>11 more levels at yetis before I can go to coolie zombies
11 more levels at yetis before I can go to coolie zombies
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rien a shit play skypeia
healing coolies to death was the best time ever
>you will never enjoy maple before bigbang
>you will never enoy maple during the prime of bigbang
>you will never enjoy maple again.
it hurts a little.
Why not?
>inb4 hackers and botters
poor westerners have to deal with that shit AND no players.
you already know the answer, I indeed used to play on maple global.
It isn't that bad actually, mostly I just burnt out.
you should really try korean maple. Everyone should.
you can buy NX with mesos, legitimately, as in, not having to pray you don't get scammed. It's such a massive leap UP in quality that I can't understand why people don't ditch GMS entirely. Especially after they fired the last community manager for doing his job and NOT ignoring players. lel.
>just xx more levels until i can grind yy more levels at zzzzzzzzz
>Not training at Coolie zombies from Lv 50 to 70 as a cleric.
Bro MapleGlobal gonna be doing the vanilla 1.0 experience. No third jobs at launch, 1x rates on everything, patches rolling out at the same rate as the original.
Shits gonna be nostalgic as fuuuck
>I can't understand why people don't ditch GMS entirely
Because it's a foreign server, maybe? Yes, the server for the original country of an mmo is usually better, but people prefer to play the version meant for their country where they can actually read everything and talk to people.
Maple Legends
Fuck me I hated this game. GF had nostalgia for it and reinstalled years ago and took me along for the ride.
2 buttons for attacks. A million levels later you get two more, but no they just replace the current ones. Game is best played solo for more xp so everyone just running around stealing boring grind spots yelling CC.
How are people nostalgic for this thing I will never know.
Not him, but buying NX with mesos seems like a large improvement over how GMS deals with NX. Like others, I really can't ditch GMS because of how much time and effort I put into it.
>1x rates on everything
why would I want 1x rates ffs
mapleglobal has been in development for over a year and a half. If it's not out by now, it's not coming out.
like World of Warcraft, really. it was about doing it with friends. lost my screenshots of playing with a 4 person party of each class. I was cleric, there was a spearman, thief and bowman and we played together maybe 3 times and that was worth it.
You'd be surprised. All that "time" you put in means nothing in the end, because you can get back to where you were on GMS in a few months if not a few weeks, considering 100m mesos is around 4k-5k maple points, meaning 3 cubes. And you can get that in a day easy.
assuming it is legit it would have x1000 the population of any private server justifying the drop rates
BRO!!! Maple(Insert name here) Is making a private server!!! It'll revive MapleStory!!!
I've heard this atleast 20 times and every time it turns into shit
Never fall for the private server meme. Unless the devs release a legacy server like OSRS you should just bury your nostalgia.
I mean, I don't want to have to grind that much mang
Speaking of private servers, glad to see the Royals shill force has been laid to rest. Fuck that server
>being the only person in the party that knows how to solve that partyquest puzzle
>beating pianus/papulatus/zakum for the first time ever
>getting your own Zhelm
>racing fags to kill mushmom/zmushmom
>getting steelies drops
Goddamn I miss maple story. I've wasted so much time on it too.
Yea but no.
WoW and its nostalgia era for each player usually depends on when they played with people enough to overlook flaws.
But take that a way and there are some well designed zones, music, and a fuck load of neat things to do from unique quests, items, pets, collectables, and other things to discover often off the beaten path.
MS has okay music and design, but its just button spam in one spot at a rate to keep spawns flowing. Taking away the people and there is no real game left. I don't mean to be dick something people liked, but really Second Life which is just a chat room built off Half Life's engine is more engaging with things to do.
god fucking dammit I miss so much dexless assassins
How populated the game counted, before Victoria was destroyed. Running into people, ignoring most, faming once in a while, talking to a few.
>be magic bolt cleric
>collecting blue shells from blue snails in map right of Lith Harbor
>another magician teleports past
>sees my bolt damage
>"bolt cleric?"
>add each other, talk, join guild
>drift apart
It's weirder now that I'm almost 30, don't feel comfortable talking to anybody in online games.
>tfw you made bank several years back by selling eyes of fire because people STILL didn't want to run the Zakum JQ
>tfw Zakum is now a joke and you can now get a helmet that's BETTER than a Zhelm just by finishing a single player dungeon
>tfw my retarted ass would look up how to level up faster thinking these lvl 50+ fools knew something I didn't
>really it's just the grind
Just get into teamwork oriented games like Planetside 2. It's easier to talk to people when you're just working on a goal rather than discussing your social lives.
