Fire Emblem

Are all of the newfags that have decided to get into fire emblem heroes playing an actual fire emblem game to scratch that strategy game itch? Because that's what I'm doing.

Talk about it.

I've played them all but the recent popularity has prompted me to play some more. I'm replaying FE8 for the first time in a decade.

I dropped heroes like the pile of money grabbing shit it is and am now playing through the entries I hadn't played before (Binding Blade and Mystery of the Emblem). I'm still sad that the franchise is such shit now, I may just replay Blazing Blade and pretend it never got worse after that.

>playing one of the worst FEs
May as well be playing Heroes.

Give Tear Ring Saga a try if you're out of FE games.

I too started with Blazing Blade OP.

It's tough

I got up to the part with the tons of mist where I feel like enemies infinite respawn and haven't touched the game since.

Probably will take a crack at it again this weekend

If this is the worst then I can't wait to play the rest.

Enemies never infinite respawn. It'd make grinding too easy.

>That picture


How do I clear FE8's phantom ship. Duessel and the cavaliers can chokepoint just fine but once the gargoyles come my mages get fucked up.

The only reason to ever play FE7 is Serra.


Is there a way to mod FF7 so that I don't have to spend 50+ turns near a character to build support. While I wasn't a fan of Awakening and Fates at least it's easy to build support while FF7 and 8 it's annoying as fuck and I tend to just forget it exists.

Clear the enemy ship with duessel, then move all your units there and send duessel back to fight the gargoyles

>It's tough
Every single enemy in the game has shit tier stats until way late in the game.

I wish they just eliminated the stats period.
Feels so weird to have them in a game with focus on strategy

>complaining about an RPG having stats
There are tons of other games you can play if you just want strategy dude.

Complain is too strong of a word.
I'm just saying if I had my way there'd be no stats/leveling up.

You mean Chapter 9? There's an end but since the spawn points are on mountains it's annoying fighting them since they have annoying evasion. The game gets a bit easier once you have access to more things like touch staff which is a godspend since you have a mounted unit that uses staffs.



Yeah I think RNG level ups are bullshit but "stats" alone aren't a bad thing.

I recently restarted FE7 just finished Lyn mode after finishing FE7x. I was at around chapter 20 when I restarted.

I restarted because I was a dirty save state abusing shitter. I couldn't abuse save states in FE7x and it made me git gud and realized how much funner FE games are when your not steam rolling them with an arena abused team.

Don't forget to never reset for deaths, either. That's the true way to play FE.

rebecca is top waifu material

I feel it's fine since it forces you to use different units. Since people would just ignore most of the units the game gives you because why would you ever use someone else. With random stat ups each playthrough feels different. It's not a great reason but I enjoy it.

>rebecca is top waifu material

I certainly do, had Kent die to a 6% from the lancereaver merc in chapter 8 because I could have swore the guys on the forts don't move.

I love Beccy!

Doesn't leveling up actually encourage you to focus on the same few units since they'll get stronger and stronger?

I don't like the random level up bonuses but the stats are important because they make units have unique niches and have a lot if influence in the complexity of your tactics.
There are patches for most games that change growth rates to 0%.


>Rebecca breast fed Roy

Serra is the best. Prove me wrong

What a whore


>There are patches for most games that change growth rates to 0%.
>Dondon's 0% growth playthroughs with all recruitments and no deaths
Thracia 776 0% and shadow dragon 5* hard 0% growths is some wild shit.

actually just started this game again never finished it, any tips like what characters to use or anything Sup Forums?

Fuck I don't seem to have the webm anymore of Ike leveling with 0 stat ups. But really sometimes you just get a really bad unit and so you might ditch that one for someone that is better

Uhh, use Serra.

I should finish 12 sometime, but I've been too busy arguing about builds in Heroes threads to do so.

Marcus is god tier, he can carry you through most of the game
Pent and Harken can carry you the rest of the way
Athos can solo the final chapter

FE7 is one of the best balanced FE game where there's really no bad units. The only real issue is Lyn being such a glass cannon you tend to be scared of sending her out to kill things near the end because one hit could end her. For everyone else just use who you want and don't worry that much about who is better or worse. Personally Wil has always been shit while Rebecca tends to work out well (once had her strength and speed the same and became the ultimate killing machine).

of course you do

good start for Roy

I watched the FE5 one recently, it was really impressive.

if only we had Serra emblem

La la la, la la la, la la la

Praise be Serrafags

Fuck those sprites are hilarious.

those sprites are amazing wow

I really want to play FE5, it looks so good but really intimidating at the same time. Probably going to take a crack at it after finish 6-8 on hard mode and FE4.

Does anyone know if there is an improved translation yet?

Isn't this the complete opposite as to how you should play?

I don't like the idea of a 0% growth run. One of the most fun things about Fire Emblem is the sense of progression your character has he/she slowly levels up and gradually becomes stronger. Personally I would rather have a set level ups mode where characters level up as close to their growth averages as possible.

>not sacrificing your weak, useless units for the greater good of the ironman

You just don't understand tactical brilliance when you see it. It also serves as the greatest possible precursor to Bartre's genius tactics as well.

