Why don't the Chinese like THICC?

Why don't the Chinese like THICC?

hamburgers aren't considered sexual in china

Not Amerifat nor nigger.

Just how many fucking Chinese Overwatch ripoffs even are there? I swear I've seen at least about 5 or 6 posted here.

Looks better then the original

Low test, not even joking.

Chinks have the least of it.

god i fucking hate china so much
who would actually complain if china just stopped existing, aside from toy shops

No one does, westerners and their obese societies have just tricked themselves into liking fat people because there is nothing left otherwise.

"Fuck all these women around me are disgusting and fat. Uh... I mean.. t h i c c.. yeah.."

low test beta male

>thicc is a euphemism for ugly fat woman
>high test is a euphemism for ugly fat male



Thicc isn't fat.

This is thicc.

probably every big corporation and then some, since they are the only ones cuhrazzy enough to disregard human rights in factories to give us low cost products

Here, I found something more suited to your tastes


Neither does blizzard you tumblr faggot
Remidner that in the Concept art shes thin as fuck, she alo was thin on the summer games picture but blizzard obv listens to fat tumblr fucks so they don't get upset so they maker her look FAT ingame even tho it' literally onl the clothing

Why would anyone buy those ripoffs when they can get the real deal in China?

It's not like the game is banned or censored.

I think at least a couple of them are mobile games.

Probably f2p


>Not liking fat women means I like muscular men


That's just fat, sorry. When you leave puberty and have fetishes beyond "fat sacks" then you will understand.

>China allows everyone to make their own products
>whoever manages to make the best one succeeds
>America allows everyone to make their own products
>whoever has the deepest pockets to aggressively patent and fight legal battles succeeds
Why does America hate capitalism so much over corporatism?

>slim waist
>slightly thick thighs

Does Paladins have much of a presence in China?

>that muffin top
>those arms
>not fat

Just because her tits out-fat everything else, doesn't make the rest thin.

You are a fucktard and you can't even realize it. I can do the same, I can say that the girls you like are all skeletons and in the same category as thos anorexic models.

maybe if ice lard exercised as hard as those mental gymnastics she wouldn't be so gross looking.

Thanks Arnold!

Thanks arnold.

I don't know but I do like that ZR

Arnold is based.

The design on the top-left is actually pretty shitty and Mei is the cutest Overwatch

>China allows everyone to go to school
>Everyone so smart
>America allows everyone to go to school
>Why you so stupid?

>mountaineering bounty hunter who fucking froze her targets solid for easier transport was replaced with a fat, bubbly scientist with no personality

it hurts

>ugly american aesthetic
ill be you tree fiddy it dont