*deletes Aquatic Ruin Zone*
*deletes Aquatic Ruin Zone*
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Comfy as fuck zone but only fun when you're on top routes to stay out of the water (which is obviously kind of the point). Hill Top zone on the other hand feels like a beta level, the level assets (which are Emerald Hill recolors IIRC) and background just kinda stand out in a sub-par way and the zone doesn't exactly stick out like the others, it's just forgetful and... mediocre. Only saving grace is the music.
Also Oil Ocean is absolute shit.
Fuck accessing the remains of that level with my Game Genie was fucking amazing when I was younger.
I had a dream about exploring Aquatic Ruins once. Considering the only other Sonic related dreams I've ever had were being trapped in a planet sized Metropolis zone I've always wanted an updated version that was like my dream.
I hope AR become the obligatory flooded zone in Mania. But you know it will be Hydrocity or Shitarinth.
b-but that music t-though...
>Yo Tails where the rings at gimmie some more
>Gotta find Dr. Robotnik and settle the score
>nigger music
what is this ISIS shit?
>Clear arabian influence
>Oil Ocean
That shit wouldn't fly today.
>planet sized Metropolis zone
Honestly, it'd be pretty cool to see something like Sonic Utopia make open sandbox levels out of the classic Sonic zones. The Green Hill map was a nice start and obviously even sandbox maps like that take a lot of work, but I think it'd be pretty cool to run around a huge map of Scrap Brain, Aquatic Ruin, or Angel Island zones. In fact, an actual 3D Angel Island island map would be rad as fuck, I'd pay for something like that.
Good, now go do Shit Ocean, the one that should be deleted first and foremost.
The only thing worth deleting from Sonic 2 are these fuckers.
The enemies of this zone were intolerable
Johnny plz go.
Sonic dreams? Let me tell you about Sonic dreams. This messed up dream was something I had a while back that I typed up and saved and still remember it.
>It started innocently enough, it was like one of the Genesis' Sonic games. It was in the forest from Sonic 3&Knuckles. The music that was playing was something like the water music from Mario. Something innocent and silly. Sonic was jumping on Tails as if he where an enemy, knocking him back. He did this two times before he fell off of a ledge. As he jumped down there was a tree that had 3:10 carved on it. Sonic landed next to Tails. Tails then jumped on Sonic. He did this several times before his fur fell off. Then there was applause and some children going "Yea!"
>Then a snowman head with spinning blades came from off screen and sliced Sonic up. With blood and everything. The applause got louder, and more snowman heads appeared and kept slicing him up. The background and general area got darker and darker and Tails had a hood of some kind on. The music started getting more and more distorted as if it where playing in G Major. Suddenly a flying spinning blade sliced Tails' head off and it caught on the edge of one of the blades as it spinned. The whole place got horribly distorted and the view zoomed out. It showed the Earth, then the solar system, then the galaxy, then the universe. Then something smashed everything and the dream ended abruptly.
Last one should be Sonic CD
Woah. That's not bad. Sounds like that creepy edge shit people post on YouTube loke sonic .exe or something
As an aside, I want to know exactly how S&K locked with Sonic 2 works. Doesn't it change some of the levels? That lock thing was weird in general.
>implying the water part of aquatic zone inst easy as fuck to escape
just delete one of the metropolis zone acts
Name the worst zone from each classic Sonic game.
Starting with an easy one: Wacky Workbench.
Everything in sonic 1 except green hill sucks
Oil ocean, sky chase, mystic cave of s2 suck
Marble garden and carnival night of s3 sucks
Everything except sky sanctuary sucks in sk
Wacky workbench and metallic madness suck in scd
>Marble garden and carnival night of s3 sucks
>Everything except sky sanctuary sucks in sk
opinion discarded
I like Labyrinth, Aquatic Ruin, Tidal Tempest, and Hydrocity Zone.
I don't understand the hate for water levels
Thats nice, i dont recall asking for your rating or opinions on my opinions though
Labyrinth is still pretty ass, but the rest are actually pretty good for water levels. Hell, Hydrocity zone is one of the best zones in classic Sonic.
The only level I really dislike is Wing Fortress.
Sonic 2 has a very smooth and consistent difficulty curve all the way up til the very, very end.
