So, tell me what's been troubling you, Sup Forums
So, tell me what's been troubling you, Sup Forums
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New jack is poorly animated mess and people act like it's well animated because of that one scene at the end of episode 2. It has no heart put into it
Lie down on the couch
Could've been worse user, just be happy it's ending.
i honestly thought the first episode wasn't all that great, but the second one redeemed it.
>Aku's reeeeeee
was that a Sup Forums reference?
Sorry old jack has way smoother animation and better fight choreography
The comic had an ending leave it at that
>So, tell me what's been troubling you, Sup Forums
That Samurai Jack is back and reminiscing about the 'good old days' when Samurai Jack was good. But he wasn't good back then either.
People just grew up to see its a flashy show without strong characters or plot, but won't accept the old show was the same thing.
This reference meme shit is getting way out of hand.
Was this a meme reference?
My university shut down and I'm sad. Didn't get to graduate and the other university I wanted to transfer to, also shut down.
So now I'm looking for a job I guess.
The sequence at the end of episode 2 was fantastic, but I do agree that everything before that wasn't anything special. The pacing in a lot of the dialogue seems really fucking off for some reason too, the Aku scene being a major example. Lots of really long pauses and shit.
Well I want to order a pizza but I dont know how thick I want it.
(You) can fly?
Comic wasn't canon, tho
This is surprisingly accurate
It was considered canon until season 5 got announced
The beetle fight and scatman fight sucked ass but the daughters had a lot of work put into them, especially from a direction perspective. Who knows what the overall quality will be like going forward when there was such a wide disparity in just two episodes.
why don't I have a turian waifu?
I bought new hitman a month ago and i only did 2 elusive targets. I hear that only few elusive targets left so i won't be able to get all suits, i'm scared, mad and in panic. I want to unlock all of them for fuck sake ;____;
>Wanting anything from ME
No qt autistic twin-fu
>I like shitty flash animation over well animated traditional animation
You fucks disgust me
One of the problems is old jack had effort even in the low tier beetle fights. They actually look like they were made of metal. The new beetle look like they are made of fucking paper machete or aluminum foil when they got destroyed. It's fucking pathetic
Return to the containment thread, fgt
>Samurai Jack
Such overrated garbage, not surprised since it's from the west; at least shill something decent like Kobayashi.
never reply to me again
Your credits are still valid?
>flash animation
They were.
My race is going extinct and they are to dumb to realize it.
Is there any vidya character that can defeat Aku?
Really lost any will for uni and im barely first year.
>more kyoani trite
I'm watching it, but still man, it ain't that good
You deserve it desu
Jack needs to get his shit together and drop the punished Jack look. The daughter who cut part of his beard off was trying to do him a favor.
That fight would have been cool if it wasn't some fucking loli and some maid with a stupid large tail
It's fucking flash. All modern adult swim programs are animated in flash
at least Mulan died so she won't have to see the sick things that will happen to her sisters
Literally no, unless that person also has a weapon like Jack's which is righteousness literally torn from the soul then forged into a sword by three gods.
Make me
So you like your women like you like your men.
post the unedited version
This is me but at least I'm in my second.
Flash can look really good. The french have mastered it
No it wasn't.
Even on Sup Forums the comic was only considered a side thing and the ending left a lot of people cold. Mostly because it sucked.
there's nothing wrong with flash animation
>One of the problems is old jack had effort even in the low tier beetle fights
That was LITERALLY the first major fight Jack had in the future.
This is my problem
whenever gumball does meme shit its topical
then you get the new ppg doing me gusta faces
what the shit
Stop posting animation over 15 fps you'll trigger Sup Forums.
Shame about the movie tanking and them wasting money on the godawful english dub
Fucking Adamai. He is the one cancer in the show and needs to be obliterated the moment he appeared. Also there needs to be more Joris.
Guess my race
Yeah but you can tell, even by using Wakfu as an example, that Samurai Jack is not done in flash.
You can immediately tell when it's used by the deistic fluid movement of animation tweening which Samurai Jack does not have.
