One of the best console ever made

>one of the best console ever made
>still no good emulation
>one day every single XBOX will be broken

Other urls found in this thread:

theres some development going on for it though, some devs posting over at r/emulation just a few days ago. sounds like it'll be a while before it gets far but jsrf with broken audio was booting.

mfw bus captchas

>fucking Nintenigger spastics create enough demand for a Switch emulator literally day 1 of the consoles launch and it actually happens
>OG Xbox is fucking 16 years old and it's got fucking nothing
>a retarded kid trashed one of the only known dev kits that could have lead to emulation


I just want to play DOAX1 in 1920x1080 for fucks sake!

plz leave friend

Only dumb americucks care about shitbox.

>Xbox emulation
Wouldn't it be easier to just crack the games and get them running in Windows?

its where a ton of emulator developers gather and post, along with r/emudev. deal with it.

>only dumb Americucks care about

>Otogi 1 & 2
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>DOA2U, 3 & X
>Kingdom Under Fire: Crusaders & Heroes
>Crimson Skies
>Conker Remake
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Phantom Dust
>The definitive versions of many many multiplats

And so much more too. OG Xbox is full of underrated niche games.

>fucking Nintenigger spastics create enough demand for a Switch emulator literally day 1 of the consoles launch and it actually happens
Er, no. Zelda was emulated on a Wii U emulator... not a Switch emulator. Wow.

Never heard about any of that shit. Xbox is shit. Death to infidels.

If 360 emulation ever takes off, which is far more plausible, then couldn't most hueg games be run through the 360's software emulator?

>haven't heard of it so it doesn't count as good

You are just as bad as people who's only Xbox game was fucking Halo.

>a retarded kid trashed one of the only known dev kits that could have lead to emulation

All shit except for NGB which can be played on a 360 and JSRF which has a HD remaster. Original Xbox is literally worthless

how bout you leave instead

also Kung Fu Chaos

some retarded kid posted on reddit about his new rig he built out of 'salvaged' xbox dev kit and how cool it looked.

even reddit called him retarded, they bullied him so hard for destroying an actual devkit that he changed it to 'satire' and is pretending it was a joke post

his new rig had really shit specs anyway to boot

I never thought I'd see the day... A picture of Era on Sup Forums.

What the fuck, is it 2005?

He belongs in this place instead.

>the best version of every multiplat is literally worthless

Okay fag.

You know I grew up with a PS1 and a PS2. I used to hate the Xbox as well. You know what changed my mind? I actually picked up one cheap just a few years back to play some of it's exclusives. I wish I could go back in time and tell my child self to get an OG Xbox over a PS2. PS2 is literally shit tier in comparison to how good the OG Xbox is. Literally most underated console of all time.

Also I am sure you played every game there and aren't just calling shit you never played shit.

Look it up. Some kids dad worked at Microsoft and his dad had an old dev kit that possibly had early beta's of multiple games on it, and possibly documentation that could have lead to OG Xbox emulation. And instead he just wiped the drive and decided to turn the case into a fucking ricer rig and he got rid of all the old parts inside.

>HD remaster

I fucking wish. You probably mean the original game. Future has been only on the OG since forever.

>linking to reddit

>why isn't anyone making an xbox emulator and serving it directly to me like a porn source?
>no i don't want to look for people collaborating on making one, if it isn't on vee it's cancer

Can anyone explain to me how emulation works? Why is it so hard to emulate from the 7th generation of consoles and up?

When I was a kid, there was steady progress in emulating NES, then SNES and then finally the N64 was emulated just fine, Gamecube works as well ans do does the PS2.

Why is it so dificult with the 360 and all?
I always thought it was dependant on computer power, but considering how much more powerful computers are nowdays than the 360 and such, there must be some other reason?

he asked the source, fagnut

some of the worst games even conceived on a console.

you have to go back you fucking newfaggot gayboy

>one of the best consoles ever made
Lmao what.

You need to go

Congrats, I'm now an annoying trip and I'll be a plague on this, the shittiest neo/b/ board on fagfacechan

Why do people bother posting these impotent requests?
Do they really think someone would stop visiting a site because random faggot post 'go away'?

A modded OG Xbox is basically a PC lite. It's the best console ever made.

>muh club is best club and the kids at the other place are lame.

what a boring trip
change it to something faggier

Continue embarassing yourself, you underage

>being so much of a faggot you actually defend on Sup Forums

Because it was a better console than the Xbox. Next question.

are you legitimately 14 and retarded?

Not him or the other guy but you autists are fucking ruining the thread worse than any faggot ledditor. I don't give a fuck about leddit, I literally never visit there and I don't care if someone does. I want to talk about emulation and if a source is located on that website then so fucking be it. Get over it and fuck off and stop derailing the thread.

where does he say he destroyed it?

