Even leddit blew up after that statement
fucking love it
i hope that will push ubishit to fix at least some issue of this game, because it has potential
Even leddit blew up after that statement
Game is ded in terms of players, the Steel Comment was just icing on the cake.
should have listened to my friends that played the division and stay away from ubishit games
Siege is good, but that's literally it.
I jumped off the for honor wagon a while before it released. I'm glad I didn't buy it. I do want it to be cracked so I can at least play the singleplayer or something. Multiplayer isn't even worth it
>premium currency
Death to any game.
Yea the open beta actually saved me money this time around. I was over the frustrating combat based around gang rapes in about 2 days.
I saw gameplay videos and was intrigued for a couple minutes then realized it could easily get repetitive
Once p2w came around I steered clear and glad I did since a lot of people I know bought it on release and dropped it after like 3 days
serves you right you fucking shitters make con men rich.
I wish this game had focused more on SP. It could have been dark souls levels of good
I got max gear on 2 characters without buying any extra steel.
The game is honestly solid, but there's just not enough to do and ubisoft needs to balance classes.
>buying ubisoftgames
>all those fucking shills on Sup Forums during the free betas shilling for the game saying how it was the deepest and greatest game ever and how it wasn't going to be horribly balanced or extremely repetitive
Fucking L O L
>play duel or brawl
>literallly never seal with connection problems or gear stats
That being said, the game is extremely unbalanced and they said they were going to do some balance changes like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Also
>designing a 60 dollar game to be like a f2p moba
At least league will take only 60 or so games to get a new champ, less for older ones and slightly more for the newest ones
>playing gearscore modes
>spending GBP on virtual currency when there's chicken tendies on the market
Why did R6Siege succeed whilst this died pretty fast?
Can anyone explain why they expected Ubisoft game to be good? Because they were competent 10+ years ago? Because gamespot hyped it or whoever?
>pay 2 win
>need 2 years to unlock all cosmetics for 12 characters or pay money
>most of the cosmetics looks like shit anyways
Like i dont really understand how retarded people are nowadays but whatever.
They actually fixed the games issues instead of saying it was by design
because no p2p and support of the community, real community that sticks around and not over hyping normalfags and paid off jewtubers.
Siege appeals to the shooter audience.
The moment peoples realized For Honor actually requires you to pay attention they moved on.
R6S was dead when released and catched up after a while.
this will hopefully too
normalfags are retarded they still get scammed by indians and most of them dont even use adblock.
There's honestly a fantastic game at for honor's core, it's just ruined by ubisoft's retarded jewery.
It's honestly why Ubisoft is one of my most hated devs. They always manage to take an awesome concept and ruin it with intrusive market researched bullshit.
I remember that it was big deal, when League of Legends required a ton of grind to unlock everything. It was a f2p game.
Now full priced AAA have the same system
>"We never had an intention for you to unlock everything in the game"
Oh I'm laffin.
Not defending the shills but the game was fucking fun in beta. Too bad they fucked it up and now it's just an unbalanced mess with connection errors.
because normalfag retards always use the argument
>you can grind it
>those are just the cosmetics
>just pour 900000 hours into it
>you're just a hater
>waaah mods ban him
jewbisoft will always prevail. honestly its like abusing autistic kids.
>good boy points
Siege was a great game by accident, so it developed a real tight knight community that stuck with it, Ubisoft saw that and decided that maybe they should do something before it completely died out, and so they did, listened to the community, and fixed a shit ton of stuff that they requested, rebounding the game back from its limbo state.
The thing is they saw what they did wrong and fixed it, they didn't say that's how it worked and left it at that.
Amazing how only Rainbow Six Siege managed to be great despite being a Ubisoft game.
because normalfags have cod and bf, poor ones have tf2 and cs go. r6 sieged itself a nice niche spot with a dedicated community. wow its almost like a fucking miracle.
they went greedy, microtransactions should have been cosmetics only and not affect gameplay in any way,
also gear stats shouldn't be there in the first place because its pretty fucking boring to level a new character and get assraped for 3 days until you reach rep 3 with him and gear it up
The core game managed to be good enough that people kept it alive despite all of the Ubi-bullshit.
I'm playing it right now.
