Right: UK
Still buying western garbage ?
Left: Japan
How does McJobs relate to games?
Japanese mcdonalds stores are dying though. They recently closed 110 restaurants
That's because they're stupidly overpriced. $10 for a Big Mac? ARE THEY ON FUCKING CRACK!?
>japs have fat nigger noses
big mac costs 4.7 dollars actually. Also OP's photo is pizza hut. Never been but most pizza places don't have a restaurant seating area. The pizza's are 4x the price of normal pizzas and half as big.
Japan is all about KFC anyway.
They have Christmas meals there.
>Chik Fil A
Not bad.
wow, did japs realise they're eating garbage?
Raising Cane's. We get a Chick'fil'a here this summer, but I've had it once wasn't that impressive.
Carl's Jr.
Japan really just does everything better than the west.
>losers paying $7 for a bread, chicken, and pickles
>It's a food analogy
>be weeb
>go to college
>asians everywhere
>physically painful to be near so many qts
I'm glad it's over. It was too much to handle
>still no gf
picture on the right is from like fucking 2002 dude
at least fact check your shitposting
>got to Sup Forums
>see food analogy
>said food analogy isn't even about games
This board has really fallen from grace
Japan has cute girls in almost all their customer service related jobs, its cute as fuck when they bow to you and welcome you in their shops.
Right isn't the UK, those are the wrong uniforms. Well memed, friend
How would UK not be some mudslim trying to kill you?
kfc is shit tier chicken senpai
If only Japan won WW2, Damn, fuckin burgers
No one gives a shit about the chicken it's all about the skin and the gravy
cook out
Taco Bell
The nacho cheese steak chalupa is the greatest menu item to have ever existed.
Unfortunately you can only order it now by ordering a chalupa supreme, hold the sour cream, and add cheese sauce, which costs extra.
Actually most Pakis have fled McDonalds because McDonalds UK has a strong work ethic, Most of them work at KFC now.
thats shit too,im a nigger i know what im talking about
If you name a big chain as your favorite fast food restaurant then you've already lost.
I never understood why places have more registers than the people that work there.
Japanese women are batshit insane, insecure as fuck too.
Photo of girls posing vs people working
Why do the people on the right actually working, having fun, and talking with their customers instead of taking pictures/goofing off/ and not engaged with the customer?
What message is this sending me?
People get assigned to a single register and nobody else is supposed to use the register until that person's shift is over. Also for training new employees.
At peak times you sometimes use all of them. The place I was working at had 5-6 registers, 2-3 being used outside of peak times.
> are you kidding me?!
not an argument :^)
>Japanese women are batshit insane
That's why I got yellow fever, insane women=best women
I went to Japanland last year
Their mcdonalds was really fucking cool. black inked sesame buns, and these mcmuffins made of pancakes and shit
It was fucking actually pretty good
Why is there a shit-ton on Indians, is this down south because I know up here in the north-east it's just chavs and worthless cunts that join Ronald's ranks.
Carl's Jr.
>tfw too poor to visit US
>tfw you'll probably never eat at Five Guy's, White Castle or Arby's
Man, I wish my pizza hut had cute girls (female) like those.
White Castle / Crystals
Where my bros at?
Because idiot white people are letting the brown fucks breed them out when white people are the actual minority on the planet
not even a "white" guy. I'm from Madrid, but white people are fucking friends to me. It pisses me off going on vacation to Australia and seeing fucking Indian's and paki looking fucks serving me food. Like, what the fuck? What are you doing to your countries?
How is it allowed, that India and China can breed billions, but then are allowed to overflow into other nations? Seriously, how is this allowed? How is ANY nation that has a higher population than another allowed to become residents of that nation? Wouldn't that mean LOGICALLY after some time, that other population just gets replaced and you now have 2 Chinas?
I don't fucking get it, but it aint fucking starting here if I can help it. Fucking morrocunts are bad enough.
Never been to a McD's in Japan, but getting served by bubbly qt3.14 Japanese chicks at a Japanese Starbucks is pretty nice tbqh.
Then come back to the US and it's some disinterested poo in loo who glares at you. Fuck all of that.
Fucking legit. I'm South African in UK and we don't have any over here apart from an awful one dropped next to a Tesco.
Wimpy in South Africa is so fucking good.
For UK, it's gotta be a cheeky Nandos, but usually I go for an Indian takeaway.
i ate there once and never again i ate one burger and after five minutes i was shitting so hard i went to the moon
Burger King or KFC, chain-wise, no other big mcfoods in Venezuela 2: Slavic Boogaloo
What's the point of this thread?
1. everybody knows McDonalds' food is disgusting. American cuisine is simply awful, one of the biggest shit they export to the rest of the world (after cuck porn)
2. U.K., like all anglo countries (except Australia, maybe), aren't white countries
3. asian women > anglo women, but neither group is attractive on average
This is a new type of a WMD, usually there was ABC, Atomic, Biological, Chemical, now there's D - Demographic.