>the monster serras
>Serra even taking FE8 classes
they really are

But I can just send my stronger units first who won't die to a stiff breeze then send my weaker units so they get stronger as well. Everybody wins.

There's no improved translation yet so you'll have to put up with some garbled text, wrong sprites in story sequences, freezes (there's a workaround for that at least), and some questionable writing / memes. It's still my favourite game despite all that. Translation aside, the game isn't as hard as people think it is. The levels are creative and really well designed so you'll never get bored.

That said, you might as well play the other games with better translations first. Don't forget about either

There isn't a real way you "should" play FE, both resetting on death (for perfect runs of a chapter) and carrying on with deaths (meaning you might lose a good unit and be forced to continue) are both equally viable, though the former is usually harder earlygame and the latter lategame.

No improved translation, but you get used to the menus pretty quickly, the menus are the main things that aren't translated.
Thracia 776 is an outstanding game you need to play it.

Why is Bartre so classist towards Knights/Generals?

He was just the mouthpiece for the devs when it came to armor knights. The vast majority of them have been dogshit in the series.

I don't think letting people die and not letting people can exactly be considered an "equally viable" strategy.

Yeah, that would be more of a play style.

Oswin is a pretty damn good knight though, and he appears in the game after. He's got great bases, decent growths, joins very early, and will most likely promote way before anyone else.

FE9 has a fixed level-up mode, check it out.

And don't forget that you still have promotion gains and weapon levels in 0% growths.

I think that playing without resetting is much more fun. You will get more attached to your characters and every event in your playthrough will be more memorable. Also, it means that you need to plan out reliable tactics with failsafes and backup plans and stuff so you never risk a game over. On the other hand, if you play with resets you just need a somewhat reliable strategy and then you can ignore all other possibilities and reset until things go your way.

Don't get me wrong, an "ideal" strategy is a resetless run with no characters lost, but both methods provid equally valid ways of playing. I'm a resetfag myself, but I can see the appeal of ironman runs.

I really need to play FE9 some day. Is there a patch that allows you to play on Lunatic Mode in the english version by the way? I think I would like to try it out if I emulate the game.

Yeah, Oswin is great when you first get him and is helpful for the entire game (though he does fall off when people start getting as strong as him while being faster and having more movement). Dohga is also helpful in the beginning, but falls off hard. But then you have shit like poor Arden stuck in horse emblem, the entirety of the FE6 armors, every non-Oswin FE7 armor, the FE8 armors (the game being as easy as it is you might as well just always opt for the highest move), the FE9 armors (who are all useless on maniac), the FE10 armors (who are more trouble than they're worth on maniac), and so on

Yes, there's a patch that puts the english text into the japanese rom so you can play on maniac mode.
You'll also need to download a completed save file to use Fixed Growths mode.

I wish official FE games would do something like. Stat are colored differently to tell you if your above or below the average for their growth rates. At least some sort of indicator to give you an idea of growths.

>another PoR maniac playthrough is born

I hope you fucking love Canto, because the enemy is going to have hundreds of units with it

>Yes, there's a patch that puts the english text into the japanese rom so you can play on maniac mode.
>You'll also need to download a completed save file to use Fixed Growths mode.
Boy Japan sure loves locking content out of their games for the first run, huh?


Hold up first of all I still need a new computer and second of all I got shitloads of games on my backlog. Still MAYBE I will do a let's play on Sup Forums for my first ever run.

While I can't answer your question in the slightest, I gotta get my two cents in.

FE9 had the best way to build support. As long as units were used in the same battle, they gained support with one another. I can imagine how this could fuck up with the waifu pairing system though.

If you're going into it blind you really, really don't want to do one of those mate. The run is sheer suffering and tedium.

but don't you guys like watching people suffer? what's the problem here?

name a better swordsman

ill wait

Joshua isn't even the best unit in his own game, Rutger carries FE6 hard which is much harder than anything SS has to offer.


Grandpa Karel

that's just beautifully insane

>bow and staff
The absolute madwoman

Joshua's a great character.

Too bad that doesn't translate into gameplay for him.


>staff replacing axe , sword and lance
>even playing the staff like a flute
Serra's talent is far beyond us

Nino is cute! Cute!

What's the illiterate slut lying about this time?

Don't the growths change randomly between maps in 7x? I remember that it screwed most of my units in my playthrough.

How exactly does affinity work? If, say, a character is Wind affinity and supports with Thunder affinity, do they gain both boosts, the boosts from their affinity or their support's affinity?

About how the child is yours.

Holy shit, is this true? I just started playing, but this may just kill it for me.

Just finished up a Path of Radiance run, and now I'll be playing Radiant Dawn for the first time.

The unit levels are all over the place, it's WEIRD

I've never noticed this or read anything about this.

Didn't seem to be the case for me growths rates are pretty low overall compared to GBA games from what I've heard.

Not sure if it's random, but I swear to god that the Colors the stat names are in change from map to map.

Boosts from both their affinities.

welcome to radiant dawn where low level characters dont matter unless you give them ALL the b exp

Holy fuck don't do that, you'll end up with shit units. Unless you meant battle exp.

At least it's not Revelations bad. They blatantly wanted you to grind those underleveled pieces of shit because there is no way you'll be using them otherwise.

Damn, no wonder supports are so OP.