What are some games affected by the Mandela effect, Sup Forums?
What are some games affected by the Mandela effect, Sup Forums?
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What's different about these two images?
Chivalry: MW
Up until hearing about Mordhau I didn't even know it still had a lot of people playing.
Looney toons became looney tunes in this timeline
it was always tunes
that's why its child series was Merrie Melodies
agreed. not mandela effect.
I know its probably bait but it was always Looney Tunes. They were a compliment to a series of short animated musicals called Merrie Melodies
Youre a fag
wait, it's not toons?
right, because theres none such thing and you'd be a clown to think there was
no, because it's fucking stupid.
just because you saw madtv say "life is like a box of chocolates" when you were 6 doesn't mean the fucking movie quote was the same.
might as well call it the nigger effect, because only niggers are affected by it.
They were always different sometimes
People thinking that Doomguy is dual-wielding on the boxart, probably due to him doing that on the title screen.
Wait did it ever become changed to toons? I swear I remember that.
This was a conscious design change that I recall.
This isn't strange. The typical Sup Forums user will have grown up watching Tiny Toons, so it's pretty natural to assume the original used the same spelling convention.
no. Never had that black tip on his tail
read my post
Is OP a faggot or a huge fucking faggot?
Fucking timelines
this. how many fucking people played the shareware version and never saw the boxart in their life?
>Thought people where saying they remember it being "tunes" because it was toons for sure
Starting to buy in on this shit
>merry melodies
again, didn't exist in my original timeline
Also Looney Toons has an alliterative quality to it. The alliteration is lost on "Tunes".
>mandela effect
nice meme retard
i did, i said it wasn't because people are clowns. I said it was because they are fucking stupid.
close, but different.
It was always "tunes" because i always found it odd they always played cartoons and not music
Mk you just went full retarded.
no fag
it was never fruit loops
Pichu had the black tail tip, not Pikachu. This "muh timeline" meme is fucking stupid.
>It's toons as in Cartoon
>nah bro it's "tunes" as in Merry Melodies lmao :DDDD
I hate this autistic timeline, doesn't even make any sense.
Oh well, at least we got Trump.
what in the FUCK
How stupid do you even have to be to think the one on the right as ever real?
The Bernstain Bears Camping Adventure.
Pokemon Showdown was affected. In my timeline Persian and Articuno were OU in gen1 but here they aren't. It's definitely the Mazionga effect.
You're thinking of Tiny Toons, underage little kid.
Guess where the kidneys went????
>Don't know what Mandela effect is
>Look it up
>Silver leg
?????????????????????????? WHAT?
pikachu was better when he was fatter
Best start believing in memes
You're in one.
>don't remember thing well
>fill the blanks with what your brain thinks "makes sense"
>surprised it's somehow dfferent
there you go, your fucking "Mandela effect" faggot
You wanna know what the 'Mandela Effect" truly is? Most of us saw these cartoons and read these books as kids. Kids are naturally impatient, so we never actually look at the words and names. We look at the shape and our brains automatically assume what it says based on context. We thought Bearenstain was Bearenstein because we never actually looked at the whole word. It had the word bear in it and had the letters t and n at the end so we naturally assumed it was stein.
The silver leg was just a commonly overlooked detail.
>Tiny Toons came out in 27 years ago
The mandela effect bullshit is just one giant fucking lie that people made into an actual Paranormal event in order to avoid saying the unspeakable thing: "I was wrong."
That's not alliteration. You're thinking of assonance, which both Looney Toons and Looney Tunes have, because the fucking spelling doesn't affect the pronunciation.
Read a fucking book.
it never existed, user
there's also a fair amount of people myself included that swears they remembered it was a brown tip with a straight edge
the movies looked like shit because they were old and the silver blended in with the gold. They didn't have HD or 4K back then.
You might be thinking of "Tiny Toon Adventures".
What? I'm pretty sure this is just logo change over time. Otherwise the top one was never real
Wasn't like that even in Green. Likely errors in advertisements and shit.
I bet thats it.
>This was a conscious design change that I recall.
No it wasn't.
You mean Berenstain.
Mandela Effect is just retard shit for people who are too stupid to realize they don't remember things correctly
It was always Looney Tunes because it was a series with Merrie Melodies. You think it was Looney Toons because of Tiny Toons.
