Out of boredom I fired up steam link and suddenly dragon's dogma and axiom verge are running flawlessly and without noticeable input delay. I didn't need tweak any settings. Wow it's finally
viable for me.
Holy shit! Did the update make steam link suddenly not a piece of shit?!
t. gabe
Why did you even buy one
are you a normie or something
not him, but I bought one when it was $20. the cost of an hdmi that runs from my room to the living room cost roughly the same price, so it was worth it.
Because playing on my couch is way more comfortable than sitting in an office chair with a computer screen in front of me
It's worthless hardware over wireless but magnificent when wired. It's also the best Bluetooth receiver available. I bought it just so I could connect 4 Wii U pro controllers simultaneously as no other adapter could do that.
Wired is so much more limiting. I can throw the tiny steam link in any tv in the house and I'm g2g
When link is attached to the router or when laptop is attached to the router?
>get 25 foot HDMI cable
>get 20 foot active repeater USB cable with hub
>run from office to living room
Why would anyone get a Steam Link instead of just doing this, which will give you flawless video quality?
>b-b-but muh wires
Valve says right on the product page for the Link that you should use a wired connection, so you'll be running an ethernet cable anyway.
I think the mayflash device can do this only in DirectInput mode
but then maybe you can use Steam Big Picture to remap those to XInput?
Both. Wired on both ends is the only way the Steam Link is worthwhile
I use mine on 5Ghz wifi and it's fine, 2.4ghz was is unplayable though.
try playing any fighting game with it, the delay is still awful. and i'm on ethernet, not wifi.
>Everyone's PC is within 20 feet of their TV
Not everyone lives in a studio apartment, user.
I don't have a steam linked, so i don't know the input lag
but i'd imagine you shouldn't play anything online with it. only play casual local fun games
>not having your PC in your living room
if you dont live in a poverty shack you should already have ethernet cables in your walls to all rooms
that's why I bought it. gives my living room TV a pseudo console, for only $20.
Why would I have it in my living room? A PC is meant to be attached to a monitor and used at a desk with a mouse and keyboard.
>Shilling irrelevant crap for Valve
You do know that people who live in apartments can't run cables in the walls, right?
Or anyone who owns a house that's more than ten years old.
ha, yeah.
niggas ran the crackers out of the country, but forgot that they have ZERO experience in farming and maintaining the machinery.
now they have no machines (all broken and nobody to handle them), no working agriculture and the farmlands are dead.
Yeah I have the mayflash. D-Input is dead now, and the link just makes things easier. I don't even use it on the TV. I literally just power it on to use any Controller I want on my desktop.
Link to the router and your PC to the router.
>not having a corner desk in your living room
If you own your house you could run Ethernet in the walls if you wanted to. I ran two cat 6 cables up through the ceiling in my basement, through the wall up to my office where my PC is. The router is downstairs with all my consoles, but I wanted a wired connection for my PC. Ended up buying a Steam Link after doing that and now it's all set up wired and works great.
>Cramming all your stuff into one room for no reason
You're honestly probably arguing with a 16 year old
Your'e a degenerate
Why would you be playing a fighting game on a tv to begin with you goddamned casual
>26 and still have to do this
Fucking sucks. If I ever get a house my bedroom will have absolutely no electronics in it. That shit is cancerous to sleep.
Input lag is about 130ms overall with all the default settings and wired assuming you don't have a cpu/gpu and network bottleneck. I think you can get it down to 80ish with some tweaking.
It sucks for anything requiring a lot of micro adjustement but for everything else it's more than fine.
Oddly enough the only game I've encountered any noticeable input lag with was Fallout 4. It was mostly relegated to turning, but it did crop up enough to make aiming difficult at times. The PC running it is an i7 4790k running at 4.4ghz, with 32GB of RAM and a 980, and the game is on a SSD. Network is gigabit all around.
I'll run a cable from the third floor of my house to the first or I can buy a wireless device for 25 bucks and not sweat it. It's not a tough call.
He probably uses a 2x4 to awkwardly struggle with a k+m on the couch and unironically doesn't understand how autistic that looks
Link is to my router and laptop is off wireless using a crappy Verizon router but after the patch shit runs gravy