Games with good stories thread

Games with good stories thread

Bonus points if it made you cry (pic related)

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Is that FE4 fanart?


It's pretty good. Based off this moment?

You bet, I actually tear up at that scene. The music gets me


It's okay user. It hit me pretty hard too. To answer your question tho. This moment from FFXV made me cry.

Hmmm... Is 15 worth playing? I've heard bad things


I personally loved it. It's a lot, different from the other games. Instead of cutscenes where the characters get character development, it's in gameplay, when you're either driving, or walking on foot, or in dungeons.

>Tfw no FF x FE crossover with Noctis and Marth teaming up since both are considered the Prince of Light

Always though kingdom hearts would have been 10x better if it were fexff instead of ffxdisney, never really played it though.

I guess I'll give 15 a spin, haven't played any since 8

>Always though kingdom hearts would have been 10x better if it were fexff instead of ffxdisney

Do you mean having Sora, Riku, and all the other OC, Donut Steels, or, just FF and FE characters?

Originsls are fine, I just always thought the disney characters took away from the gravity of the situation, altho i've never played it all the way through

So what's the gist of fucking FE4?

What do you mean user? Like, why do people like it?

No summary of it but no spoils

Hard to say too much because there's a twist in the middle, but basically you're the son if the leader of a province of a nation who has to repel an invading army, while your father and the army is away

That's just the first chapter though, the game develops and takes some turns you would never expect, and there's a lot of political introgue.

It's definitely flawed, gameplay's clunky, and the story's a bit of a slow start but the soundtrack is great, and once things get going, it has some of the best moments in video games, imo.

Basically this. I may get some flack for this, but I legitimately believe FE4 is up there with classics like Chrono Trigger, FFIV and VI, Secret of Mana, and more. Easily a SNES classic.

Absolutely, and imo it surpasses them. I think it would be much more highly regarded had it been released in America.

I don't know about surpassing FFVI, but, Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, definitely.

Soundtrack-wise VI is goat no wuestion, but I'd give fe4 the edge story and gameplay-wise.

But it's debatable.

For me I think I prefer FFVI because of it's sort of happy ending. FE4's ending is kinda bittersweet. And, I understand why, it's a war story. But, it doesn't really make you feel happy once it's over.

That's precisely why I prefer it, the secret ending when it pans up to Darna and that music plays.

Man is that music perfect, you really feel the sadness of the loss of all those who died to achieve that peace.

It's matter if preference I guess, FF6 is great too.

I've always wondered what Kaga thought of FFVI. There's a really great interview for both FF and FE fans of him and Sakaguchi talking together. He said in the interview he hadn't played it at the time, but did own it. I really wonder what he thought of it.

Tales of the Abyss. Fight me.

God I love Kaga, I'll bet he'd be a fan.

One of my favorite stories in video games with one of my favorite protagonists, to be honest.

People give Luke a lot of shit but I loved him the whole way through. Even when he was a brat he was unique and fun to watch, and in the latter parts of the game it was heartwarming to see him come so far.