Which quest is the best in New Vegas and why is it pic related?

Which quest is the best in New Vegas and why is it pic related?

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wang dang atomic tango

Pretty mediocre quest made worse by Gomorrah being a maze


>a little bit of this, a little bit of that
seriously why the fuck was claden's wall safe behind his dresser. It took me like 8 playthroughs before I found it. I also have never found the dead hooker he killed because I hate slogging through the Gomorrah. It's a shitty quest, and it's stupid how of you complete it before that unmarked quest for Joanna it prevents you from completing it

Arizona Killer/You'll Know It When It Happens

>Literal brainlet
>Wah wah fuck this quest why do I have to think anything

Destroying the Brotherhood of Steel quests in For the Republic, Render unto Caesar or The House always wins
I don't even hate the BoS, although killing the Mojave chapter is putting them out of their misery, I like it because going solo against the whole BoS in their bunker is quite a challenge, while as frustrating as getting one-hit killed by that fucking deathclaw you missed
Grab your best gear, all the chems you need and go guns blazing
The only other time where the game gives you a comparable challenge to slaughter a lot of strong enemies is the battle for Hoover Dam

God damn this quest is so frustrating, I always get one shotted by their stupid gauss rifle. Fuck this weapon.

I only recently found out that you can convince Old Ben to be the smooth talker instead of the guy with the debt.

Should be using Med-X and Slasher, then. And a Battle Brew if you want to completely ruin the difficulty

>using chems

>being dead

If this is considered the best quest, then in retrospect this game had some shitty quests.

>Talk to the idiot wearing sunglasses

>the quests with some of the most glitches and can easily lock you out of other quests
>Gomorrah is full of loading screens
The sexbot is the only thing interesting about that quest

I never understood why Caesar had a problem with the BoS. He had no tech they would be interested in. Besides, they could be useless allies in his fight against the NCR. After which he could crush them and absorb them into his legion like he does all martiallly competent tribes.

>They said they were looking for a guy with a degree in theoretical physics
>I said I have a theoretical degree in physics

what quest is this? i don't remember interacting with Nero at all, least of all conspiring with him against big sal

My favorite quests were the companion quests, mainly Old School Ghoul, For Auld Lang Syne and Heartache By the Number.

As for non companion quests I would say I Could Make you Care and how it takes you to Valut 34 and all the quests that happen there as well like Et Tumor Brute, Hard Luck Blues and All Fired Up!

Also I really liked All my friends have off switches and X-13 Attack of the Infiltrator the first time i played the DLC, other playthroughs they felt sort of like a chore. But the very first time they were very enjoyable.

It's the Ghomorrah quest How Little We Know. The quest reward is a gold plated Pip boy.


Problem is that it's not a small uneducated band of savages, but a well-organized, well-armed group of individuals trained from birth to adhere to The Codex. It's one thing to awe some backwards dung eaters with the ability to kill a man from a distance, wholly another to convince a group that goes back to just after the war to lay down their arms and join forces to fight for a united West in an army of former tribals under a regime that lives off enslaving others. The Brotherhood doesn't care about local affairs unless it contradicts their own.

It wouldn't take much to undermine Caesar. He just happens to be a very powerful and charming dictator.

>What do you think of the Brotherhood of Steel?
The worst impulses of mankind, concentrated in one insane, backward tribe.
The Brotherhood seems to have formed not long after the great atomic war. It's hard to know - they care little for history.
Some of the Brotherhood scribes we captured further East didn't even know the name of their founder, Roger Maxson.
They like to pretty up their mission with trappings of chivalry, but the truth is they're horders. They horde technology.
It's been 200 years, and they still have the mentality of scavengers. They say they're preserving these technologies, but for what?
They have no vision. They offer no future. They're a dead end.
>Couldn't you use the Brotherhood to your advantage?
You don't think very far ahead, do you?
Sure, their hatred of the NCR would seem to qualify them for use as proxies. But then what do you do with them? Each paladin is quite powerful.
I'd have to be convinced that present benefits outweighed future costs.

