See all the memes about peebee

>see all the memes about peebee
>think she's going to be shit
>turns out to be cute and fun character

What went right?

Absolutely nothing and you're a stupid faggot for thinking she's cute.

Certainly not the fact you have serious brain damage.


You ain't fooling anyone.

anyone have the gif/webm when she gets thrown off ryder and she talks while grinning/showing her teeth like a retard?

You have to go back Manveer

Better than the humans at least.

>cute and fun
lol fuckin fruit

desu all the characters in ME: Androgyny turned out to be better than expected. Especially Vetra

This is the problem with pre-release stuff. It gets nitpicked and hampered on and over-analyzed to the point where everyone just hates it without regard for what the actual game/character is like. Just ignore Sup Forums (Sup Forums) and enjoy what you enjoy.

>only good thing about andromeda is gameplay
>manveer was behind it

I guess its why he kept his job for so long but damn.

So how is the ACTUAL GAME?

I wouldn't say she's cute and fun, but she's certainly awful like everything people were posting potrayed her to be.

somebody once told me


>good thing
>about andromeda

Gameplay's great fun.

Go back to memechan goobergator.


Vetra is best girl

why oh why did I spend $80 for this

Peebee is CUTE!


>People liking Peepee
Probably the same kind of people who though DA2 Merril was a cute and fun character and not an insufferable idiot that needed to be put down.

>responding to yourself
Space yourself bioshill

more like piss bitch HEH

The big issue with Merril is that she LITERALLY did everything wrong every chance she had and was irredeemable.

For her, obviously.

hory shiet someone screencap this

Pirate the game, it's not worth the money, it's full of glitches and frankly it's optimized poorly.

The PC port is garbage, the game is clearly made for consoles.

The animations are horrendous.

The multiplayer is PvE it's bad.

But Peebee is still cute. She has been the most interesting character in the game so far. Also, don't call me a shill fag.

>Is just an off-color human with rubber forehead bits

She's very cute

Ugh I hate that dude he seems devoid of emotion any scene he's in.

>what went right

the money bioware deposited into your account just now

>thinking a Shrek-looking teenage girl is a cute and interesting character
>NOT expecting me to call you a bioshill

Look Manveer, we're not gonna hire you back no matter how much you shill for us. Killing and raping that white guy for calling you a "snowquester" was a little too far.

She would be ok if it wasn't for the shitty attempts at making her the "awkward nerd girl"

Liara had the personality of a damp towel but at least she didn't have the airs of a mary sue

When does she ever come off as "awkward" She's in your face with her attitude and she actively engages you in a sexual/flirtatious manner.

Nice try.

Even if she didn't have the most hideous character design I've seen in years, she'd still be incredibly annoying.
She's the kind of character you write if your only exposure to fiction is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I tend to ignore Sup Forums memes about games that haven't even come out yet anyway.

Honestly the only character I don't like so far is ryder. His line delivery is just kind of flat. Maybe femryder is better.

All in all the game is fun and I like it for the most part so far. In a few weeks when the tortanic memers move on to their next "victim" maybe we'll be able to have actual discussion.

>game where you can fuck the characters
>dont want to fuck any of them

>game where you can't fuck any characters
>all of them are painfully fuckable

We can never have anything we want in this world.

>one shekel has been deposited into your ea account
>thank you for supporting our game goy


>implying you wouldn't fuck this