That's what makes it the most conducive to beating in a single sitting.
3 fucking act. It just never ends. I hate metropolis more than anything.
Casino Night zone is overrated.
>Hill Top zone
>forgetful and... mediocre
>Oil Ocean
>absolute shit
Man, these are my favorite levels. Hill Top was so fun because of the seesaws, quakes, the lava that you could actually run on, everything felt so friendly and comfy. Oil Ocean was just so fun because of all the pipes and secret areas I could never get to, and then there was the actual oil ocean you could keep jumping on.
The shit levels were Emerald Hill Zone, Mystic Cave, and Metropolis Zone. Emerald Hill is nothing compared to Angel Island or Green Hill, it's just so boring and uninspired, even the music. Mystic Cave everyone like because of the music, but it's a depressing, gloomy deathtrap with bullshit traps/enemies and annoying platforming. Metropolis everyone hates except for the music.
Casino Night has great design, art, music and fun enemies and mini-games, but it's also kind of lonely and unfriendly, especially when you have to rush through and accidentally get squashed by the elevator things, or you get those Robotnik x3 spikes in the pinball areas. Oh yeah, sometimes the pinball areas worked against me which sometimes pisses me off because I missed a jump or something.
Here come the chillest track in video track history
3 > 3&K >>> S&K >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 > 4 > 2
You play as Knuckles in Sonic 2. That's it. It's shit.
The low IQ should be Sonic 1, then Sonic 3, then Sonic 2, then Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
>4 over 2
Why & how? Also where is CD?
but you get to be a pinball
whoops forgot the others
3 > 3&K >>> S&K > 2&K >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 > 4 > 2 > 1&K
Sonic and knuckles is a terrible game. Ugly graphics and terrible level gimmicks.
3 > 3&K >>> S&K > 2&K > CD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 > 4 > 2 > 1&K
Only good thing really about 2 was the fact that someone else could pick up controller 2 and play as Tails. Half of the levels weren't very fun, and most of the game has this strange, isolated lonely feeling I can't explain. It always gave me the creeps whenever I thought to much about how alone I was in those games. The Zones felt very clean and artificial, like you're going through an uncanny world or dream. There were some good levels though like Hill Top and Oil Ocean and Casino Night, but Sonic 3 and 1 were much more alive with more character. Sonic 4 had some beautiful zones and backgrounds and the game felt comfy even if the movement was shit.
>3 above 3&K
>2 at the very bottom
>4 on the list at all
The graphics were just as good as 3, sometimes even better toward the end. It's basically just 3 part 2. What are you on. Sonic 2 was ugly. Didn't even transition between zones either.
No it wasnt. Flying battery, death egg, and sandopolis are ugly as shit. Mushroom hill and sky sanctuary is boring. Crystalized lava reef is the only interesting look level in the game
>muh transitions
Pointless cosmetics that dont mean shit. The camera scrolls to the right when a new level starts rather than fading out to a new level, what a big grand addition. Theres a reason sonic 2 sold 6 million and sonic and knuckles 1 million
3 was comfier than S&K. S&K levels were too tryhard sometimes. Aside from Flying Battery it was only toward the end where things got more interesting. I just remember it being rough between Flying Battery and Hidden Palace Zone. In comparison Sonic 3 was fun throughout the entire game and the emeralds were easier to get.
>terrible level gimmicks
>he didn't like 3D chainlink tubes in Flying Battery
Thats more of a setpiece than a gimmick
I'm fine with having a preference for 3 or &K (I personally prefer 3), but it's just weird to put one of them above the combined product of 3&K. They were made to be one whole game but had to be split into two, and both halves are good, so it's just odd to me to list one half above the combined whole.
When one half is clearly better than the other half, smashing the turd onto the gold suddenly doesnt make a a platinum statue. It makes a gold bar covered in shit
But I think both 3 and &K are great, so putting gold and gold together does make platinum from my point of view.
>complain about cosmetics not being pretty
>complain about pretty cosmetics being pointless
make up your mind faam
2 had ugly, sterilized zones aside from Casino Night, Hilltop, and Oil Ocean, on top of artificially unforgiving bullshit level design towards the end. How would you enjoy trying to slowly make your way up a bottomless pit only for those little shits to throw shit at you and you barely have room to dodge them. That's not difficulty, that's the devs laughing at you for playing into their stupid puzzle. It's just a dick move to inflate playtime.