Would of been an excellent 20$ and a good $30 game. 60 just fuck me in the ase
but they are all cosmetic???!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!
>Gear stats
Forgive me for being clueless and not playing the game but what.
I thought it was a fighting/action-beat em up game and not an RPG
how do you think you saw all those 108 maxed geared people so soon?
people buy shitload of steel for real money to buy crates so they can max it out, shits expensive yo
>He doesn't know
>A $60 game is pay 2 win
This industry deserves to die.
>Gear Stats
Are you talking about the shit that you put on weapons that cost like 200 coins each? Which you can get all in a single day if you wanted.
because the uniforms are purely cosmetic you stupid fuck, they dont give defense or anything.
>gearstats matter in duels and 2v2
Dominion has stats and you can max these stats out by playing less than 10h.
I'm talking about buying crates you dense stupid fuck
>can max these stats in less than 10h
With a fresh character?
That's complete and utter bullshit.
It will take at least 3 days for most people to get to rep 3, and that's playing 6-8 hours a day.
and even then you need to get lucky with the right gear, and spend like 10k steel upgrading a set of 6
Siege is only good after it got saved by a steam sale and the developers thought "maybe we can do something" the way to get new operators is shit but it could of been way worse
dude , shut the fuck up. You don't get assraped in this game because the other team has put some shit on their weapons, you get assraped in this game because you are bad.
the only way to not get killed at this game is to get better.
>oh no ! the other team has a compensator on their weapon, that means they auto target my ass now
get good , you stupid fuck, Keep playing
Remember when you had to pay 15$ to reach Undead campaign in Warcraft 3? Or when you had to beat every scenario to unlock necromancers in Heroes of Might and Magic 3? Good times.
buying steel, for cosmetics, wew
>B-But it has effect in 4v4
Well if you enjoy the casual mode you can take the casual shortcut.
>playstation store logo
literally looks straight out from google play store
>you don't get assraped in this game because the other team has gear.
You're a fucking retard if you think this.
Revenge is utterly broken gives free kills most of the time, and you get revenge 5x faster with gear.
Case in point this webm
yes its totally fair that the other dude gets revenge in 1v1 and literally 2 shots you, even without revenge you do less than half the damage because you have shit gear, how can you even defend this?
Pretty sure these are the same guys that actually charge real money to unlock in game weapons in ass Creed
Ubisoft is shit desu
Holy fuck you are poor nigger kill yourself
>everyone just spam Light attack on the guy
its not his gear stats that killed them.
>because it has potential
>he defends ubishit
>got gollum
yep normalfag confirmed.
What's wrong with that?
No. It was gear stats that decided that battle.
revenge gave a free kill from the orochi and then let me almost 2 bars of damage with light attacks.
It's stupid and discourages trying new characters
You can't seriously say that this failed moba/"fighting game" hybrid with terrible variety of maps and gameplay modes ever had a real chance? Come on, at least add more depth to it if gonna make 4v4 game
>Moba/fighting game hybrid
There's one moba mode, the core gameplay mechanics are solid and honestly fun. The game did have potential whether you want to admit it or not.
The game has many flaws. But if you think it's P2W, you're the problem.
Mordhau will blow this game out of the god damn water.
>g-game is balanced guys its the other 4 dudes fault for trying to 4v1 and getting REKT
Go back your kikestarter Mordhaufag
>wez11 quick send him god of war pictures and dick pics ;^)
you probably didn't play the game
It has potential as a competitive fighting game
but it's completely buried by connection problems, fucked up balance and gamebreaking bugs.
>premium player vs f2p plebs.webm
The funny thing is people defend this because the opposing 4 weren't perfectly coordinated or didn't expect the ohko.
be nice to ubi soft or they will dox you and your family
this game is dying fast because its garbage.
>inb4 b-but its a good game at its core!
no. its a garbage game with a garbage business model dressed up nicely for normie scrubs
enjoy your dead game faggots ubisoft laughs at you retards
but gear stats didnt even have much to do with him winning that, the other team played that fucking HORRIBLY. the first kill is a drop attack which is an instakill no matter your gear, the second person had no health already, then they proceeded to spam light attacks to feed him revenge. Also that Warlord standing right beside the ledge trying to revive instead of just guard breaking and throwing him off. Revenge is a broken mechanic but that is a really bad example.