Basically you keep sending aggressive civilians in millitary age to an enemy country to murder our outbreed the native population.
>Those girls
I'm not even shitposting here dude those girls legitimately look like young men. Does playing weeb games do something to wire out all the capacity for sensible sexual selectivity in a person's brain
Wimpy in the UK is the worst fucking chain place to eat in the country. I'd rather go to a Little Chef.
Muh nigga. I fucking love cane's and there's one conveniently a couple minutes from my apartment
>live in switzerland
>Only get burger king and mcdonalds, super overpriced with no competition
Wish i could live the burgerlife
They're probably Phillipino, there is alot of them working in Subway/McDonalds/KFC over here, must be easy to get a visa
>2. U.K., like all anglo countries (except Australia, maybe), aren't white countries
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Neither group is attractive on average
Isn't that the point of average? Nobody is attractive on average, otherwise there'd be no benchmark against which to determine what constitutes attractive.
Attractive people are in the minority overall
Average people are just, you know, average.
The better life/western education meme, which I don't really understand because some parts of China are way fucking developed, even some of their schools are actual good quality now and the internal immigration and external migration is clusterfuck over who gets the documents to go where.
Wouldn't it be more expensive to up and move to a developed city overseas as compared to a developed city in China like Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
I know for here in NZ its the irrelevance thing, we get Euros/Asians/Yanks/S.Americans etc. leaving due to politics/world events and then proceed to fuck us over by driving up the prices housing market.
Just buy some beef patties, marinate them for like ten minutes in some Worcestershire sauce with a bit of garlic powder and some other shit, then fry em up in a pan and apply to bun.
You can pretty much make a burger better than any fast food quality place at home with little effort.
bojangles is the best place for fried chicken kfc fags dont know what they are missing
wendy's for the spicy chicken burger
Mcdonalds is stupidly overpriced everywhere but Burgerland
It's £5-£6 for a big mac meal here
Pineapples are the worst pizza topping.
>women are batshit insane, insecure as fuck too.
>Yankees and Eurofags will never understand the joy of sweet tea and historical revisionism about the civil war
I get so fucking mad, dude.
The same thing happened with Spur. It's fantastic back home but the food and service here are complete shit to the point they puleld out of the UK market.
i live in japan and the pizza hut here always delivers cold uncooked food, the wrong pizza type, and barely sauces wings
>sweet tea
When it's more sugar than tea, can you really call it tea? That stuff is fucking disgusting, isn't coke actually better for you?
For me its the McChicken.
>Nishino Nanase and team B leader Raizu or whatever her name is will never serve you Pizza Hut
>eating pizza in Japan
Why? Get some fucking okonomiyaki, you dumb cunt.
The UK are healthier than the fatty fat fats in Murica. We don't have a thousand different fast food franchises.
delivery okonomiyaki sucks ass
>Took a trip to Japan last year
>Land in Narita, take the train to Ueno and walk to my hotel
>Check in, get up to my room
>There's a Domino's Pizza menu in Japanese and English
>This is on it
>I can't even... right now...
now THERE's an argument
learn from the pros kiddo
Either go out, or just make it at home. A hot plate isn't expensive.
>like asian girls
>only girls that hit on me are poo in loos
What is with the Jap fascination with mayo? Its kind of gross.
How's western fast food in Japan? From my experience with Hong Kong, China and Singapore, its pretty poor compared to the NZ/Aus.
Also tried Yoshinoya? Tried it in HK, pretty fucking good.
I don't eat literal trash made by dark skins
KFC in Japan is probably the best in the world. Those places are run like autism factories.
The major issue is that it's all super over-priced.
They have higher standards than those countries and even english speaking countries. Like Mcdonalds, Burger king etc you can be pretty much 100% certain youre food will be hot and fresh, and much closer to advertised appearance than at home.
Price is normal, perhaps cheaper compared to nz/aus. Menus are slightly different of course
Taco John's
I think it's only in the Midwest though
>any girls hitting on you
fucking norman your day will come, bitch
>Have to move to Japan for work
>The two things I hate most in life, eggs and mayonnaise, are served with fucking everything.
I want to die.
>going to Japan with girlfriend
>she's celiac so can't eat gluten
>also vegetarian
this is called suffering.
If you're living in Japan and you still eat pizza delivery you deserve that.
what does this have to do with pizza
It's crazy how fast Japan adapted, honestly.
Since Nips will always just make casual games and never will be able to make a decent strategy game I will continue to buy western games.
>you should eat japanese food!!
sure if youre here one week
ive been here 5 years
Chik-fila and Chipotle
I thought the stereotype was that western women look more manly. Whats wrong with your brain?
Just get takeout and eat it on your own. Seriously fuck vegetarians who shit on you or won't let you eat meat and if she really loves you she'll let you go and have it.