Persona 5 confirmed for Xbone

It's Ogre.

Honestly unless Sony is paying the exclusivity bill.
There is no reason for P5 to be a PS exclusive.

Personally i don't care i have a PS3 and 720p isn't a deal breaker for me but id like to play the game on PC.

If Persona 5 comes to Xbox 1, it's definitely coming to Switch

B-B-But Sup Forums told me Phil hate Japanese.


If it works on PS3 it would work on Switch so there is no reason for it not to come to Switch.

Not to mention you already have a Persona game on the 3ds even if it is a Spinoof.
And the SMT series is mostly a Nintendo IP now.

Being on more platforms isn't a bad thing

How about they fucking release Tales of Vesperia on Backwards compatibility? Fucking hacks


There's no reason why it would be on Xbox either though.

Woo hoo

I don't want weebshit Phil you fucking prick

I know - I don't think either is true, I think they're keeping it on PS until E3 at least.


Phil never said Persona 5 is coming to Xbox One, the question was regarding JRPGs coming to Xbox One. Phil said "yes, more JRPGs are coming to Xbox One."
>There is no reason for P5 to be a PS exclusive.
It costs money to port a game and if only 10000 people are going to buy it on Xbox One, it's not worth the effort.

>inb4 Persona 5 golden exclusive to xbone

so don't buy it, you cock sucking fat fuck

>you cock sucking fat fuck

no no. I DONT want weebshit

Never unless Phil manages to throw millions of dollars to Atlus to waste for no reason. Atlus already gave Microsoft 3 chances and they all did poorly in terms of sales in Japan.

Xbox is kinda dying when it comes to anything not dude bro American audience related.
Although i guess FFXV did reach almost one million on it.
I just don't think that most people who bought a Xbone care about JRPGs.

But atlus is a small company.
So i guess even selling 100k copies on the xbone would be a profit for them.
But again its a game originally made for the Ps3.
So technically toasters could run the game.
So im guessing the second largest players base would be on pc or switch.

UWP. Put it on both xbox and pc.

Is it just me or is Phil just saying that there will be more JRPGs coming to Xbox and not that he is saying P5 is coming to Xbox? His use of "these" throws me off.

Microsoft just has shit luck
>SMT Nine is the worst SMT game ever released, therefore sold like shit and MS takes the blame
>Operation Darkness controls and looks like shit, MS takes the hit
What other Atlus-Microsoft examples are there?

Yes, the Xbox 1 is getting 2 JRPGs in 2017! Wow! Never thought I could do much better than FF15!

Fuck that, what about Radiant Silvergun?

Pc ports that sell over 50000 copies are considered profitable.
And PC digital has double the profit of a console retail version.
I am guessing it would sell at lest 100k copies on the Xbone.
Pretty sure most people that did buy FFXV on it would get persona 5.

>It'll be W10 exclusive
How about no.

If MS went back to what they were during the early 360 years the xbone would be the biggest weeb console.
Tons of shoot'em up, tales of, lost odyssey, blue dragon and others.
It was also the time when Final Fantasy went on xbox for the first time and it was a pretty big thing.
Lots of exclusives from Namco and Capcom too.
They just need to do that again for the Scorpio and it will sell a lot more.

You know you want to upgrade. No need to be edgy.

>xbones sells 300 units per week in japan

>Atlus "Around gaijin watch your anus" JP will give two fucks about it

Its gonna be a mobage port that microsoft moneyhatted to say they have something coming

If we count P4A and Catherine 360 sales then those as well.

If persona will release on xbox and switch I demand smt on playstation as well

JRPG don't sell well at all anymore.

>buying an Xbone if you want to play JRPGs

It's almost as if people don't research the product they are gonna buy and are stuck with something which doesn't fit their needs.

Like most americans then

I think this is a global phenomenon. But then again, I am no expert on the spending habits of Americans.

Forza Horizon 3 is the only reason I want to upgrade to W10 right now.

As a Xbox Pc user that loves my Xbox one why would we want Persona 5. The game is boring af and will sell bad among the western audience especially the non ween xbone players

There is a reason why it's not on Xbone, and that's cause it's dead in Japan

PS4 and xbox one are so similar, it only takes a week or so to port a game from one to the other. So unless the game only sells 20k units (which is possible since the weebs don't own xboxs), every game that's not exclusive SHOULD be on both systems.