Let's talk about something other than BotW
Hyrule Warriors
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Urbosa for Hyrule Warriors 2
Getting A rank on some of the later game Adventure maps (like the one before Lana's 8bit gate weapon) are dogshit. I put a couple hundred hours into this game and it got to the point where you have to play a 30-minute map as fast as possible without getting hit more than once, even with an overpowered level 200 character. Grade A bullshit imo, but fun until then.
Can we all agree that he'd be the best choice for HW2?
>kill every fucking thing on a map before finishing it
>plenty of KOs
>rank B in KOs
should i buy it on N3DS? i fucking hate musou, but i liked the demo a lot
I put 350 hours into this game and 100%'d the original release + all DLC, but I haven't played the Legends content. That said, I'm absolutely down for a sequel on Switch after Fire Emblem Warriors, Breath of the Wild has tons of character potential with a completely different Link (using lots of different weapons in a single moveset), Zelda, Mipha, Urbosa, Revali, Daruk and heck, even an oddball pick like Master Kohga.
If you want the Wii U experience with even less RAM to render enemies then go right ahead
If you're okay with the performance of the Demo, then go ahead.
I didn't think I'd like it either, but after trying the demo (on an O3DS to boot) I went and bought it right away.
If they released a Switch port with all the DLC included maybe I'd play it. The entry point and the fact that content is split between the Wii U and 3DS versions makes it too unappealing just so I can ogle my waifu
Resident Evil 5 is fun
Dragunov is best gun
you'll get his sister
All the champions from BotW
Deku Princess
The rest of the sages from OoT (Saria, Nabooru, Rauru)
I wish HWL had the rupee glitch from the Wii U version.
Is this playable on cemu?
>Aganhim (Amulet - Lightning)
>Saria (Deku Seeds - Light)
>Nabooru (Gerudo Scimitars - Lightning)
>Makar (Cello - Water)
>Hero's Shade (Ancient Sword - Dark)
>Yeto (Snowboard - Water)
>Groose (Cannon - Fire)
>Mipha (Zora Spear - Water)
>Daruk (Goron Cudgel - Fire)
>Urbosa (Gold Claymore - Light)
>Revali (Rito Bow - Lightning)
>Sidon (Zora Regalia - Water)
>Hestu (Maracas - Light)
And new weapons:
>Link (Sheikah Tablet - Dark)
>Zelda (Rod of Seasons - Fire)
>Ganondorf (Sword of the Six Sages - Light)
Best Ganondorf coming through.
Jesus Christ, I mean, just look at him. He's so fucking awesome.
What about Din, Farore, and Nayru from the Oracle games?
I wouldn't at all be opposed to Nintendo using a similarly styled Ganondorf in a canon game.
Really got that Demise vibe going as well.
They'd be neat, yeah. But Farore doesn't really have.... anything to draw from. Kinstones, maybe?
And the Oracle games seem to be suspiciously avoided by Hyrule Warriors. But if they were added:
>Din (Rod of Seasons - Fire)
>Nayru (Harp of Ages - Light)
>Farore (Knstones - Lightning) or (Gust Jar - Lightning)
Kinstones would be interesting. A variety of effects could happen with them
cemu never ever
Cia did nothing wrong.
Starting a war over Links boipussy is perfectly justified.
>saria and nabooru
>doesn't complete the set with best sage rauru
OCdonut steels need to be purged
Which character had the best new design and why is Ruto?
Except that's wrong.
>new design
It's literally the OoT3D design.
>Mashing through his text
>"Did you get all that?"
>Hit 'No' on accident
Fuck off.
Individual nipple fins = HOT AS FUCK
Large fin "dress" covering her whole chest = Not attractive and kinda biologically offputting
I wish they had redesigned Medli and Tetra to fit with the aesthetics of the rest of the HW cast instead of them staying literal cartoons
>Rauru (Medallons - Light)
>I wish they had redesigned Medli and Tetra to fit with the aesthetics of the rest of the HW cast
Translation: I wish Tetra and Medli were turned into generic anime waifutrash
Why does Nintendo hate Dekus so much?
beat the main campaign. farmed some skulltulas and little adventure mode. It is really fucking monotonous and has no depth to combat whatsoever despite different movesets/weapons. Music was amazing though.
I agree. That shit killed the game for me.
New weapons for Dorf
>Sword of the Sages
>Giant Horse
>Malice (summons guardians etc.)
I'd rather have something like Kirby Warriors than another sword musou.
Who'd even be in it? Does Kirby even have characters?
you need 1200 kills iirc to get A
Meta Knight, King Dedede and uh...
>Does Kirby even have characters?
oh user
I still wonder why they were so adamant about Hyrule Warriors not being "canon."
Aside from some fuzziness in the three visited eras, Hyrule Warriors could have easily been placed late in the Child timeline.
And then they cocked it all up by including Wind Waker in Legends.
wow three whole characters
Correct answer.
Oracles, Onox, and Veran.
Marin is already in though
Farore could have a book that summons the secret shit you can get like the biggoron sword or even master sword.
A FOTNS DLC pack would be great. I wanted more after Ken's Rage 1 and 2.
How about Ryu Hayabusa as well since he was in one of the Samurai Warriors games.
Saria not being in the game would hurt less if Lana didn't copy the conceivable weapons she could have had.
Is this good?
Didn't want to make a new thread :3
Needs Lu Bu.
How exactly would Ezlo work as a fighter?
I'm actually okay with them remaining in the golden era of 3D Zelda. MM will always be a special game.
Bandana Dee
Dark Matter
Knuckle Joe
Plasma Wisp
Galacta Knight
Minish form with the staff. Turns into the hat for some attacks.
