now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that sex is better than video games?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that sex is better than video games?
Video games didn't give life to OP.
Check mate.
I bet you never played vidya you vergame.
are the mods asleep? lol
lol wat is this? :D
choose to get stoned and play videogames instead of getting off with my wife.
I don't regret last nights decision.
>tfw no redhead gf to cuck me
>an we all agree that sex is better than video games
only if it's interracial and you're the one taking the dick
Get off my board.
>not vidya-related
Crashing this thread
Wow, real original
OP is giant faggot
I am so proud of the Sup Forums moderation team
They work tirelessly for nothing at all
I've never seen a single black cock on Sup Forums ever, they work so hard to prevent rule breaking, and it's thanks to them we can have such wonderful discussions about video games
Only momentarily OP, then I realize that as soon as I bust a nut this is going to feel less great. Plus, sex is haram unless its in missionary for the sole purpose of production not even kidding fampai.
every fucking day the same fucking shit
Wow, the BBC is so powerful it stops white bois from discussing video games in other threads. Rly makes one thinketh