What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Glorified booth babe who use nerd culture in the 2000s to build her wealth
>lol I'm so nerdy
>gets mad when guys wearing gaming t-shirts walk by her
Massive cunt that was last relevant in Dragon Age 2 Redemption. Used World of Warcrafts peak to get popular now is irrelevant
I used to like Felicia Day binged watched the Guild in Middle School almost a decade ago. Now she's doing anything for attention
Wil Wheaton
You guys need to remember that natural selection is always at work: no matter how annoying a female celebrity is, once she gets old and ugly she will sunk into irrelevance and obscurity.
She's essentially a redheaded Olivia Munn
Legitimately spooked me
what shade of blue do you think wil wheaton's balls are??
>Massive cunt
what did she do that made you mad?
I'm just going to hide this thread before I have a stroke...
I remember Angry Joe sperged out when first meeting her. I watched her Dragon Age series and played her DLC.
It still baffles me that she somehow managed to sleep her way up to being a F list celebrity. Was it just that fucking atrocious Guild show that did it? I will give her credit for tapping into the "lol im such a nerd xD" crowd before Bazinga Theory got there though.
not him but she's a feminist and supports rapefugees into yurop so there's that
Her parents gave birth.
Christ, why does this shit even exist?
>supports rapefugees
I also support rapefugees, cucks must be cucked.
What the fuck she supposed to be, alt-right maga?
Goldstein please.
Literally nothing, she's cute as fuck, i want to suck her nose.
She also supports lgbts and always plays a lesbian character, hate the cunt desu
Wow is this rare part of the internet where incels and neets talk about GAMGERGATE BOOGEYMEN who ruin their lives
never saw thiiiis before
I find Wil Wheaton far more annoying. Felicia Day isn't really that bad. She's just an actor who also happens to play games, like Nathan Fillion or Terry Crews
How did Felicia Day get famous?
She is overall just not a very nice person. She started out humble and very nice but quickly grew into a bitch once her career advanced. She's kinda cute in a downs syndrome kinda way I guess.
She didn't.
Her mom shouldn't have fucked Joe Camel.
Whatever you say shill
ugly old jew
Beta Males turned her into a D celebrity with the Guild
Hold on why the fuck do they have a black baby?
Lo que pasó es que ella es un coño de jengibre que es una perra sin alma y bioware es literalmente basura hoy
I love the rare chances I get to use pic related.
Bull decided to mark his territory for good.
please no
Nerds in and around video games line up to worship any moderately attractive cunt that gets into video games and are willing to bend over backwards to give her what she wants despite having little to no describable talent. Also she's ugly, really, really ugly. Looks haggard as fuck but she's just a testament to the desperation of the nerd.
Felicia is better than Wil, but not by much.
She went on the whole "I'm terrified of gamers!" rant a few years ago and I think thats when she wore out her welcome.
>Dan, we need to talk.
Top quality post!
>Look at me everyone im an attention whore
>stop looking at me god!
I always hate this shit.
She's wasn't even hot enough to be a full-time booth babe like Jessica Nigiri. She got popular because of Youtube's "algorithms."
My brain says adoption but my memes say cuck.
she even makes my ugly ass feel pretty
>tfw everyone makes me look pretty
...so she's a butterface?
Anti-smoking legislation limited Joe Camel's commercial appearances so he hand to do "The Guild".
She fucked up some Supernatural episodes
Isn't that a pornstar?
I swear I've jerked off to someone who looks exactly like this.
Well for starters, even men are more attractive women than she is.
Felicia Day is basically female Wil Weaton. Self-appointed "community ambassadors" who think it's their job to police our hobbies because normies recognize them and they think we're cringey.
I never asked for mainstream attention so I don't give a fuck what normies think of my hobbies when the Wil Weatons, Felicia Days and Patton Oswalts of the world shine a spotlight on us. I want to be left alone to pursue my autistic ventures in peace without someone staring over my shoulder.
