Dragon Quest XI is not turn based! I repeat Dragon Quest XI is not turn based. Square fucked up again
Dragon Quest XI is not turn based! I repeat Dragon Quest XI is not turn based. Square fucked up again
Nowhere in the article says this. At most it will be a battle system like X where you move around and can push monsters around but still act turn based.
I would ditch the fuck out of this series if it went the normie "no turn based" system like many others.
Nothing in the article suggests this. They're just giving dynamic camera dumb names as usual.
>dragon quest is no longer made of solid gameplay and consistency
>Both PS4 and 3DS versions of the game feature command-based battles.
You were warned that it resembled X's battle system. SE made it very clear by their actions that turn-based has no place in their big budget role-playing games.
Yes, and? There are plenty of non-traditional games with command based battles.
So 3DS is definitive edition until we see the Switch ver?
You know that action RPGs can also be "command-based" right?
In your fucking dreams, consolewarbabby.
Yes. I now hope the NS version is just an upscaled version of the 3DS one.
Literally nothing in that article suggests non-turn based battles.
It means nothing, ARPGs can be command-based, hell VS XIII was meant to be "command-based"
OK. Then what makes 3DS version "definitive"?
Did you not even look at the scans?/
>made of solid gameplay and consistency
>superior 2D
I fail to see how it's not
Except that it resembles DQX's battle system, which is not turn n-based
>pretends to like a series just so he can push his platform war agenda
>3DS superior version
Nobody expected this!
Yeah, it's kind of weird
>article and scans say you can move your character and the camera angle during the fights freely to enjoy fights from different perspectives
>this means it's not turn based
Is there any hope of it coming to pc user?
3dsfags are the worst fanbase nothing new
Right but it's clear from the scans one is Turn-based and the others like X
Good. Turn based combat is boring.
It made sense 20 years ago because of hardware limitation.
>muh strategy
Its a fucking anime battle, what strategy could you use? Buff companions and debuff enemies?
Accept the evolution.
Read the fucking thread. Clues point to it being X's battle system
Literally nothing points to it being X's battle system.
Fuck off kid, go back to your dark souls.
This is just a case of people seeing what they want to see. There's absolutely nothing that points to it being like X, its just that you can move around to adjust the camera to your liking.
Now you too will feel the pain of the FF series.
Many things do, including the menu and the white circle that encompasses the battle field.
Why would they even add the option of real time movement if it's like 3DS' system? Try thinking for once.
Go to the link in OP
The 3DS version will be good hopefully
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING points to the game being the same as X. You people are just complaining for the sake of complaining.
>muh limitations
And yet action rpgs are older than turn based. I guess
>star ocean
>takes of
>beyond oasis
>secret of mana
>threads of fate
And so on didn't exist... I dunno maybe, just maybe, and I know this sounds crazy, maybe turn based was a style modeled after DnD. But an underage faggot with no concept of hardware limitation like yoi wouldn't know. How about doing a quick Google search before talking out your ass?
Actually look at OPs link retard
You first.
LOL 3DS wins again. Just wait for the new SMT being action based on HD consoles.
>view scans
>see DQXs combat
???, thanks for reinforcing my knowledge?
Thank fucking god. Turn based fags should go back to their 90s bubble and shoot themselves.
>Just wait for the new SMT being action based on HD consoles.
Fucking kill me.
Square Enix has ported tons of games, including Dragon Quest stuff. I'd say so.
>superior 2D
If you ignore the top screen completely.
Because 3ds has limited resolution which would limit the camera movement a lot for it to be visible. Not to mention that even moving the camera around requires the game to push the hardware a lot more.
They just want to brag about how beautiful the world is on the ps4 version and if there really was any difference, there's no reason for them not to mention it in a bit of news detailing battle differences.
3DS would probably sell even moreif it was just a cheaper version with only the bottom screen graphics. That bottom screen is so nostalgic it honestly made me ponder that version over the ps4 one many times.
>Move your character as well as your camera angle freely!
>Free Movement Battle
>You can movie your character freely and enjoy battles from various angles!
>Battles overflowing with realism!
>Auto Camera Battle
What is the big deal?
We doing that thing again where we pretend to know everything about a game before it's out based on a few scans?
Can one of you tell me how many hours it will take to finish this and when the martial arts girl joins the party?
So is ARPG or something like Crisis Core?
Aside from Tactical games(i.e FFT), Turn-based
RPGs are almost always insanely bland, boring and repetitive, it's a shame, because the concept is good as it is. However developers absolutely never actually design the game in a way that's strategical or deep in any sense of the word.
It's either turnbased or like FF12/11 (DQX is kinda like that).
after hero's tanked on pc, you didn't get builders
so i'd say they're done with pc
Assumptions are being made because the UI looks similar to DQX
People forget that DQX had a reason for it to be different. It is a MMO and so you control only one character which means that pure turn based would be incredibly boring.
As DQXI is a single player game, it has absolutely no reason to do this. I don't even know how you would control 4 characters to dodge around during the boss move.
I'm still waiting for this to be localized, it looks so cool ;_;
Final Fantasy XII
You can solo DQX with a NPC party.
If it's not pure turnabased like VIII, WE RIOT
There's still no reason to use a battle system like that and even less of a reason to tweak it for single player.