I'm never nostalgic for actually playing the game. The grind was too much for me I never even made it past level 30 on multiple characters. I just chilled in Henesys and dicked around trying to make friends. Such an innocent time.
it fucking hurts a lot.
sometimes i like to fall asleep with the soundtrack of ellinia.
>fire/poison in old school MS
Why did you hate yourself so much?
>played on and off for 10 years
>made close to 40 different characters, none of which I leveled past lvl 110 because I would always get burned out
I scrolled so many near-perfect items that I never got the chance to use
>White Knight in any version ever
Useless class tbhonest, anyone who denies it sucks eggs
>have 9x priest friend
>ask him for favor
>i go make a pizard
>level 30
>1 point in poison breath
>bring priest friend to aquarium
>party together
>constantly cast poison breath at bonefish
>it finally hits
>percentage of health damage
>he heals it to death
>get couple dozen % experience
that's why
Friend of a friend was a Page. I told him pages are for books. He never liked me
People actually played Page? What skills did they even have?
>want to play old Maple again, before all the bullshit new classes and boosts made leveling to 100+ a joke
>private servers are pretty shit, either they have some gimmick like massively boosted EXP or don't have shit for a playerbase
Imagine a crusader that does half the damage.
I laid my hopes on MS2, I actually like the new style so It's appealing to me.
But I stopped following news about Global releas about a year ago.
Inb4 it's cancelled.
What the FUCK was the point then? This game is all about big numbers isn't it? At least the classes with shit damage had party skills to make up for it.
They got Power Guard like Fighter, which touching an enemy with it active did some damage, but instead of Rage they got Threaten, which reduced touch damage. That's basically it. a little more MP per level than Fighter, less than Spearman. less HP a level than Fighter, but more than Spearman (who got Hyperbody, didn't matter)
then at White Knight they had goddamn 30 point "cast this once every 90 seconds to do more damage". white knights were useless, I agree
instead of something like rage or hyperbody they get a aoe debuff that you will never use, they also get a large mp boost when job changing instead of HP
it's not cancelled but it's dead in korea, so the chances of it releasing in the west are nil, just about.
they made it to china, but it flopped MASSIVELY there.
This. The people who made pages were the same freaks who made perma-beginners and bragged about it
>"hurf durf look at my 230 ATT weapon"
>"I'm the only page so scrolls are always cheap for me ;)"
Just as I thought.
May aswell just forget about maple at all, was a fun run guys.
Really miss it.
Time to turn the pages bois.
white knights had higher dps if you were using an elemental attack against things weak to elemental damage, at least until 4th job came around
2 blows ass anyway, I don't know why you would be excited for it. It's the most generic of ARPG formulas with p2w worse than the original maple.
The original classes were thought up long ago in Korea before the game was even finished, it didn't work out in the long run. This was before we got Orbis and El Nath, they thought element weak enemies would be good to train on, but that was at level 70, and the highest level enemies on Victoria were in the 50s at most.
It just wasn't balanced at all, just kept adding to the game. while Clerics and Ice/Lightning trained at 5/6 enemies at a time where they took extra damage, Fire/Poison took on one enemy at a time. No multiple-enemy attack until level 70 at least
>Being one of like 10 chief bandits on the server
>Constantly being donated and asked to come ME at Zakum
>Aqua Road comes out
I'm sure the game went to shit and beyond when pirates and stuff came out
But MS was fun in its heyday
Don't reply to me
-shills MapleRoyals-
>vote for gachapon tickets
It's getting a new source.
Chief Bandit was good. How come nobody ever played it? Was the grind harder because >lol melee thief
burn the sun
burn the light
take take take take take it away
Who are you, bugaloo?
Having to 30-70 with Savage Blow. the only party quest I remember was Kerning, Ludibrium didn't come out until later
I legit never made one because I had no clue how to spam-drop money
that video.
Is it just me or is the current GMS cash shop a LOT smaller? There were almost no cosmetic options the last time I checked.
Big Bang wasn't the problem, it was the Dual Blade patch. It introduced item potential and started the trend of new flavor of the month DPS classes.