Or, put another way, they're far too fanatical to be integrated properly and there's no guarantee that they'd never raise arms against the Legion. Like House, the simplest solution is just to get rid of them


Oh My Papa

>play lonesome road
>nuke both ncr and leejun
>both forgive you for irreparably destroying their lands and supply lines and annihilating their people

I never did the sarsaparilla cap quest, nor did i ever go to the area on the map that had the quest

So you basically haven't played vegas.

They probably would have added something to stop that if they thought they could get away with it. But Lonesome Road was pretty much the last time they got to patch the game so if they fucked up the implementation, it would've stayed broken until a community patch sorted it out

Caesar knows just like House that they will most likely be an issue in the future, and while the Mojave BoS is pathetic compared to other chapters, beating them conventionally will be a ridiculous drain on resources, it's much better to wipe them out beforehand

The BoS is probably a bigger PITA for the Legion than NCR, too, even man-to-man. The NCR has a lot of troops with full-powered rifles (according to Contreras's supply manifest, battle rifles are a little less common than service rifles), the Legion has a lot less.

I assume you mean that the BoS is a bigger PITA than the BoS was to the NCR
If so, I can get behind that
I think it will even be harder than normal if the BoS stay in Hidden Valley instead of seizing HELIOS One. Trying to root them out from such a defensible position would be hell for savages like the Legion

It would be fairly easy for anyone who knows that they're in there to either seal them in or lay siege to the area

That's the easiest way the Legion could do it, but that still requires a significant manpower commitment for potentially months. Still, Hidden Valley is obviously not self-sufficient

The first night there, any reasonable commander would blow up the fans generating the duststorm the BoS uses to stay hidden. That would, inadvertently, destroy their already damaged ventilation system and force them out in a few days or weeks at most. Even if they broke the siege and ran, they don't have anywhere to go

Post your favorite loadout

>Desert Ranger armor + Helmet
>Medicine Stick
>Ranger Sequoia
>modded leather backpack

Arizona Rangers WW@

I like it but it glitched out and I couldn't beat it my first play through. He said he'd go to the bosses and just stood there. Forever.

>Elite Riot Gear or Desert Ranger Armor
>1st Recon beret
>Authority glasses
>Ranger Sequoia or Sweet Revenge (from New Vegas Bounties)
>a permanent scowl

Dats it maine

Although I like to use Lucky Spurs with the Desert Ranger armor. And I also only use the act Desert Ranger helmet in heavy combat areas. Otherwise I use brown ranger hat + lucky shades

Is there any way to get the Ranger Sequoia without killing Hanlon?

Steal it from a Veteran Ranger

Nope, that would be Beyond the Beef.

If you are playing on PC and have JSaywer Ultimate it adds it to the NCR Ranger Safehouse.

Otherwise I don't think you can get it without attacking someone who has it.

>Colossus APA
>Hyperbreeder Alpha

Don't they forgive you if you didn't kill benny yet?

GODDAMIT why isn't the legion more fleshed out and not so obviously "evil"

Such good writing

What do you mean "killing" hanlon?

There's a trick to taking the gun off him if he commits suicide.

He doesn't kill himself unless you force him to and leave him no choice. So you arguably can cause his death.

Maybe he wants the gun without having to do the quest that way.

I need to get Lucky Spurs.
Also the leather gloves mod because the ranger armors have those horrid fingerless gloves.

Spurs fit the armor so well. I also have a footstep mod that has a occasional metal jingle that sounds a lot like the spurs.

jingle jangle jingle

>want to replay new vegas
>remember how half the game are pseudo romans


fuck obsidian

lmao dude



Is this image ironic?
>Bethesdrones are consolefaggots

Fuck that quest was good.
Played at 4 am, such an engrossing story

>implying I'm gonna spend heartbeats reading that mess

Christ it's funny seeing Bethdrones line up to defend crap writing and crap environment design.

