Oh look: another female character with man face.
Oh look: another female character with man face
Who cares
Should be /thread but it won't be. Thanks, alt-right faggots who never stop crying.
Back to Kotaku, commie.
>waaaah women exist why can't they be like my perfect anime waifu waaaaah
By the fact that she is a woman, it can't be a "man " face. Only men can have man faces.
Well... yeah? Why can't they be?
l myself am perfect so why can't they be?
Why is nuND so shit at character design? They fucking ruined everyone for U4.
>character doesn't have perfect skin
>weaboo incels complain on the internet
what else is new
your weeb virgin is showing.
>Western developers don't want to design women that actually look like women because "muh realism!"
what else is new
Talk all the shit you want, but Naughty Dog's facial modelling and animations are pretty fucking impressive. Elena's retconned face is also 2qt4me.
Going out on a limb here -- you're a kissless virgin who has never been in the same room with a naked woman. You will piss and moan about SJWs and "man-faced women" until the day you finally work up the balls to hang yourself. Thank god you'll never reproduce.
>Chloe's ass is never coming back.
Yeah because a real woman's eyes cover half of her face.
Wait a minute.
Is that...Chloe?
What a hell they did to her?
>Average woman in real life
>Still looks feminine
No excuses, cucks!
l'm actually a father of two with my high school sweetheart but ...thanks for trying?
i cri evrytiem
Huh, I remember her eyes being green...
She's Chloe's phantom.
Medic Chloe.
so cute. fuck leftist cucks. women can be pretty and cute women do exist. especially girl(male)
The sad thing is as shit as it is that they got rid of Chloe's ass I know why they did it. (Because Sexualizing is problematic, blah blah,) But Elena had no ass before. Why make it even smaller?
ok, now its blatantly obvious that youre trolling, so kill yourself
because real women don't look like your hip hop videos you misogynerd
>Can't win the argument, so let's call them trolls
Works every time
Real women have curves, Polygon.
The OP obviously means her face is beyond masculine, smartass - which it is, hardly looks like a woman.
holy shit, thats depressing
>why isn't she smiling? I'm confused.