Flying Battery is great with great music, maybe you just hate steampunk airships. Mushroom Hill is fine, especially when it transitions to act 2, and it has those fun enemy types and transportation.
>Theres a reason sonic 2
No shit, Sonic 2 came with a lot of the systems while you had to buy 3 on your own. By the time 3 came out, the Genesis was old. You're just getting angry for the sake of it, Classic Sonic as a whole was great. You want something to shit on, shit on Adventure. Now those are some shit games that ruined Sonic and turned him into the meme he is today. thank God Generations seems to be putting the series back on track.
Yeah I see what you mean, I think if I had to choose between 3, S&K, or 3&K and I could only pick one, I'd go with 3&K. But I spent the most time with 3 so that's why I automatically sided with it. At least it had no ghosts or Death Egg though.
>artificially unforgiving
Aww is the game too hawd for the miwenial cwy baby? Gtfo out pleb.
those were copied from metropolis zone
This. I was able to get to Robotnik as s fucking 9 year old.
What did you make of sandopolis zone?
how about you babbies play a real game with real difficulty like TMNT NES or ET NES. You don't know what difficulty even means.
Not him, but too spooky. Fuck those ghosts. The outside level was great though, including the miniboss fight.
I think only sonic 3 is good. Could never play sk again in good faith unless im doing a sonic marathon (which i unfortunately did last month to get ready for manias spring release, only for it to be delayed)
2 looked like an add on to 1 which is fine since 1 had very nice aesthetics. 3 is where they tried to make everything more gritty and realistic, leading to the drab and bland graphics of all the 3D games besides heroes up until fucking sonic unleashed and the hedgehog engine games.
As for its difficulty, it had a smooth gradual difficulty curve. You are nearing the end of the game, obviously its going to get harder and more obstacles thrown at you. Let me guess you complain about eggmanland or planet wisp too? The only thing thats remotely hard in sonic2 is the end where you have to fight 2 bosses in a row with very strict hit boxes and no rings.
Ill tell you whats artificial. Pulling repetitive pulleys placed every 10 feet from each other. Waiting for slow magnetic platforms to go up and guide missles to a roof. Going on slow pulleys going down. Pushing slow blocks and finding switches to turn on lights. You want to bring up puzzles? Those terrible infinite loop ones in sandopolis.
Classic sonic wasnt a perfect series, fucking never. Sega always has done a great job at selling the character, the games themselves are very hit or miss. Sonic 1 and sonic knuckles sucks ass. Sonic CD is very divisive. Tons of bad spin offs back then like spinball, 3D blast, labyrinth and the other game gear abominations. Then the 3D games which have solid millions but are also divisive territory. You have newfags pretending shit like sonic colors is even close to sonic 2 or sonic 3.
Please. I've gotten to volkmires inferno, no warps.
Agreed all the way around. I remember as a kid always dreading that level because there was a 50% shot I wouldn't get past the pyramid maze.
>millenial complaining about millenials
if you grew up playing Sonic then you're a millenial. If you were an adult already when you played Sonic then you were the dork character who got picked on in cartoons and TV shows I watched during those times. Why were you playing Sonic at that age in that era if you weren't an outcast of society.
Isn't it more fun to hammer a nail into your finger? Why do people play such punishing games and don't even get anything to show for it. It's not like you can earn a skin or something for beating those games. In fact I don't think unlockable stuff/leveling even happened outside of rpgs. Back then you couldn't even save your progression. It sucked having to do things over and over again until you memorized the levels. then when you beat the game, nothing happened, it just ended and you got to start all over again.
I was the age of the target demographic at that time; I'm just not a pussy.
Please be bait. If not, congratu-fucking-lations: you are ultimately causing what's wrong with modern gaming and yes, you should feel ashamed of yourself.
> I'm just not a pussy.