Nigga going off about a bunch of shitty, boring ass dead locales when asked to name 3 good places... He wrote a damn list and still couldn't do what he was asked. XD

>the same 2 bait images that get posted in every thread
swiggity swoo here's your (you)

>trying to outsmart people who actually good at writing
>failing measurably
>making shitty edits, can't even come up with your own shit


Get out

Doubt anyone would defend bethesda unironically. That shitter just baiting.

must have missed this thread holy shit

What edm is this?

Please assume position

Knife Party - Bonfire

Why didn't he send someone into the bunker with you?

Cultural contamination from exposure to so much technology

You can bring up this dialogue by asking him why he doesn't just send in his men to do it. You can also ask him why not have Benny do it, but I've never chosen that option.

>Can't refute image
>call it b8

>You should use Mr. House's technology to attack the dam.
You don't get it, do you? The weapons I wield are forged from blood, flesh, sinew, bone - mortal stuff. Fragile, even.
And yet my Legion obeys me, even unto death. Why? Because they live to serve the greater good, and they know of no alternatives.
House's machines, his technologies - what do they propose? The possibility of victory without sacrifice. No blood spilled, just... rivets.
That's not an idea to be put in circulation. If mankind's going to survive this moment in history, it needs warriors, not {contempt} gadgets.

>The possibility of victory without sacrifice. No blood spilled, just... rivets.
>That's not an idea to be put in circulation.

Goddamn that's a load of fucking stupid.

>Let's refuse to use technology (The only thing capable of restoring the wasteland) and instead keep on living like savage dung eaters because of fedora reasons
11/10 truly a masterpiece of obsidian's writing

>sierra madre armor
>first recon beret
>melee/silenced weapons

Ok since I know you meant ENB, it's Nevada ENB 2017 edition, it's not released publicly yet.

How about you guys refute his points except the one with the Brotherhood because it has already been discussed in this thread. I never played any bethesda game and I played new vegas only once. I'm just genuinely curious.

>resources ran out because global society got increasingly dependent on machines and automation, spending more and more time consuming resources from abroad without any real appreciation for the effort it took to get those resources and deliver them across the world
>everything goes to shit when 'suddenly' those resources start running out
>now there are hardly any resources left
>so it's the perfect time for people to become dependent on machines and automation again instead of accepting there's nothing left and having to work for it

Dunno if you noticed but NCR is in the position it is because it's expanding too far and fast in an effort to keep the Core Region in the cushy lifestyle to which it has become accustomed

>most aesthetic armor is faction armor
>your ass gets shot all over the place if you wear it

That kinda sucked. It was also remarkably hard to get until later on.

>not just fisting the entire base with a paladin toaster and having the circuit breaker as a backup

Ok I'll indulge

>why does the courier care
There really is no reason other than you find yourself tangled in the situation, you can choose to ignore the politics and just make your own doing with Yes Man. It's implied that any protagonist in a game, or any person, when presented with the chance of power and influence they will try and take it. Who would say no to being a millionaire?

>why doesn't he just shoot benny and leave
You can do that, you can choose to ignore all the main quests and you're still full of sidequests to do, since the courier service in Nipton is done for you can't get a courier job anymore unless you fix Nipton's issues. If this guy asks us why doesn't the Courier walk away from everything after killing Benny I'll counterpoint with "why doesn't the lone wanderer in 3 just walk away once he finds his dad? why continue the story and save the wasteland?"

>why does house unconditionally trust the courier
He does not, he has Victor follow you around and keep an eye on you, if you cross him he finds out and tries to have you killed. He offers you a contract with very nice gains for you to make, he expects you to fill your end of the bargain instead of walk away or betray him. No matter what that's all the options he has left, so it's not like he has much of a choice. Remeber Benny was his protegee before that. He must rely on a real person to do his bidding, because his securitrons are not up to speed for the task yet.

Again, because his robots are not perfect yet and still need upgrading.


