Dragon Commander

Let's talk about this game, Sup Forums?

Why don't other strategy games include choices and interactions with your subjects like this game?

At best you'd have some choices that cause numerical changes in gameplay only, but no interaction with characters to see their reactions, that shit can be really funny. Any other games that do this?

Also, Lohannah best princess, scalies, skellies and shorties need not apply.

King of Dragon Pass does something similar, though it's a very different kind of game. I think it was ported for tablets so it's easy to check it out.

I really wish I could've liked that game. The combat itself was just dire, however. Never played past the second battle.

Couldn't be arsed with the quasi-RTS bullshit, tried cheating my way through the game, just so I could avoid the slog, kept crashing like crazy, so I just quit.

I never played a non-autoresolve battle. Always autoresolve and keep it on casual-difficulty. The game's worth lies in the political stuff.
Strategising on the map is simplistic, but ok, just avoid the battles in real time.

This is one of those rare times when a game would have been better off without the gameplay. Really enjoyed the decisions and the waifus but the RTS part made me want to jump off a cliff.


I really wish the combat wasn't absolute garbage, but Larian fucked Dragon Commander to get shekels for Divinity Original Sin and I will never forgive them.

Just play on easy and burninate things. The strategy/dragon portions are just plain ass. It was trying to be like Sacrifice but that just doesn't work when you're a giant floating target.

The waifu portions are great.

shameless second bump

It's over, user. Let it go.

Is the game worth getting?

What if I post material that proves there was an abandoned third route for the elf princess that involved turning her into a bimbo?

Yes, but as stated in the thread, you'll play it on casual and auto-resolve battles. You won't do the rts part of it, only the map strategy and you'll focus on enjoying the political and character choices that are extremely fun.

If you can get it on sale,sure. Larian's writing is the best part of this game though. But for what it is, it's great.

You can side with religious fundamentalist undead on every issue and be blessed by the gods while every other faction grows to hate you.

Carry on.


And next, I'll post the original artwork for Cathrine that had her as a dominatrix.

Please post all and maybe point me to source or more info online please?

Not at it's regular price, no. But it's frequently at 80% off.

I'd love to know more about the development and art of this game

The info/source is in bonus content of the game you get through installing it if you get latest version. Inside, you have many docs. For example, for Lohannah, you have similar artwork for her first appearance as well as the two artworks for her two different ending-appearances. And you also get the one I posted. And the three endings are just named 01,02,03 npc princess elf as in my file. It's not insane to assume that this one was a bimbo ending that got cut.

after all, some lines even in her current endings can imply that anyway

There are tons of other stuff like early design for other characters, the imp princess, other generals and so on.

This is a game where the side stuff is better than the actual game play.

>tfw you want to feed that cunt to the demon but that makes him stronger on the other part

hmmm I bought this early on. Maybe I dont have this stuff. Anyway you can mega it for me?

>male pig, I should be busting your balls with my boot for passing that legislation, but alas, a queen am I no longer

Whats the easiest way to breeze through and just get side stuff?

Muh dick.

Does anyone still have that infograph picture that diagrammed out the routes for the girls, etc that was posted around here a lot when the game first came out?

This fucking bimbo look has me hard. Annoying its not in the game

Set difficulty on casual. Auto resolve battles.

Side note:
For some people there's a glitch and sometimes the strategy map waits forever for other commanders.

If that happens a simple google-fu provides a ridiculously easy solution for this. Somehow changing the difficulty after loading your saved game prevents this from happening -until the next time you reload.

Yes yes and for all the generals too.

user, for shame. Imagine if there was a quest-arc that had her meeting with a dwarven councilor to get funds for your empire. You wouldn't tell her to get a slutty dress for the meeting, would you?

Orc general that was cut.

I would, I would love to bimbo whore corrupt her

Yes, please someone post those infographs please!

Well, there's a slight chance you already do in current game too, but it's much subtler.

Any good mods for this game?

All of them? With the waiting time between posts? user, you tyrant.

I'd love an artbook for this game. Ill check on the extra materials and maybe print and bind one myself.

Please and thanks Dragon user


Is this the game with the Dwarf bimbo?

The thread was dying when I tried to discuss the game, but when I promised Lohannah as a bimbo, suddenly you all want more.


Why, yes.

Might post more stuff about generals, cut stuff and other character versions if the thread remains lively.

I was consistently monitoring. I played it when we used to have good threads when it came out. Never did all girl routes. Would like to redo all. The bimbo stuff just got people into it. Besides this game is only for waifus anyway

Please do, thanks dragon user

It's just too bad there's practically no chance that Larian would revisit this series now that Divinity has hit big.

I I remember this being very popular on here for the waifus, especially the undead girl

Imp princess that was cut.

I still hope they do and even if they don't, I hope someone else tries a similar style political fantasy game some time.

>this series

It's still Divinity, user. I doubt it considering they admitted they throw Dragon Commander the bus to fund Original Sin further.

Someone already mentioned King of Dragon Pass but hat has no waifus. Personally I'm still holding out for the day when CK2 and KoDP merge then just add waifus into that mix.

Dragon Commander is about as Divinity as Persona is an SMT.

Let's try bitch-queen next.

wow Yorick looked even better

this game seems to be made solely for waifus that imp princess should be in - fuck

Dragon user, you are so awesome thanks

Bigot recluse or elf-loving man of the world?

keep it going draganon

I feel the gameplay wasn't fundamentally bad, just very unpolished and lacking in content and better controls. I mean that jetpack boost felt great, but shooting and dodging felt clunky and the RTS/TPS transition sucked.
But there was a lot of potential in there and lots of space for improvement. I wish they made a sequel.

Aida is the best. Dwarftits are best. Please post high quality images, webms, and gifs of her. Thank you.

Eh, will post the last general too, then will see if there's any worthy art.

Nothing tops lollipop lohannah though.

yeah where are all the pics and webms?


all that cut content kek. looks like the undead is the only finished arc

Might be gone for an hour, in the meantime, keep crying over cut orc generaless.

This is actually funny, out of the 3 possible maxos version they noted the two (including the one that got made) as "yep" while the third, "nope".

Knife Ears please go. Even dwarf princess was better than your green bimbo.

I wonder why, who doesn't like buff grampas?

>thunder-clubs, lightning-swords or blood-rifles
Holy shit, the weapons in this world...

I liked the RTS part

>nobody posts best grill


Best girl is undead. Elf princess as bimbo would have been best