It incredibly base for a Mushou and not worth full price, grab it once it hits like 20$ for the Nero/Tamamo Waifuing if you are a Fate fan, avoid entirely if you ain't.
Literally who?
Thanks user, I'm not a fan of Fate, never tried it 'cause I get bored reading VNs
God this was the shit.
Using Ganondorf was the sickest thing. Till I ran into Link.
>level 30 ganondorf
>see zelda
>smash her ez pz
>run into Link
>thinking its gonna be a cake walk
>he starts swinging his mastersword
>mfw 1/4 of hp gone instantly
I died 5 times to him. Cant blame Ganon going nucelear in Botw. Master sword did bullshit damage.
Why not all of them?
>not knowing knuckle fucking joe
I'm not seeing a demo on the NA eshop
That's because there isn't one.
I downloaded the Euro demo.
So King of Hyrule Redux?
Honestly though, the Oracles SHOULD be in the next one if we get one, and not as DLC, Saria too, there are more then enough "Deku" items to justify her even with Lana having the staff.
Also a expand on the grunts and let you play as those like in the DW:Gundams so you can be the Stalfos or Darknut and the Mobile Armors, I mean GIANT BOSSES on any stage of you unlock them.
I could never find any fucking faires or fairy clothes or fairy food in the 3ds version
>Sheikah Tablet
Is Legends worth it if I already played HW, but have no DLC?
she uses Guardians to ride around on and her ultimate is her taking a selfie with everything blowing up behind her
Fairies and Fairy Food are located in jars in enemy keeps. You know, the red, green, and yellow ones? There are yellow ones that are slightly darker shades and you'll be able to find the Fairies/Food in those. Just smash pots.
Once you find a type of food in Adventure mode, it'll unlock as a random drop in general gameplay. Getting the food from Spotpass distributions also unlocks that food.
Fairy Clothes are in chests just like Character Costumes, Weapons, and Pieces of Heart are.
Fairies are overkill to be honest, once you learn the AOE MURDER COMBO of teh character of your choice you basically already won 99% of the battles in the game, Fairies are just for cheesing that remaining 1%.
Yes, Legends includes all the DLC of the Wii U version with the base game.
The only "issue" is that you actually don't get all that shit at the start of the game and actually need to unlock it, which can be worse or better depending on your taste (Worse: You have to wait to use the shit and do the Maps, Better: the maps actually give you the characters of their DLC pack now)
I think they are roughly the same price so 3DS has more content at better price but worse GRAFIX and FPS.
I also think the WiiU version doesn't get the 3DS DLC Adventure Maps, even though it can get the DLC characters, but i could be wrong.
Fuck fairies. I don't have a clue how I'm supposed to be raising them
Doesn't 3DS still have DLC for the stuff that came out after though?
The 3DS version includes all the original Hyrule Warriors DLC, plus some new content of it's own. New DLC released afterwards has to be purchased.
That's pretty much why I haven't bought the game. I don't think I should have to choose between content and performance. I just want the "definitive" version.
Yeah, Legends comes with:
-Master Quest (and the "Free" Patch that added Cia,Wizzro and Voga as playables)
-Majoras Mask
-Boss Pack
Which are all the ones realased up to that point, who have been "re-integrated" to unlock their content as you prgress instead of dumping it on you immedietly.
But since Legends release more packs have been released namely:
-Master Wind Waker
-Links Awakening
-Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks(Note: 1 Pack )
-A Link Between Worlds.
And while you CAN buy those on WiiU for the characters and weapons you don't get Adventure Maps, WiiU also has no way to get the "Story Content" that was added in Legends (IE: Linke's Story and the Legends Story).
There are also Balancing differences, like im pretty sure Volga got a heavy nerf in Legends (And even if he didn't he is still "worse" since you need to unlock him now.)
but we already have the volvalgia or w/e dude who is basically lubu already.
The new packs suck anyway. Not worth buying imo
>Not Scimitar of the Seven
Go for 1200, that's the cut-off point.
I loved how aggressive he was when kicking chests open/
>koei putting anything capcom in after capcom sued them over expansion packs
What the fuck
I had just under that
And every single mook on the map was dead. The entire map was blue.
How to get 1200 kills if the map doesn't even provide enough mooks to get that high?
Capcom may have created that content, but they don't own it
Characters from Kirby you dummy
You forgot Taranza
Your issue was probably that you worked too fast, some maps you basically need to wait for a while so outposts and shit spawn enough for you to hit A-Rank.
I know that annoyed the fuck out of me in a Adventure Mode Map with Zelda, i think t was the to unlock the Wind Waker.
The weakness of being able to take bases with 1 Combo/Special/Fairy Release, it gets annoying as fuck.
I played it back then when there wasn't DLC yet. Are they worth playing, what do they add? Just characters, or do we get more maps?
Can I pirate them?
I'm still mad the 3ds got the superior version.
>musou is one of the worst genres in existence
>somehow hyrule warriors is fun and awesome
D... Did Nintendo use black magic to make this game?
What makes it better than other musou? I've never been a fan of the genre and that's why I passed
>still no linebeck
the waifu pandering killed this game
It plays like every other musou in recent years. You just find it more enjoyable because you like Zelda.
Adventure mode is unique to Zelda and I thought that was well done, but the combat is standard musou combat. Other recent musou games have bigger rosters with more diverse characters too.
They add new characters and adventure maps.
Yes, use the brazillian method
bigger rosters are garbage and other musou lack any of the creativity or soul of Hyrule Warriors. Not to mention nothing is more generic, bland and dreary than nip nong ching chong warlord man vs nip chee pee pee man
HW shits all over every other disgrace of a game in the shitty musou genre