never played Persona before what one should i start with?
Never played Persona before what one should i start with?
P2IS remaster on PSP.
Might as well end the thread now OP you got the only right answer.
Digital Devil Saga
Strange Journey is actually the best Persona game.
Soul Hackers
none of them
don't play 2-3 they are both bad start with 4
its not SMT
No, start with 5.
I started with 4 golden and that has ensured I'll play them all. I'm playing 3 now and I don't know if it would have been the same. I got sucked into 4 pretty much instantly. 3 has been a slog. I'm assuming it picks up because it is often held as having a much better story than 4 but if that's the case I haven't seen it yet because the pacing is apparently shit. It's also a lot more of a visual novel in terms of feel, the ability to move around the environments in 4 counts for a lot.
5 is worse than 4 i played the jp version
Don't play 4 it's the worst in the series. Everyone in the community agrees with that.
Start with 2, then 3 and then 5.
>He's playing 3 Portable
It was downgraded to be able to run on PSP. Get P3FES
The game picks up a little when Aigis and Strega are introduced, but it only really shines in the last act. But that last act is legitimately fantastic.
i don't have a vita so i can't play persona 4 golden does the ps2 version emulate well?
3 is an objectively worse game which is why most P3Fags tell everyone to play it before 4.
Once you play 4 then you'll realize how godawful the other game was.
>the ability to move around the environments in 4 counts for a lot.
The PSP version cut all the environments out and put the visual novel style menus, play the PS2 version.
Maybe don't emulate it and just play it on a ps2 retard
lmao no you didn't
Yes, it emulates pretty much perfectly. Ignore that other autist.
4 is fine. Don't worry about it.
Persona 4/5 are the most accessible
Yeah it emulates well. Play it after 5.
wait for 5. these games are mad long and you'll be burned out after finishing one and 5 is the best yet
1 & 2 if you want to torture yourself with shit gameplay and amazing story.
3 if you want a well-written edgelord story with characters that have a motive behind them all and clunky gameplay.
4 if you want a badly-written Scooby Doo story for kids with characters that are 1-dimensional and good gameplay.
5 if you want the best Persona experience ever but you'll never be able to enjoy the earlier games.
sound right
P3FES has:
>Better story
>Better characters
The dungeons in 4 are way more unique and fun to explore compared to Tartarus and the ability to actually control your team members is a big improvement, but I've got to say everything else in 4 just pales in comparison in my opinion.
>shit gameplay
It's literally the same fucking turn based system all JRPGs had for more than two decades.
>well-written story
Ha ha. No.
P3babbys are at it again.
Portable is better desu
That one. Anyone who says otherwise is just being contrarian.
The Persona 4 samefagging in this thread is unreal.
Are you that insecure people won't play your game?
P4>P5 anyday
y not 5 since its coming out now? no use in burning out your interest on old games
>Likes the casualized version of P4 more than P3
Spotted the shit taste faggot.
You say as if 3 was any less casual than the rest of the series.
You've opened a Pandora's box to shitposting between P3 and P4 fags OP.
Listen, Persona is a great series and if you like JRPG's you're going to like the first game you play no matter what.
If you play P3 first, you'll think P4 is a downgrade. If you play P4 first, you'll think P3 is boring shit. No matter what the first one you play will be your favorite so you might as well just flip a coin.
I'll just leave this here.
That people are becoming apathetic isn't driving me to climb the tower. It's not compelling. People turning into coffins is retarded. The s links are crap so far. Your idiot friend who wants to date his teacher? The junior fascist in the student council? I actively dislike these cunts. Don't blame me because it starts slowly.
>no re releases for P3 despite it having 2
>it sold well so that means it's good
You wouldn't date your teacher? Guess P5 isn't for you
Here's a more detailed one.
Play 3 FES, skip 4 since it's shit.
No, I wouldn't be a deluded little cunt. The guy is a retard. He tells you his great plan and gets pissed when you tell him to adjust his expectations.
>People turning into coffins is retarded
As opposed to kids going to what is essentially a Wal-Mart and jumping into a TV display? Or people being murdered by their repressed emotions in TV land?
If something here is retarded, it's not the game friend.
going to emulate Persona 3 FES anything i should know before starting?
>unironically preferring the cringy shitshow that was 4 over 3
shit taste detected
5 when it comes out. I played the Japanese version and I can safely tell you it will be the best introduction to the series. Do not worry there is no connection with each title. They always have small cameos here and there but that is it.
I really enjoyed 3, Tartarus wasn't fun and got repetitive but I enjoyed the social links a lot. Probably nostalgia talking, but I played portable recently and it reminded me how much I adored it. I'd play it first though as 4 has better dungeons and is better in terms of gameplay, and I don't know if you would want to downgrade after.
