Do you think sound in video games can make or break a game?

Do you think sound in video games can make or break a game?
This includes music, sound effects, and ambient noises.

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make? sure, break? not for me.

Music is bad in Breath of the Wild but its still a great game.

This is now a thicc thighs thread.

Is that Henry Rollins?

no it's not you dirty nigger

I think the strongest argument you can take out is from MMO's players, I rarely see any of then playing without the game music mute, even FFXIV players and that game has God tier ost.

make or break a games atmosphere sure but is nowhere near on par with ui,visuals,story.


you get tiered of the same looping music

It's hard to break it with sounds, but some manage to do that. See: Battleborn.
If tag-teamed with the correct kind of graphics, they can absolutely carry a game that's otherwise a turd.

I think OK games can be carried by their sound direction and music but a game that's already good will stay good even with a forgettable soundtrack.

It enhances but rarely detracts unless it's so bad or low quality it's offensive

Serious Sam 3 is boring as shit when compared to Serious Sam 1 just because of the music.

i only turn it up when i want to hear "BING BING WAHOOO"


So did they have sauce or not

Source is "bendacriss".

yes. there's been several 4/10 games that I would consider 7/10 if the music was better

The music from Dragon's Dogma just completes the experience for me.
If it fits the situation it can really pull the whole thing together

eve online used to be pretty boring in the sound department, to the point where most people just muted it
now there's tons of neat sound effects to hear

Sure can. Just imagine your favorite game and replace the sound track with crazy bus.

I work making music and sound effects for videogames and animation. It matters a lot for ambience/making a game memorable. It is usually done last in the process of making a game, and by that point a lot of the budget and time was spent on other things, so with indie studios it can get pretty half-assed.

Still, I make a living off it and repeat business is the name of the game, so it helps developers enough that they feel they got their money's worth to keep coming game after game.

yes pic related

and yes in video

It's important for atmosphere and will make a good game better, but it won't make a shit game not shit.

Yes, especially if it's a stealth game. I want to be able to hear guards' footsteps and how far/near they are, and I also want to figure out if my character's moving silently enough.

I'm so hard right now

The ambient sounds are great though. I'd rather hear slow piano tunes and the sound of nature while exploring instead of Hyrule field on constant loop. Shit would get annoying after the first 10 minutes.

hell no. I played games with no sound up through like the PS2 era because I lived in a house with other people. It can be a great addition, but in no way is it necessary or something that can affect my decision to play a game. That's just retarded. The only thing that determines that is the gameplay.

You take the music out of Nier Automata's credits and tell me that it's still as good without it as it is with it. Music and sound are very important.

>The only thing that determines that is the gameplay.
You're the right kind of person for playing Dwarf Fortress.

There's nothing as disappointing as firing a gun in a game that sounds like it's just shooting thumbtacks.

I enjoy other aspects of a game, but when i'm looking at a game, I don't go on youtube and look up the OST, that's worse fucking autism than any dorffort player.

Xenoblade chronicles x has fantastic field music that I never got tired of so I don't buy that

Don't meme me with LA night either cause I said field music.

Seagal posting died too soon

Nier is renowned for its soundtrack though

As is Hotline Miami


>Let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. I was raised in Japan. I was schooled in martial arts. I was given the title of master. They take a movie “The Last Samurai.” They have a 5-foot-2-inch little guy, whether he was straight or gay, I don’t know. I don’t care. He had never been to Japan. He doesn’t speak Japanese. He has never held a sword. They make him the Last Samurai. We got 450,000 phone calls [laughs] from everybody in the world saying, “That role was perfect for you. How did that happen?” Most of the people I know didn’t like the film and didn’t go see it. It’s just a classic example of Hollywood and the politics.

I was trying to imply you could appreciate it for what it is, a fucking good game.

sound is crucial in fishing games... sounds of the water, sounds of the reel, sounds of wildlife etc

What the hell is wrong with Steven Segal and why is it so amazing to watch?

that girl is cute. CUTE!!!

Music/sound is 2nd to gameplay. A good soundtrack can elevate a mediocre game to a good one.

i feel like music is the 2nd most important thing in any game, like to keep you interested the game needs either amazing gameplay or an amazing story and sometimes rarely you get both but music is easily the most memorable part of so many games and does wonders to keep you playing or gets you playing it again some time later

I refused to play World of Final Fantasy after hearing that stupid fucking blue fox talk for the first time

People that disregard a game's music and overall soundscape being important in the least are legit retarded.

personally for me castlevanias soundtrack was always one of the biggest selling points to why its one of my favorites franchises

The sound my console/pc makes when running a game triggers my ocd/autism to know end. I sometimes wish I had 60 mile long cables to have my system in Madagascar so I can play in peace

>60 mile long cables to have my system in Madagascar
>60 mile long
I hope you're kidding.

Break it?
Make it?
Hell yes.


Watch for a couple of minutes. The sound design is comfy as hell.

sell your console and use the money to get a better case for your PC you fuckin idiot lol

>not audiogames

Yes though. I feel sorry for deaf people. BotW might have been a quasi-enjoyable experience if it just had a proper soundtrack. The empty silence of the general world along with absolutely terrible ear-cringe material like the "battle" songs for anything but ganons is truly offputting, but it matches the general lack of quality of everything else about the game so whatever - it's better they didn't blow their load on a soundtrack for such a piece of shit.

To play what games, you dip


castlevania's OST literally enhances the games


...ear cringe?

This is bait right.

These. I wish more [modern] western games had amazing soundtracks aside from a very very select few.

>Music is bad in Breath of the Wild

>character>/universe/? !!!!!! ?? . ? LmAo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dude, the music is great in botw.
i was actually just talking with a mate the other day about how he's still playing the witcher 3 but is so sick of hearing that big bombastic battle theme kick in every time he passes a pointless enemy.

zelda by contrast has a really subtle "non-eventful" battle theme for small enemies.. which might seem uninteresting, but it doesn't grate on you when you're just riding past a pack of bokoblins and it kicks in.

then they've got other battle themes for more serious enemies that your actually going to be stopping and fighting. it's very cleverly done.


Fuck off back to youtube.

Man i used to give zero shits about sound, got a good headphone then I realised what i been missing.
Installed a good sound system in the living room and its like night and day.

Video-games are Gameplay,graphics and sound. So yeah if one of those is fucked it's possible to ruin the game for me, depending on the severity.
Only deaf people should have a different opinion on this board.

That's just dumb, mmo's you play for years on end, of course you can't hear the soundtrack anymore at some point. Or the soundtrack is shit to begin with in a game.

Sound is not just the OST, it's everything sound kids.
