
Do you believe in the indoctrination theory? Why or why not?

>what is the theory

I think it's definitely feasible as an ending and it's also much better and more creative than what bioware gave us. Nothing was compelling, cool, or very surprising about the ME3 ending, it just felt like some random bullshit.

tl;dr? I aint gonna watch a three hour theory of a shitty ending

an hour and a half, fuck that shit. i got games to play

Does it really fucking matter at this point? Its all irrelevant now that andromeda is out. Time to move on gramps.

I've read that Bioware straight out said this was false.

Of course they are going to shut it down so they don't look so stupid. But it's a theory based off of evidence, lore, and reasoning. It doesn't matter if Bioware doesn't agree, if the info is there it's there. The ending they wrote is vastly inferior to this fanmade theory, even if they denounce it it still holds weight as a possible great twist. I say it isn't canon but it just shows how retarded bioware is.

Who gives a fuck what they said? They weren't able to provide a proper ending. If they would do their job properly there wouldn't be any necessity in some wacky theory in the first place.

The reapers were trying to control you the entire ending

No because i'm not a redditor and the game came out 5 years ago, who gives a fuck.

>ending was so bad that people had to make up their own theories as to why it was all happening

Woah... next you'll tell me Sans is Ness

No. Half of ME3 retcons ME1. Fuck that shit game.

The animations and cringey robot conversations are in Andromeda because they're all actually human reapers on a test-trial.


If so, they failed terribly.

>Who gives a fuck what they said?

The playerbase? Because Bioware literally writes the story? Holy shit you can't just put a story in there when there isn't one, no matter how much "evidence" might support your claim. None of it bloody matters when the dudes behind the damn story say it's bullshit. They wrote it, they define what happened and what's real.

Anything else you're doing is headcanon and fanfiction

I believe in the Indoctrination theory, if only because it makes slogging through the third game slightly less tedious.

>Shepard, hero of everything, is somehow completely immune to the reaper indoctrination regardless of how much contact he has with them.

Even if you argued the prothean beacon somehow innoculated shepard, the fact that Saren who had also used the beacon, and also had regular contact with the reapers was indoctrinated makes that moot.


We were worried about... a doomsday gap.

"""Dude""" behind a story is a hack. Maybe Karpyshyn would've nailed it, but he left.

Nah it's just something fans created to deal with the butthurt from the original ending.

I get coping with depression but it's not real.

The whole ending segment was a disaster and very clearly rushed. Readiness was a mistake and felt like a cop out for previous choices. Either that or your choices were referenced in one line and then forgotten.

The whole theory is too good to be true.
I like how fans found lots of little details, which actually make a lot of sense (quite frankly way more sense than the original ending), but then I remember who made this game and realize that there's no fucking way that 2012 Bioware would come up with something like this. Waaaaaay too many awesome little details and depth for them.

No. It's a neat fanfic but Bioware themselves said it's false. Case closed.