itt: things Sup Forums can't do
Itt: things Sup Forums can't do
Haha, the daily >>>/fgg/ shit threads. I almost forgot about these. Please fuck off back to your containment board.
smashcuck can't dp?
I can.
Hahaha funny how you were a triggered smash babby and just exposed yourself
Called it
I really couldn't when I was like 11 and playing Street Fighter Collection on the Saturn.
I even asked someone playing X-Men vs. Street Fighter in the arcades to explain it to me.
>wonderful 101 uses street fighter stick moves to draw attacks
I can do that 100% consistently
The sad thing is that even /fgg/ is generally pretty terrible at fighting games. Everyone there is talking about waifu shit or how impossible it is to get out of silver league.
Half A press
why do people get hung up on moves that they cant do instead of going to plan b and basing their strategy around the moves that they can
its uncanny. people run into something that they cant do and just instantly quit
Let's see. There's one game where you can do this with just pressing a button, and one where you have to do pic related. How fedora do you have to be to pic the second?
>silver league
>playing sfv
You do know that Ryu is in smash 4 right?
Sup Forums can't get a job and start a family
I can't EWGF from the right side. Am I a scrub?
Make a decent thread that has on-topic discussion
Someone give this champ a medal.
I have a younger brother with severe autism who could pull of every character but Vega's special moves in Arcade Edition. He wasn't even 10 years old and I was sure he was button mashing until I asked him to keep doing them over and over.
This isn't a case of savant syndrome, either.
Anyone who picks up SF and plays for more than an hour should be able to pull off a fucking shoryuken.
God, I miss him. I haven't seen him in 4 years.
>God, I miss him. I haven't seen him in 4 years.
what happened? did he died ;_;
>Oh cool I wonder what his finisher attack is
>triple full circle grab
I was disowned and didn't get any word why.
I'd have to find them but SFIV or SFV seemed to have some retarded inputs for specials and I play anime games.
crazy religious family?
That's strange considering Vega's inputs weren't unique to any of the other charge characters.
could he do 1f links
you perform that on mid air, usually after connecting a low punch or kick in the air, so the hit gives you the time window, without making the opponent moving away from your reach.
I might be thinking of his Ultra and Super.
He also couldn't use Guile despite being able to execute most of balrog's moves.
Nah, my mom's just a petty cunt
you were caught fucking your dog in a fursuit, user.
The Guile and Vega inputs which have this seem incredibly stupid unless there's some input shortcut.
I could do it easily - on a keyboard. I'm still not good on a stick, end up with a gcf or jump most of the time, but that's what I get for switching control schemes then only actually playing the genre in short spurts once in a blue moon.
I can, but I've been playing games like Street Fighter since I was little.
To this day I have no idea what this motion is supposed to be. It just doesn't make sense. How do you perform that on a Playstation controller? I've never seen anything in any video game that's been such an unhelpful indicator as to how I'm supposed to perform that movement.
Fighting games are like mythical beasts to me, I'll just stick to bullet hells, at least those are easier to understand.
The full motion is forward, quarter circle down, quarter circle forward but most modern games let you shortcut it to forward-down-forward.
>hold down back right for two full seconds
>rock stick back to forward down
>rock stick back to down back
>push stick to jumping forward position
>press button
Its not that hard, but yeah this is harder to interpret imo.
It really was needlessly complicated though.
I'm glad capcom did away with those types of inputs for SFV.
No, the input is literally a Z motion on a joystick: forward, down then down-forward. The inputs you're saying are both shortcuts.
I push forward and then do a fireball motion and that tends to work most of the time.
what did they replace them with
Get a gf.
It's actually much simpler than it looks
Yeah but I liked the motion it felt satisfying to do.
I hope the bring back alternate critical arts in 5 but probably not because they are fucking lazy and its a shitty to mediocre game.
Fucking forgot pic
the issue is, people probably think you have to go from 6 to 2 and push stick forward, nuetral, than push stick down and not make an input on three at all until it says so when in reality you just do 6 3 2 3 which would be the easiest to understand.
When I'm trying to teach someone to dp i usually get them to down a the qcf and then tell them to start by walking forward a few frames and the qcf from walking.
Where's that pasta
Does anyone here prefer the XBox 360 controller and Game cube controller over Joystick controllers? I tried using XBox and it felt so natural.
Sup Forums is so casual I bet they can't even do Ivy's command throw lol
looks like one of litchi's overdrives
That looks unnecessarily stupid.
I have no idea how you got smash from Sup Forums, Ryu is in Smash can do his signature attacks with the same inputs.
hadouken motion twice + punch
Is this essentially just a spd input I never played soul calibur much
It's not even that hard.
It's not an SPD input but you can get one by mashing a 360 and ending on down-back, though that's not the intended way of doing it.
I can do it, I just don't like fighting games.
didn't smash babbies whine that it was too hard when he got put in smash?
This type of representation always made more sense to me.
>can't do a dragon punch motion
How much of a braindead idiot do you need to be to not be able to do this in SFIV and V of all games. If you can do a fireball you can do a SRK, use this handy dandy SRK for Dummies technique.
Hit forward
Then do a fireball motion
SRK every single time.
>then do a fireball
takes too long and won't work in games like sf2 with strict inputs, especially not on faster game speeds, better to just snap a "z" shape instead of relying on crutches
Easier for babies.
yeah that shit won't work in sf2 or kof
better learn the real way to do it
I could dp on an ls32 with a circle gate lol, it isn't hard
>icon shows a Z-motion
>its actually forward into quarter circle
It's actually simple, the icon just makes it look more confusing than it really is.
>It's a "1080 command grab but the hitbox is a pixel in front of her" Episode
oh wait, I forgot the best one
>A grappler who can only grab with flash kicks and her super is Guiles U1
what the fuck
Street Fighter has a regular punch bound to that button. Does your first game have a regular punch? If so, which button is it?
>Play sf4
>First fighting game since tekken god knows how long ago
>T.Hawk looks cool
I got it down after a while and could relaibly do his grabs 4/5 of the time but god damn the amount of times I accidentally did a jumping heavy
try that in super turbo or kof 98, you'll just do a qcf
I always do a Z, your crutch shit capcom programmed in WILL NOT work on older games
>>A grappler who can only grab with flash kicks and her super is Guiles U1
What game?
What the fuck is that? Use real words for fuck sake.
How about this
It's more like a 270 and not a 360 like that picture shoes, for what it's worth.
>It's more like a 270 and not a 360
Only in sf4 and sf5. In sf3 you can do 315 if I'm not mistaken.
Right side is the easier side for ewgf.