

they can't do much more outside of tightening her spread, but if they did that she'd be borderline broken, her clip size lets you track people after getting the jump on them for significant or fatal damage, she melts fat fucks like roadhog and tanks in general too.

EMP is pretty much one of the top 5 ults in the game too.