If that was the case you'd be playing major league football and getting actual 3DPD pussy or something instead of playing sanic
Why don't you get a doctorette's degree in Theoretical Physics if you really want to challenge yourself faam. If a game becomes too much like real work, I'd rather do real work and get paid. There's nothing fun about sitting there for days memorizing a level layout just to beat it and get nothing. What's the point. That's not even skill or honing your reflexes, that's just memorizing shit. I memorized my multiplication tables and vocabulary words on my spelling tests back in grade school and let me tell you, memorizing shit sucks. That's not fun. At least getting good grades means you get good report cards which means more games, but why would I spend money on games that make me do the same shit I was doing in school, defeats the point of playing games, which is to have fun and NOT work or study. Games don't have to hold your hand, but they also don't need to kick your shit in either.
Meh. I have a bachelor's in math and thats enough for me.
>it's just memorizing shit
In some older games like contra and even Battletoads, sure, it's JUST memorization. It's also a testament to your reflexes and perseverance.
>spend days memorizing one level layout
Speak for yourself, pleb.
I'm glad games have been getting easier. Now I can actually beat them WHILE enjoying them. They don't all need Ubisoft Towers or Skyrim waypoints though. Extremes are bad. The difficulty just needs to be finetuned. Games like Halo and D44M and Sonic 3 and Mario 64 were just hard enough to be challenging but just easy enough to be fun. Not every game needs to be I wanna be the guy Gaiden, nor do they need to be entirely on rails handholding. There needs to be a balance. You're on the extreme end which is why I'm glad your kind of players aren't in the majority otherwise only 3 or 4 of you would be able to beat games. I just need to convince the ultra casuals to have more fun on higher difficulties. I'm sure the balance is somewhere inbetween you too.
Metallic Madness is great.
Aquatic ruin was great
Now Metropolis zone act 3 on the other hand...
Delete Chemical Zone, Casino Night and Oil Ocean while you're at it.
delete yourself from life
Can't forget Hill Top and Mystic Cave.
You first. We can't let people with horrible taste such as yourself live.
Meh, act 1 is ok. Dont like the mini shrink section in cat 2
Why is sonic 3 + &knuckles so shit
So many zones are so fucking long and boring
>deleting the best level
nigga you fucked in the head like
Hill Top is my favourite level senpai
Because it's two fucking games back to back, idiot. And the two with the worst level design as well.
why do these remind me of pokemon?
>Talking shit about the Emerald Hill Zone music
The zone itself isn't good but the music is fucking great. Just listen to that bass.
It's a patch, that's all. You know when you apply hack patches to ROMs? It's literally the same deal, for locking on to both Sonic 2 or Sonic 3.
Sonic 1 and any other incompatible game is something different entirely. No patches going on there, it just detects an incompatible game and boots up the error screen and Blue Sphere.
He's asking how it works mechanically.
>I don't need no sidekick ridin' my shit
>Followin' everywhere I go ridin' my big, blue, dick
Because Scyther, Kingler, and Staryu look just like them.
>Crab and Starfish
>In a Machine themed level
I guess they were leftover from Oil Ocean?
muh nigga. its so underated.
why would you delete the comfiest stage?
What the fuck was even this thread?
>muh preferences
Who gives a shit. No one cares if you think (You) is correct about a children's fucking video game. All of Genesis Sonic is good, period. Failure to recognize this means you're a cunt bitch.
Again, if were going to say "levels that need to be removed" It's unanimous that;
>Oil Ocean
>Sandopolis (Act 2 really)
Needs to be deleted. Only bitches that fall for the "barrel" meme hate Carnival Night Zone (I fell for it, but I got past it and dealt with it)
Carnical Night is not fun. It's cramped confusing (You can double back on paths you've already been) the music is complete shit and Act 2 is so long I somehow Timed out halfway through the Robotnik boss.
The bass is the unsung hero of most sonic tracks. Even without the main instruments you can always tap along to the bass in sonic games.
Bottommost should be Sonic 3D Blast, the enlightened man's Genesis Sonic.
You just fucking suck at the game nigger.
I've played all of Sonic Classic and NO level has EVER been like Act 2 Sandopolis tier at most, only Oil Ocean as a whole comes that close and it's all thanks to the fucking Sea Horses. But other than that, nothing. All the levels are 0 bullshit, all do able, and majority of them are fun.
Seriously, how can ANYONE seriously complain about the classics when ALL of 3D Sonic has been far more bullshit in gameplay to deal with than Oil Ocean/Sandopolis Act 2/ and Metropolis Zone all having a gay orgy together. There's no reason to bitch about nothing.