>I don't visit reddit
>But if there's a source i'll go

>I don't give a fuck about leddit, I literally never visit there and I don't care if someone does.

t. came from 2 years ago

It's just a way to let people know their behavior isn't appreciated

OG Xbox is love. Currently at 565/870 games for it. Some of the best multiplats live on this console.

>being so autistic you wont spend 2 minutes checking a sauce then closing the tab just because of the website it's located on

Glad I don't suffer from crippling autism

Sup Forums is the only website I use that has any form of communication function. I have exclusively used this website for about a decade now.

>Sup Forums is the only website I use that has any form of communication function. I have exclusively used this website for about a decade now.

then you would be more familiar with board culture
I call bullshit, lurk moar newfaggot

>Implying Xbox has games worth preserving


>"look at me me me" plebbitor
>doesn't know shit about dev kits
>started playing vidya in the 7th gen
>disregards a chance at xboxhueg emulation just so he can post a stupid build on plebbit
>his build is shit tier on top of it

>I literally never visit there
>well... maybe I do, BUT AT LEAST I DON'T HAVE AUTISM

>i'm entitled to play good games for free and without any kind of effort or money from my part!

kek, groups develop whatever emulator they want, if you want something so urgently then drop money on xqemu or wait someone actually wanting to program an emulator to shitbox


Jet Set Radio Future actually boots in CXBX Reloaded as of yesterday.

We're almost there.

you forgot ">starts tripfagging"


Jet Set Radio Future and...

>Why is it so hard to emulate from the 7th generation of consoles and up?

It's because of the advent of advanced 3D GPUs (esp. those that support shaders) like the Voodoo, the N64 RDP, the Geforce series, and anything else newer than that.

Hardware documentation is everything apparently.
You can find any off the shelf emu for CPUs and their relevant docs like the 6502, 68k, z80, x86, etc. Sound might be a different story, though most games process audio on the CPU nowadays. GPU's are the really difficult to deal with esp. on consoles where they have a special snowflake graphics chip, with no documentation readily available (It's why people here on Sup Forums think the reason CEMU is closed source b/c of ill-gotten docs).

ninja gaiden black is backwards compatible on 360

also the conker remake was terrible

anybody else here collect for the Xbox or all you all just fags and pirates?

Derailing a good vidya thread to whine about leddit has never been acceptable, ever. This isn't even about some ledditor moron posting a shit meme or being a dickhead. It was someone simply posting a fucking source for something he said.

You, you are more cancerous than him. You are a fucking thread ruining shitposter. As an oldfag I'd rather have somenone occasionally post a leddit link as A FUCKING SOURCE than have someone ruin vidya threads because they had a fucking aneurysm over what website someone got the source from.


>op of that post has a positive reputation despite ruining xbox emulation forever

you have to go back

>le talking normally THEN ALL CAPS RAGE!!1!

You are reddit
>As an oldfag

i was in that thread, i down voted him. Some people are just fags.

>You, you are more cancerous than him. You are a fucking thread ruining shitposter. As an oldfag I'd rather have somenone occasionally post a leddit link as A FUCKING SOURCE than have someone ruin vidya threads because they had a fucking aneurysm over what website someone got the source from.

Dude, stop lying on the internet and stop pretending you are an oldfag.
You have no clue about board culture, you type like a huge newfaggot and are probably underage

Right, now what about the rest of the games, and what about multiplats?

Remember back during 6th gen there were actually fairly big differences between PS2, Xbox and GC versions of games. Sometimes even having entirely different studio's make each version and having games be completely different on each system.

oldfag test, when were dubs disabled on Sup Forums

>a retarded kid trashed one of the only known dev kits that could have lead to emulation
I'll take memes for 600, Jim.

My favorite multiplat comparison is True Crime :LA. Ever see all three versions running side by side? They all have little differences in the opening scene.

t. 2010 "oldfag"

Found it, if anyone is interested

And pic related. OG Xbox has a shitton more games worth playing.

But JSRF being able to get to the menu is pretty good progress.

Fuck off retards.

f-fuck off r-retards!1

Lots of these games are garbage, on PC anyway or on PS2 which can be emulated.

>JSRF being able to get to the menu is pretty good progress
Literally who cares, there's no game play and it's possibly fake anyway

This game is great too, i recommend it. Kinda like fire emblem with gladiators.

And my second pic.

Nevermind lol i see its on your other list.

>lists the same games multiple times to try to make it look like there's lots of games

>no mortal kombat: shaolin monks

you dun goofd

The xbox exclusive games aren't even xbox exclusive

How far MS has fallen.

Xbox og and 360 used to have some killer exclusives.
And now look at the Xbone. It has no games

Yeah some of them are on PC. I didn't make the image it's just something I saved. But with PS2, as I said before, and as this user here demonstrates there were often pretty big differences.

I actually went and rebought a whole lot of my PS2 library on OG Xbox (and just downloaded anything that was too expensive and rare since I have a modded console) and played it side by side with my PS2 and the differences are pretty big. Xbox versions almost always look significantly better too as well as having alterered level layouts and lighting changes here and there.