Debuffs work on bosses and you should use them.
Yes user. A world inside the television is actually a lot better than everyone turns into coffins at midnight.
Persona 4 is teletubbies and scooby doo
can't make this shit up ahahahhahahahahah
are you just pretending that persona 4 wasnt an absolute cash cow for atlus
they were getting mileage out of for over 5 years with all the spinoffs
good bait
Grind ten levels above normal and also really make sure you defeat the main boss before the month ends. You can actually get it done early if you take 3 whole in game days then fuck around with other stuff for the rest of the month.
Vanilla P3 SLs are dogshit. You only get SLs with the girls on your team for dating sim purposes. The rest are just some random fatass cultists, elderly bookstore owners and drunk monks. P3P is much better just because of Shinji's SL alone.
I feel you, playing P3 rn, decided I will do a one run tartarus once in a while, then I'll just go full Social link
went for chichiro
also, does playing with the FemMC offer a 'new' experience ?
Portable is absolute shit compared to FES version.
Why so insecure, user?
This, and people complain that Yu is a mary sur when Makoto can fly, fuse spells, abd has his very own special snowflake arcana.
FeMC can go lez with Liz. And no one else unfortunately.
Well you social link with men but the ending is kind of the same really. The music changes actually in that version.
>SLing the scum of town
Kys femcshitter
does p4 re-release mean p4golden?
i swear it had bigger numbers
You have two options user. One is a story where people are being kidnapped and murdered and you have to save them. The other is one where people are becoming lazy and climbing a giant tower will somehow stop this. One of these plots is compelling right off the bat, the other one is not.
I don't even know if persona 3 is shit, but I know for god damned sure the pacing is fucking ass up till june at least.
Thanks for proving my point.
The original game barely even opens up Shinjiro as a character, when P3P not only does that but also makes you empathize with him.
why the fuck is p3 on psn so fucking expensive after all this time? its a psp game ffs. $45 while p4g is $15
Except you know from the beginning who the killer is and there is no mystery
and the writing in p4 is so shit that there's nothing about it.
I would not say that. Persona 3 FES requires more patience that is all and actually has challenge.
its 10 bucks user. just looked
I didn't care for the team social links very much, I enjoyed the sun social link and Saori's in Portable the best. But all the outside links touched me in some way, even if they werent that good I still enjoyed them.
The female route gives you different dialogue since she's more outgoing than the male. You also get different social links, instead of kenji as the magician you get Junpei, and I forget that the arcana was but two of them change.
Yeah the point and click on the main game was boring but I wanted to see the difference playing as FeMC so I got used to it pretty fast.
>I spoiled the game for myself, that means there is no mystery
That's because shinjiro's slink is nothing but fanfiction for fujos/fags. The guy is scum but one you get to know him he is suddenly 10/10 husbando material.
you're just a retard for not realizing it lmao
as expected from a p4cuck
>Go into Gamestop to preorder P5
>Cutie pie clerk at counter says she loves Persona
>Ask her whats her favorite
>Persona 3
>Tell her I liked it but I hated Tartarus
>"Oh I didn't get to that part"
im in australia. im looking at it right now.
p3 for vita is $45. p4g is $15
She's the true best girl of P3. But you have to take into consideration that Portable was made only after P4 after they got a handle on making SLs.
Anyway, it's just more natural to hang out with your friends and dorm mates than some random strangers, don't you agree?
And now you know why we hate girl gamers.
>attempt to get "gamer cred" by saying you like a (relatively) niche game
>know literally nothing about it
>haven't played more than ten minutes of it
dont be too hard on her. she's just a girl
P3 babs in a nutshell.
Only if you are tall and handsome and not a fuccboi like door-kun.
>im in australia
Well, that solves this mystery. user. Why don't you just make a NA account and pay not-retarded prices? I live in Greece but steam converts to US dollars when I put in my card info connected to my us bank. You don't have to pay shit prices.
Shinji's S.Link was him complaining about Akihiko for five ranks and then getting ready to die for the remaining ones.
Also people seem to hate the vanilla Moon Link, but at least that was a little more interesting than "I wanna protect you!" x3. Fact is whether it's male or females, the members of SEES have the most boring S.Links because all their important development happens during the course of the story.
Where is the outrage at Persona 5 for not having homosexual dating options?
I've got my fix by making Nanashi crossdress in Apocalypse, so I'm not complaining about P5.
it isnt a wrpg so sjws dont even know it exists
If only
Wait for the western release. They don't bother looking up the jp release
I want to fuck Akihiko