What is the best MMORPG in it's current state.
What is the best MMORPG in it's current state
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Sandbox: EVE
Themepark: FFXIV.
Diablo II
this sounds about right
No, it's shit now
Nothing is good about being forced to spend 150+ hours in drivel to get to new content.
Dark souls
>le cynical man
Guild Wars 2
Old School Run Escape
this guy gets it!
WoW is better than FFXIV in every conceivable way, and I don't even like or play WoW.
Weebdom is a cancer.
how's TOR
Solid singleplayer MMO. Once you get past the start it actually gets enjoyable.
What happened to this game
Nah, in all seriousness, TES:O has some good things going for it. Path of Exile is also pretty good if you consider it an "MMO."
Ragnarok Online
>current state
It didn't catch on in the west and god knows if the gobbledygooks are still playing
R.I.P. Cutesy weeb MMO # 9,742
selling for 30k
Counting out community it's still RO
buying gf
What actually happened was after the game got out of beta, they locked literally all the features behind a paywall that previously weren't and the servers were the most awful servers I have ever seen in an MMO, so everyone dropped it. I think it also was heavenly infested with BRs.
Is it worth getting into MMORPGs at all? I'm still new to pc gaming, I know, late to the party, but MMOs seem like such a pivotal part of PC gaming. Or were.
fishing lvl?
>Expanded Super Novice
wtf I want to play this game now.
Nobody knows what that stands for
Oh please, everybody does
WoW, sadly
Old School Runescape
Do what you want when you want for the most part.
My last favorite MMORPG was Anarchy Online
FFXIV is doing the job pretty nicely, actually.
Third jobs a shit.
anyone try Albion Online? it releases soon, curious if it's a sandbox worth playing or just trash.
Fun, I quit recently though
>wanted to reinstall ESO
>theres an expansion coming so i'd need to put more money into it
such a shame
>i'd need to put more money into it
No you don't if you don't want to.
>third jobs for Ninja/Gunslinger
When did this happen?
What MMORPG has the best fishing.
Second jobs, fuck.
Literally the only thing that WoW has over ffxiv is the global cool down time.
I know the pain, fellow MMO enjoying gamers. I, too, searched the internet combing for a game to meet my needs. I've played them all from EQ private servers to playing EVE for free efficiently. Nothing has ever quite scratched the itch from when I quit WoW. I've even been playing a good amount of it between 3 different private servers and a live account. It really depends on what you want out of the game, grinding, aesthetics, progress, numbers, sandbox, theme park, community, or just a fresh fantasy experience.
Before I ramble about the philosophy of playing MMO's, let me tell you about some.
Black Desert Online looks really promising, has fun combat, and is NOT a dead game despite what most people say. I dropped it due to subscription based.
I lump BDO in with games like TERA and most PVP / combat system based games. Where I think it's interesting is just how incredibly vast it is, and that the gameplay is satisfying with a huge range of graphical optimization options.
Along with MMO's I've tried somewhat recently and liked, ESO and Neverwinter really had a refined and wow-like experience. Guild Wars 2 took me by surprise, however sadly I was part of the preorder rush who got max level extremely fast only to find out there wasn't a whole lot of end game content AT THE TIME. My friends say it's improved greatly.
Fuck it I wanna rant some more. Don't buy into the MMO PVP meme. The very structure of MMORPG causes vertical growth and macro writing skills to win. If you want a true test of skills, play a game that takes a lot of those factors out. I find better competition in literally every other game genre, and have found the stick measuring that is MMO PVP to be unbearable.
Just avoid MMO if you want competitive PVP that matters.
WoW is laughably bad compared to FFXIV.
Still completely awful, it's just that neo-Sup Forums took over and now people are going "it's quite okay, really!" and shit like that because they have no standards whatsoever.
FFXIV and TSW. Everything else is pretty much unplayable if you have any taste whatsoever or it's extremely niche.
You have awful taste and should shut the fuck up.
>Guild Wars 2
Pretty much. It has probably the most haters out of all modern MMOs, though.
>my taste is different from yours and I hate you
Alright kiddo.
>list a bunch of shitty games while using arguments like "wow-like experience"
>y-you just don't like them!
I said shut up.
Because it sucks fucking ass after reaching max level. It had nice exploration and world design and that's it.
>makes no critical points beyond his own opinions
Take your own advice, please.
>guy posts well-thought wall of text
>single bad grammar sentence reply with no substance
and you act like you're on some kind of high horse.
Get out.
>Because it sucks fucking ass after reaching max level.
Yeah. Like every other MMORPG. If you prefer grinding the same shit over and over again be my guest. I'll rather leave the game and come back when more is added.
Bad in the sense that it's funny to play for the first 20 levels then just becomes painful to play through.
I wish.
It's an average Bioware-style game. Just don't play it for the MMORPG aspect. Bioware sure as hell forgot game was one.
Alright, fine, all the MMOs are shitty. You've won.
Now, with your view of everything good actually being shit, why are you here?
fuck off bäck to reddit trannylovers
>99/99 for Expanded Super Novice
Did anyone even get that class in official servers
TSW maybe after the relaunch
>fending off half a dozen daimyos
Would be a lot higher than level 3 by most vidya standards.
>all video games are shit
100% P2W
If you dont sub, you are 50% to 200% less effective at everything to subbed players
>click and wait combat
>useless grindy skills
>no real crafting system
>overrun with bots
>no real raids or dungeons (no, that shit doesn't count)
Only thing good is the
>muh nostalgia
If you hadn't played it in middle school you'd see it for the garbage it is.
ESO, probably. I'm having huge trouble playing anything else due to the combat and customization in ESO.
>theres an expansion coming so i'd need to put more money into it
And here I thought Todd forcing people to buy games at gunpoint were just a meme.
There are none
This isnt even a 'best of the worst', there literally is not a single MMO that offers anything that a singleplayer or MP game doesnt already offer at a far better experience.
Every single MMO developer has completely lost sight of what makes an MMO an MMO and turned them all into shitty single player grinding linear pathways or entirely P2W sandbox games where you cant play in the pit unless you multibox and sub and then slapped a big player count on the end of it to justify calling it an "MMO"
I hate it when digital artists try to make their work look like traditional art but are too lazy to complete it. There's so many sloppy, half-assed areas in that picture it actually pisses me off.
SS13's not an MMORG, right?
Anyone have experience with Albion online?
Looks interesting but I'm not 100% on it. Looks like a more PVP focused Runescape.
>>Black Desert Online looks really promising, has fun combat, and is NOT a dead game despite what most people say. I dropped it due to subscription based.
>Sub based
I wish I could say archeage