It is, because the cosmetics are released in "surprise" boxes. You buy one, and randomly get an NX item (permanent if you buy the premium one) including the banner items.
it's gacha but for cosmetics. It's pretty neat honestly.
bandits were expensive, sharing equips with a more popular class does that this is combined with savage blow being shit made leveling tougher, meso explosion was fucked with so many times no one could tell if you were playing a CB when they were good or not
>only cash benefits are pets with loot
>not even VIP hair or color coupons, just REG random
It's exponential how much shit they added. I remember people being mad that they introduced 2x exp/meso/drops
>more Korean gambling bullshit
FUCK THIS SHIT. How the fuck are you supposed to coordinate a decent outfit when everything is random?
by just buying it with mesos. it's tradable now, like it has been in every other version of MS forever. GMS is finally starting to catch up. They even put in the auction house.
I loved the class and stuck with it, but
>30 - 70 purely with one skill
>Supposedly less DPS than assassin/hermit
>less mobility than assassin/hermit
>two of your most used skills cost money
>highest damaging skill in the game (at the time) could cost you millions to use effectively
>itemization sucked, you only had two shields available back then
>STR bandit existing wtf
Really, it's just because when you play thief the choice is between Hermit and Chief Bandit. One is a flash jumping, shadow clone using, lucky seven KSing monster that gets all the party invites. The other is a meso explosion bot.
There's an auction house for Maplestory? Cool. I fucking hated sifting through dozens of portals and hundreds of stalls for a single item.
>dude how much for this item
Oh it was cool at the time.
I'm looking for a specific video, maybe one of you knows it. Very old, 2006 or possibly 2007, it's of a few assassins fighting Anego (grandma boss). They've got her pushed to the right of the map, under 10 minutes long, and they're of course nowhere near to beating her. It was just a video of content that other versions had that Global didn't
yeah. FM and stalls still exist (and have better prices usually cause they don't have to overinflate to account for the bigger tax on auction house) but the auction house lets non-paying people sell shit without standing in the FM for 8 hours getting scammed.
Imagine playing bandit back when people were duping mesos like crazy.
>tfw I was a bandit
I was always jelly of those fucking assasins with their high damage, fancy ninja stars and longer range, jumping around all the time and getting invited to every party. Fuck those fags,
>before ludi/aqua
>best shield (bandits/mage) is 12def panlid
>actually fucking get a panlid
>spend 200K on scrolls at NPC to +2 it (100%)
>try to sell it
>my ashamed understanding now
press F to pay respects
Oh man. I made a Spearman just so I could use that Omega Spear
>All those people who made a spearman for dragon roar and dragon crusher
>All dragon themed skills have been removed and 3rd job is now berserker
>He thinks Big Bang was the problem
It was cubes that killed the game in the long run and they came out before Big Bang. If you got hooked in the game, depending on your server you would either have to farm a shitload of meso to get cubes or farm bosses daily and probably get shit lines on your gear, resorting to whip out your debit card or Karma Koin cards. When you do get your BiS lines you have 18 more pieces of gear you need to roll lines for and it gets fucking annoying.
Well if it's any consolation they shit on assassins in current patch.
They didn't want to look like they were "Dragoons" from FF.
drew pls
*blocks your path*
>>All dragon themed skills have been removed and 3rd job is now berserker
I'm still fucking mad.
>I will never be able to enjoy the F2P Maple Story experience I had when I was younger
>There's things I enjoy now that I will miss in the future
One of those things probably reminiscing with you assholes, FUCK
>not even Tiger
fucking pleb get out of my way.
He's kind of right. I vividly remember thinking the same thing when they started announcing more and more classes that played differently but did the same shit.
They even went so far as to change up earlier classes to match the newer ones who were farming machines.
>tfw you never got to lv70
Read my post first,
Never said or implied bigbang was the problem.
>you will never enoy maple during the prime of bigbang
Maple died DURING big bang wether it was the actual bigbang patch or not.
fuck off or read something before actualy replying to it retards.
he's nice but quiet. busy training.
i was on bera, met him at Himes
wether it was the actual big bang patch that killed it or not.*
and to add to my post I agree it wasn't big bang what killed it.
>having respect for a character that was not only played by like 8 people 24/7, but hacked too
>STILL didn't hit level 200
>tfw finally escaped gms
How the hell did Fangblade reach 200 so fast? Was he a hacker? A group of people? A NEET?