Come on, Wheaton's balls aren't blue.
He gets to cum while he's prepping the bull.
What relevancy does this have?
t-shirts with anything on them is fucking cringy unless it looks good
Go back to facebook you fucking cornball
she also killed Eureka
thankfully she and Patton Oswalt are the villains so they won't actually be commenting on the movies
Half of the shit in supernatural ruins supernatural at this point
Well said bro.
>You HAVE to start asking questions, Dave.
This x One million.
I don't care about gg spergs mad because someone disagrees with their opinion, and doesn't enjoy being harassed. I don't give a shit about the edgy "lel 2/10 would not bang" reddit memers.
What I will admit is that she, and moreso Wil Weaton, crowned themselves the king and queen of geekdom without the consent of most of us. I've never seen her in anything other than cameos in vidya and board games, and it's kind of irritating. They're both the celebrity version of that guy who only plays mainstream garbage, but has to remind everyone that they're a nerd every chance they get.
It's like an insult upon an insult, fill a turd with even more shit.
>crowned themselves the king and queen of geekdom without the consent of most of us
I agree with you but that is how monarchy works, to be fair
How do you milk a camel?
by using its tits, duh
why couldn't they have just stuck with the "monster of the week" formula? shit was so comfy and even had some decent spooky moments.
adopting is literally the same thing as being cucked
How the fuck was a character model like that acceptable on a 7th generation video game? PS2 games have better looking models than that.
Nah, it's taking someone that would've grown up to be another ghetto thug bitch and raising it like a human being.
>she's in the mst3k reboot
She didn't need to, it began shitting the bed pretty early and pretty much died at 6. I could make better fanfiction than anything that actually happened in the show from that point. At least Ackles wants to quit as soon as the contract is fulfilled.
to answer that question we have to go back to how the fuck Dragon Age 2 was acceptable as a 7th generation video game
It still says something about the people behind the scenes, though. Patton Oswalt is cringey AF and geeks despise him, but someone thought he should be on the show. Just putting him in is almost like virtue signalling.
I canceled my Kickstarter pledge when Felicia Day was announced, but that was months before Patton Oswalt was announced. They waited until it was too late for refunds before they announced he would be on the show, and for good reason.
I'm more upset Patton fuckin' oswalt is also a part of it.
I mean I'm not going to pay for it but literally who fucking cares about the parts that aren't the movie
This entire season has been that again, aside from a 3 episode long arc.
it sucks because their mom is alive again and she's ruining the fucking show
>that reply
Exactly. So why did they wast their backers' money on hiring hacks like Felicia Day and Oswalt who a large portion of them probably can't stand, to fill roles that no-one cares about because they just want to watch the movies?
Patton Oswalt being on Agents of Shield almost made me stop watching.
But then I realized his character(s) are just autism cases and no one in-universe likes them at all so it's pretty much fine.
holy shit that savage
jesus christ. so do people only watch it for ackles or what? sounds fucking terrible
Do people actually find Felicia Day attractive?
I don't mean in the sense of "lol she has a mole on her cheek 4/10 bro xD," I mean she looks genuinely fucking ugly. Gigantic man-jaw, uneven lips, and the complexion of a fucking squid. I'm sure she looks great below the neck, everyone in Hollywood has to, but good lord.
>Their mom is alive again
Do I even want to know?
Agents of Shield made me stop watching Agents of Shield.
Seriously that show has like 3X the budget per episode as Daredevil but it's trash.
Fukken destroyed
The mom was fine at first, but now she's basically having emotional breakdowns every episode. It's retarded.
God's sister brought her back to life as a 'thank you' to Dean, who helped her reconcile with God.
>TV-serialized comic book shows
How do they consistently manage to be horrible? The Green Arrow show is fucking awful, Agents of SHIELD is fucking awful, The Flash was fucking ATROCIOUS. Do people actually watch these for the content, or is it just background noise?
Flash was great for the first season but boy did things take a turn