Same shit with the idiotic "Sinbad genie movie Shazam!" claim. No, it was a Shaq movie called Kazaam, retards.
I wish I still had the plush, but I had a plush I gave away a month or so ago that i had since I was a pokemon obsessed kid in the 90s. It was the fat version and one of the first Pikachu merch that was out at the time of the early popularity, had the regular all yellow tail.
In reality, people that remember pikachu's tail being black are just younger people who started with the generation that had Pichu, and confused the two in their memories.
Seriously what the fuck how have I never noticed this.
Where the fuck else would your kidneys go they're a vital organ
I started on gen 1 and thought it was brown. I remember drawing the brown tip.
I have been a huge pokefag since I was 8 years old back when red and blue first came out in the US. I saw all of the original anime and kept watching the later seasons up until the diamond and pearl saga. I own at least one game from each generation up until gen 7 with sun. Pikachu has never had a black tail tip you fucking retard.
What the fuck is the Mandela effect and why are people talking about timelines? Sounds like one big pseudo-science meme
I knew a lot of retarded kids that drew Pikachu's tail wrong. It always pissed me off.
>Kidneys migrated up into the chest cavity
Yeah no I know this isn't the universe I as born into. That's some fucked up shit.
If you notice there's a common thread that connects most of the people who thought Pikachu had a black tail tip. They all say tats the way they drew him as a kid. I remember owning a How To Draw Pokemon book when I was younger and I'm pretty sure I did the same shit. Colored in Pikachu's tail dark down to the base, instead of the reverse.
I remember gta3 being massive and now it's tiny af
it's just a bit of fun, calm down
Retards that remember shit wrong and think their mistake was caused by alternate timelines.
So was I, and still even I thought that the very old art fro r/b/y had a brown tipped pikachu tail, at least until I dug out my old guidebooks. I still feel like I had seen it somewhere. I even had some copies of the electric tale of pikachu manga.
It is. Certain things large amounts of people misremember is all
Not only was Looney Tunes a compliment to Merry Melodies, but THAT was named as such because both were WB's creations made to rival the Disney shorts called Silly Symphonies. What, are you going to argue Silly Symphonies didn't exist in your timeline either? Did Disney not exist in your timeline?
that paint is really fucking with me, looks really sticky and uncomfortable
That's just people confusing it with Pichu.
this is bullshit
I have a photographic memory and they were the motherfucking BERENSTEIN bears,
mark my words some fuckery is abound
Pichu is the one with the black tail.
People who have this confusion are probably fags that barely play pokemon and stopped playing at gold and silver.
no all these retarded names are a perversion of reality
Fat Pikachu is the GOAT
It's like those faggots with the blue/white/gold/black dress
>scientists explain why people would see the color differently
That only started in gen 4, probably not the cause.
Bottom of the ribcage protects the top part of the abdominal cavity where the liver, stomach, kidneys etc are, ribs don't necessarily mean chest
During scenes on Tatooine the silver leg reflected the ground so the difference was negligible.
>Even the stills photographer, John Jay, came up to me one day and said, 'Why are you wearing a silver leg today.' Now, he was the stills photographer, and he hadn't noticed.
Clearly something's not right because this is from Wikipedia.
>doubting anything from Disney as real
>when Disney rules the world
Have fun with your torture and execution.
Sure I'll take your word for it over an interview with the book's namesake
Fucking retard
Volkswagen now is cut
No! It's an alternate timeline! IM RIGHT!
>mis-remembering someone's death is racist
What a bunch of condescending cunts.
He gets a new Gold leg in the later movies. Or maybe it was a prequels. Point is he had both a gold and a silver leg.
>people can't have fun making crackpot theories unless it's about DA JEWS
fuck off, Sup Forums
this is normal with aging as you don't remember shit properly, but outside of a few really odd cases, you remember it wrong because you are attaching one aspect of the image you saw onto another aspect of the image, like with pikachus tail, it was shaded near the base not the tip, but people remember it on the tip anyway.
once you have all these memories stored in your head, your brain kinda ballparks shit when you recall the really mundane shit
Is that not exactly what you're doing?
Show some proof of your assertion
Because I'm seeing plenty of proof that Pikachu never had a brown tip in the rest of the thread