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ok, that one is pretty good
QPUposting was the best thing that came out of 2016
Imagine being the Henry guy abd seeing all thuis shit, there's no way anyone could've seen this shit coming.
is this the BAIN?! of Sup Forums?
you know I still actually see TJ "Henry" Yoshi pretty often on one youtuber's videos
8/10 Made me laugh
I don't get it
sauce on the gif sans mario?
I don't get it.
Is this a big order reference?
Every science fiction movie and tv show, ever
is this a jojo reference?
is this an autistic fanbase reference
Play RE5
Windows XP screensaver
I want to fuck Erin
how would she know if it's hot or cold?
memes aside, henry is right
Releasing the button is not part of the press. You press it down, that's the press, 1 press. The button comes up alone once you release it. It's like punching someone in the face and saying it's only half a punch until you pull your fist back.
Is this a Triple Q reference?
Most likely meme accounts, not hard to change your username
He's right
Just realized this is loss.
What a terrible fetish. That being said, it isn't the worst.
Kill yourself "Henry".
>guy isn't going backwards
it's shit
>Someone wrote this
The fact that you got this dumb post somewhere is the reason why you will never get laid.
post like these should be fucking ilegal
you are literally a waste of a post
It'd still burn her she just wouldn't feel the temperature.
I wont, explain here.
It's a thing from the game
WiiMote is the true professional way of playing Smash
>Hanging out with friends
>Out of controllers
>Have to use sideways wiimote
>sideways remote
now that's gay
>not using the bongos to play regular GC games
I beat paper mario ttyd with the bongos thank you very much.
Is this your comic. It's good work.
He'll be dead but still right.
I don't like when they mix my feminization fetish with infantilization or cuckoldry, it feels weird.
What in the ever loving fuck to you accomplish with that reply? Fuck you
>tournament is drowned out by BUDDABATTABADDABUTBUTBUTBAT
>the other players merely adopted the rhythm
>bongoman was born in it
Does she have a dick
Oh shit, I gotta try this next time I play Smash
No, but it does feature some light urinal sounding(tongue) as well as smothering. I'd steer clear if I was you.
chiba toshirou
Give me the smothering source, user
It's a pretty old comic
I still need to try this, I got a pair of bongos recently with Jungle Beat.
Fuck you, Gone With The Blast Wave is probably the best comic there ever was.
>That quality shift.
Holy shit is the new chapter out?
That only took, like, forever.
there's only 2 pages so far
I haven't read Gone with the Blastwave in like four years, I need to get caught up.
Would you say that you have to Get caught up with the blast wave?
>mfw I did that edit
If I knew it was going to be so popular I'd have done it better
This page came out just a few hours ago
The Sadpanda gallery got updated too exhentai.org
that's what your mom would say
if you were ever popular that is
I like heh threads better than LOL threads
That was terrible.
I think we all know what you like friend ;)
I wouldn't harm a hair on her head, also fuck you officer
Fucking gross. I don't get it. You have a perfectly fine pussy which scent is specifically made to incite lust in men.
>footfag shit
ummmm.... this is epicsauce :D
>new TGT
>it's a Demaro chapter