I didn't make the image retard, I only saved it.

I do kinda. I haven't got new games in a while because I'm trying to play them all before continuing. Still thinking of getting Otogi 2 and KuH: Crusaders and after all the metacritic screeching I've developed an interest in the Tony Hawk 2 port. The pic is from last summer, but the only game I've gotten since is Digimon Rumble Arena 2.

>get called out by approximately 8 people in this thread for being a faggot
>call everyone a "retard", in a faggot way.

Why are you even here?
Go back.

Ok, i've never seen that Ninja Gaiden double pack before. I wonder if it's Pal only, I haven't really gotten into looking at any of those yet.

good taste user

>I don't want to talk about video games
>I want to talk about website drama

Holy shit just fucking kill yourself loser. Get fucked. You go back to r/edrama or whatever fucking trash shithole you came from.


>repeteadly admit to lurk ITT
>tell others to go back

>calling me a loser
>talks about normalfaggots


and there it is. The call of the redditor

Neat collection user, I've been doing the same, I wish I had gotten more OG Xbox games a few years back because they are getting more expensive lately. I've got a few coming in the mail as we speak, and I picked up a stack of about 11 games I found in a second hand store just last week. Building a physical collection is nice but I am running out of shelf space. But even though I can just download most of these games onto my console, if it ever fails I like having the disk backups.

>admit to lurking leddit

Nice strawman. I never even claimed to go to leddit. All I said is I don't care about it. Stop trying to kill and derail this thread you fucking leddit browsing loser. Stop false flagging good video game threads. Fuck off.

>I never even claimed to go to leddit
>But I'll go to reddit if someone links it in a Sup Forums thread

Is Crimson Skies good? Is it worth playing as someone who isn't massively into flight games? I keep seeing it in my local game store.

Crimson Skies is amazing omfg

Its very good. Controls are great, the maps are pretty open. I think the story is pretty good. I love the voice acting, especially the main character.

>on Sup Forums like usual
>someone posts a source
>it's a reddit link
>click it
>read OP
>yeah checks out
>quit out of tab
>max time spent there was like 40 seconds
>fast forwards 9 months
>someone posts a link to reddit as a source of some event again
>click link
>read OP
>wow interesting I guess
>exit tab

Wow, in a year I averaged like 2 minutes browsing time on leddit. I must be pure cancer and a leddit master class poster. Just literally kill yourself you shitposter.

I don't even go there enough to know how their fucking site works or how to navigate the UI. FUcking hell user it's no different to clicking a link to a fucking news site to read an article then exit out. If someone asked me if I read the washington post I'd say no, but chances are, in the last 12 months I probably clicked on a WP article once or twice to verify a source that someone posted. I mean I don't give a fuck about website drama, I don't even read the URL I just click, read, exit. I don't give a fuck, could have been leddit, could have been some other blog I don't fucking know. Now can you fuck off you fucking spastic shithead I want to talk about OG Xbox games and emulation you fucking shitposting faggot. Kill yourself.

I was gonna buy it when I saw it in the store, but then couldn't remember if it was a sequel or not. Is the Xbox version the second game in the series?

Oh shit it's got a story and good map design? I thought it was like some cartoony ace combat? Honestly I never really looked into this series, it's just seeing it on sale for like $5 and I thought I should maybe get it. So what is the gameplay like?

>to boot

Actually its missing a lot of other games, for example
MK Armageddon
Tak The Great Juju Challenge
NFS Most Wanted
NFS Carbon
Crash n Burn
CNK and other Crash games

>>on Sup Forums like usual
>>someone posts a source
>>it's a reddit link
>>click it
>>read OP
>>yeah checks out
>>quit out of tab
>>max time spent there was like 40 seconds
>>fast forwards 9 months
>>someone posts a link to reddit as a source of some event again
>>click link
>>read OP
>>wow interesting I guess
>>exit tab

>Wow, in a year I averaged like 2 minutes browsing time on leddit. I must be pure cancer and a leddit master class poster. Just literally kill yourself you shitposter.

I don't even go there enough to know how their fucking site works or how to navigate the UI. FUcking hell user it's no different to clicking a link to a fucking news site to read an article then exit out. If someone asked me if I read the washington post I'd say no, but chances are, in the last 12 months I probably clicked on a WP article once or twice to verify a source that someone posted. I mean I don't give a fuck about website drama, I don't even read the URL I just click, read, exit. I don't give a fuck, could have been leddit, could have been some other blog I don't fucking know. Now can you fuck off you fucking spastic shithead I want to talk about OG Xbox games and emulation you fucking shitposting faggot. Kill yourself.

>one day every single of a certain machine would be broken
Woah sounds like a good thought experiment.
What will happen if all game consoles, PC, handhelds in the world all just broke down tomorrow?