I don't know, I just think that while the UI argument makes sense, there's no reason for them to do this, specially with how pissy japanese (and DQ players overall) are about tradition. I still remember the outrage with the first DQ9 version.
Seems like Dragon Quest X where you can move around but still need to bring the menu to do attacks.
With NPCs whose AI you can barely control. It has reason to be like this with it being a MMO, DQXI doesn't.
Dragon Quest IX is one the best selling DQ i think.
Shit DQ9 looked awesome on its "alpha" is a shame that Japanese are so afraid to mess with the status quo.
I would be fine with either turn based or an experiment, for fucks sake it has been 31 years.
It's also not the same real-time game that was initially planned, you illiterate.
It is, but did you check its first trailer? It was supposed to be a very different game.
I would be fine with a new battle system as long as it was a different game. Don't bring that shit to DQ.
Is X ever getting localized? Is there at least a fan patch or something like with PSO2?
I can only imagine how relaxing a DQ MMO would be.
I wonder who's behind this thread
Battle System
>The PlayStation 4 version uses a “Free Movement Battle” system where you can freely move the character and viewpoint. There is also an “Auto Camera Battle” system in which you can enjoy immersive battles.
>The 3DS version has a “2D Mode” featuring familiar 2D pixel graphics, and “3D Mode” featuring 3D characters and monsters.
>Both the PlayStation 4 and 3DS versions use command-based battle systems. The “Falcon Slash” and “Thwack” options can be seen in use in screenshots of the PlayStation 4 and 3DS versions, respectively.
>You can preemptively strike enemies (PlayStation 4 screenshot).
>There is some sort of new element in which the protagonist is surrounded by a blue aura (PlayStation 4 screenshot).
checkmate ARPG-fag
Free movement and Camera? How would turn based even work with this?
Lot of whiny retards in this thread, typical for the DQ fanbase.
To spell it out, PS4 version is STILL turn-based, and at best it's taking the movement from DQX which was ALSO turn-based. In XI you will be able to issue commands to yourself and party members, just like every other title in this fucking series besides X.
If you're that fucking scared of the slightest bit of change to DQ, then fuck off to the 3DS version. It's a shame Horii is unable to want to make things more interesting without fans instantly shutting it down.
So Kingdom Hearts?
>character's turn
>move character near enemy
>select action
>turn ends
>next character's turn
I don't know why people are acting like turn-based battles with free movement haven't been done before.
It's a relic of the past when hardware limited the gameplay to no more than a menu-based system
Making a modern turn based game would be like making a runner on a console despite the fact you have so many controls available that you can give players the option to do more than jump
no, KH is an ARPG. DQ is turnbased.
except heroes 2 is coming to pc store.steampowered.com
because koei
yet you still didn't get builders
I love how DQ threads are always full of people that don't give a fuck about DQ.
Who gives a shit it's a japanese anime game of course it sucks, nothing like mass effect andromeda, GOTY 2017 MARK MY WORDS
>It's a relic of the past when hardware limited the gameplay to no more than a menu-based system
It's a relic of the past, when audiences had attention spans lasting longer than 2 seconds.
I thought they said the side-by-side 3d/2d is only during the intro, and after that you have to commit to one or the other
Why does everyone want turn based series to go real time? Seriously, why kill off a whole genre because you don't like it? There are plenty of ARPGs on home systems, way more than there are turn based games.
Going real time isn't the only way to innovate the genre.
They like Dragon Quest. Just not the turn based gameplay. Same reason more people flock to games as it gets simpler and simpler.
>they like Dragon Quest
>don't like the gameplay
So they don't like Dragon Quest, they just like something unrelated like the Toriyama designs, or simple fantasy tropes.
>bland, boring and repetitive
Grats, you have summed up most action-rpgs
ITT: Underage retards freak out over nothing without even reading the article in the OP
is Builders co-funded or claimed-exclusive for Sony?
i legit don't know, but that'd be a reason, if so
>day 0 import to never buy
Good work SE. This shit needs to be fixed.
You're obviously too fucking stupid to play it anyway if you can't even read a simple article.
Free roam doesn't belong in a turn-based RPG. Fuck off shill. Make it something like Grandia and we'll talk.
I'll give your post a (You), but only out of pity.
>It's a relic of the past when hardware limited the gameplay
pretty sure Tales has been around since the SNES.
Alright man, do whatever you want. I'm still going to be importing day 1 and enjoying it. Because, you know, I actually like the Dragon Quest series. And I actually took the time to learn Japanese.
Persona 5 is releasing just around the cor er and proves that turn based is still great.
Its just a matter of how you do it, and what systems you include in your TBS.
Hell id rather play chrono trigger, lunar, grandia, wild arms again and again than to play ff15, crisis core, and whatever the hell final fantasy has been doing these days.
turn based shouldn't have to die for arpgs to take over.
>he thinks he's the only person who can speak another language
Apparently I'm the only one in this thread who isn't a total faggot.
This, I would completely ditch it too, and I doubt Japan would accept it not even today, they fucking boycott IX when it was taking the action rpg direction.
I wish I knew why so many fucking directors at SE are opting for action RPG nowdays, Nomura fell for the meme too reason VII will be a disaster, is more expensive to make a game turn base rather than action base?