>game literally made to jew out underage idiots
>has potential
Fools are the only folk on the earth who can absolutely count on getting what they deserve
>MFW playing warband for two months straight
>Have more fun with thousand years old game than ubishills will ever have with their polished shit
post yfw a kikestarter slav indieshit will blow for honor out of the god damn water
Warband is not even the same genre as For Honor, you can't compare them. Just because it has swords doesn't mean it's even similar.
>you probably didn't play the game
played the open beta before release
>It has potential as a competitive fighting game
uhuh... and cows fly
>but it's completely buried by connection problems, fucked up balance and gamebreaking bugs.
yeah of course.. nothing to do with it being ubisoft game, and previous ubisoft games (siege, division) having these same problems.. yeah nope, nada
Just what is For Honor? It's obviously not medieval game according to you, but it's not fighting game either because it's too deep for blacks, and too simple to be e-sport moba for asians. What gives?
Ah , I see the problem, I wasnt talking about For Honor you blowhards, I was talking about Rainbow Six Siege.
People dont live online games when you have 99% of mindless bots and only four human players
>"We never had an intention for you to unlock everything in the game," Kieken. "For us that doesn't really make any sense. We applied RPG mechanics on top of a fighting game in a PvP environment. Let's say in World of Warcraft, you would never try to unlock everything for all the characters. Same thing in a MOBA."
>It's not pay2win because you can unlock everything by grinding aka playing the game normally for free! It's all cosmetic items anyway and the cash shop is only there if you don't have enough time to play. It's pay4convenience/pay2notgrind!! :^))))
So it's like £585 vs 2.5 years playtime, not including cost of game
Its a shame a post like this deserves more (You)'s
Pretty sure you can't buy levels. You can get the shitty double XP mode thing, but that's it. Credits only do so much, since there's only three variations on stats for each piece of gear. You can also only unlock higher-level gear by getting to higher levels as a certain hero, and gear levels are still bound to that hero individually. Sure, you can buy ass-loads of credits to upgrade that low-level gear, but it hardly offers major advantages. Besides, the next tier up from the standard item rarity is still better than the highest level of common gear.
I mean, sure, having better gear per level means that fighting a higher level player is more than just a test of skills, since he (likely) hits harder, but beyond the double XP, you literally cannot pay to win in any significant or notable way.
Most people in this thread never played the game and dont know what the fuck are they talking about
Stats outside the Revenge one do so little its not even worth investing sometimes and are mostly cosmetic
What is fucked up is revenge gain, connection issues and balance, and most people are shitters and don even know what is really OP
This is a shitshow of misinformation and stupidity
It is not pay to win per se. You need to rank up your reputation level a few times to start getting the good loot and ranking up doesn't take long even without the XP boost. Basically the time it takes for you to get mad and bitch over internet how p2w the game is, you would've leveled up your class to rep 3 and got that good gear for yourself.
But the gear shit is unbalanced. You can build your class with gear in a way you are constantly getting your revenge meter filled and with decent revenge mode buff stats in your gear you become nearly immortal and it can take 3-4 non-retarded players to take you down and they still might get rekt.
get fucked with your shitgame reddit faggot
>lagswitch to win replaced by pay to win
>fags like you still support it
Don't get me wrong I'm not defending microtransactions, it's a cancer I wish would be gone from gaming completely, but from the article it just seems like this is all cosmetic shit. That doesn't really affect gameplay does it? What's stopping you from using the other characters and their default appearance?
but i payed 60$
shouldn't i be able to get all game content for that money?
Or it's fair that i should grind for 2.5 years to unlock everything?
Yeah I agree, it's just that parts of that article showing reddit posts seemed to imply that you couldn't get all the features of the game without using steel. Like the guy saying that you should be refunded 80% of the price if you were only intended to play 1 or 2 characters. It made we wonder if the characters themselves were behind a paywall. That would be fucked.
Microtransactions should be banned from games that cost over $30.
Well, you can play them, but to customize i.e. change their appearance, you have to buy them with steel.
Each character costs like 500 steel, which is a day of dailies.
Last set of emotes cost 9000 steel each (which were already in-game, bots were using them).