Just because an animation is done on a computer doesn't mean it's in flash.
Also Rick and Morty is in ToonBoom
this shit is getting hilariously out of hand
keep it up
A lot of episodes (Scottsman's for example) had really shitty combat. The first beetle fight is hardly a good example considering it was the first fight of the series and specifically made good to hook the viewer.
I'm not saying I have an optimistic outlook for the series, a situation where they have lower budget and thus quality under AS is pretty likely and will make itself obvious before long, but I think you're being overzealous in your criticism. Also they're already retconning things to put in what looks like it could probably be an awful "gritty" story for the "adult" audience, which would ruin the show way quicker than weaker choreography would.
>movie tanking
bullshit got any proof?
the dub was crowd funded
Nox did nothing wrong and would have reverted everything if he succeeded.
>what is every 'infinity plus one' pizza cutter sword from any JRPG
Even later episodes show the beetle are made of metal. Nice try
>Also they're already retconning things
So you're one of the autists who thought Jack actually killed the bounty hunters in that episode, huh?
I've been spending a lot of time trying to meet new people and I'm having this problem that most people I meet just aren't worth talking to.
For example I tried going to a video games club, and everyone there was either a fucking retard or just had such a light interest in games. One guy hadn't even played a game for weeks. People just sit around saying memes. Video games are proving to be a hard as fuck interest to find people worth talking to in, I just wish I had some people I could talk to about my hobby.
Are you stuck in a foreign country? Because I am.
That actually looks really bad compared to S1 Wakfu. The sense of perspective is completely wrong. The (humanoid) faces are boner inducing though.
what makes this bait so effective is because of how untrue it is. the animations are on another level compared to previous seasons.
The only fight he had real troubles with them was in episode 3. After that they're fodders through and through. Why are criticizing a show you obviously didn't watch?
>It's fucking flash
So what? Flash can be good if used right
Are good examples
Pic releated is a bad one,both of these shows are done by the same program, but the difference is in the crew who are working with it
I can't think of any weapon made from righteousness then made into a sword. Holiness is not the same thing, and the fighter wielding the blade may be righteous but he's not the weapon.
Isnt the original samurai jack flash as well?
They both look versy similar style wise and I dont notice any animation differences other than the old one being slightly more smoother.
Causing untold suffering when your reversal of it is theoretical at best is bad, doofus.
No, just a few hundred miles away from home, still in the same state.
That sucks for you man, sorry. Hope you can hang in there.
It's not about whether he killed, it's about him suddenly just now developing a conscience over it after literal decades of fighting Aku's servants.
now post the uncensored version
Ah yes Generic Moeblob Anime #348 my favorite
Old Jack wasnt even digital.
fuck off matey
>Fucking Adamai
I agree, hope he is not in S3.
Adamai is pretty much the only character in wakfu I dont like character and design wise
I've been playing Trails in the Sky and while I enjoy the story and the characters, it's not at all "clicking" with me
I wish man I really do.
You know what needs more shilling? Onihei
I'm just going by feats
>Odin BTFO the primordial form Aku spawned from
>FF characters regularly enslave Odin and/or take his weapon
Come to think of it, Dissidia Gilgamesh could probably get the job done, he'd just have to keep hitting Aku until he found a weapon to finish him off.
what are you doing user
So I'm playing through starcraft campaign and I can't do shit in that one protoss mission where you look for Zeratul in dominion base.
I can't keep my zealots and marines alive, they always get fucking kaboomed by infested terrans. Fuckers unburrow right in front of me or run from behind while I'm fighting shit.
I have to wait for energy and shields regen on Tassadar and there's shitload of zergs and they deal tons of damage, I'm barely advancing because the regen is slow as fuck.
Send help right fucking now, it's dark and wet and full of spooky space beasts in here.
Wait what? I dont believe that.
It looks like it was done on computer, and doesnt even have that old soft look most cell animation has.
I have all 4 seasons BTW and watched all the episodes through out 2016.