Because they're all stupid point?

>The Courier is You, if You don't care about politics then neither does the Courier. You can fuck off and do what you like and never have to complete the game.
>The Courier is You. "His" motivation is whatever you want it to be because it's an RPG. You can even try to side with Benny because, again, it's your choice.
>House is desperate and an egotist, he has no choice but to try and "charm" you into working for him under the assumption you want the things he can offer
>Because robot AI isn't that sophisticated and people already dislike how he only communicates through Securitrons, a robo-butler would do no better. Or be able to infiltrate The Fort
>Caesar is a massive egotist, surrounded by an army that will do whatever he wants, he's got every right to be so far up his own asshole to think you'll do what he says either our of fear or awe
>Power Armour and energy weapons are no use to a man with an entire army of murderous robots but people with PA and EW are a potential threat to him

Are you serious? He just missed a lot of shit and being dumb in general.

Caesar also doesn't trust you unconditinally, similar to House has people oversee you and you are stripped of your weapons until you enter the bunker because you need them there. You can fool him but that's the only way the story can develop, he doesn't send his people in because his people don't understand anything about technology and he can't let them find out too much. Caesar understands the importance of technology and doesn't want his Legion's values to be undermined under any circumstance.

He threatens you with death, that's his best warranty. You as the player know that if you fuck him over he won't hesitate to send people to kill you. Of course you being the protag that doesn't really matter but if we consider the Courier to be like any other human in the universe, then it does make sense. Legion Assassins are not the guys you wanna fuck with.

And as for House telling you to blow up the Brotherhood, it's cut content. The devs intended to let you ally House and the BoS or let them walk away instead of only being able to destroy them, as said it's cut content and it's a shame that it was cut due to time constraints.

There's more but that's basically it. Really the game has no "glaring" plotholes other than "hey you're the player character you can get over any situation that nobody else could", but after all it's an RPG videogame, you're supposed to be able to do impressive feats nobody else can.

The only big inconsistency I remember about New Vegas is that in Lonesome Road, after you nuke the NCR and or Legion, the men in the nuked locations are Marked Men instead of regular Ghouls, which makes no sense because Marked Men are a unique form of Ghoul that only happens in the Divide. And neither the Long 15 nor Dry Wells are in the divide, so it makes zero sense that the irradiated victims of the nuke there are Marked Men instead of Ghouls.

Any word when it will be, or something similar?

When I finish it.
So Soon™.
If I'm lucky and not a lazy bastard, by this weekend. Otherwise next weekend.

I can only do this sort of stuff from Friday to Sunday and progress is slow, also got other things to do IRL.

If you really can't wait, you can try this version: mega.nz/#!c4w2EBKQ!boXUSsp0jz_jWE4OknPF-1NqmG2kWhQf2seYkDN9AqU

It's last weekend's version, that's quite close to what the final version will be.
Requires RWL - ENB weather plugin to work. Also works with TTW.

>cut due to time constraints
No, it was finished and then cut because without something to challenge them, too many of the playtesters followed the House path without investigating NCR/Legion/YesMan because it was the path of least resistance.

That and the actual argument you give House is "they trust me, if they misbehave in future I'll use that trust to kill them". A control freak like House would definitely just opt to kill them first instead of waiting to see if the close minded xenophobes will have a change of heart regarding robot armies owned by businessmen.

I've heard they only made you blow up the BoS if you were siding with House because too many playtesters were siding with him.

I'm misremembering then because I was pretty sure it was said by the devs the option was cut due to time constraints.
Fair point though, I believe it. I'm pretty sure my memory is just being shit.

Either way though, you can restore that option with mods. And it all works as intended.

Try DLC armor, Desert Armor and Elite Riot Gear have more or less the same aesthetics.

dlc bruh

>as said it's cut content and it's a shame that it was cut due to time constraints.
It wasnt because of time constraints, but because in playtesting they found that House was by far the best choice, as no sacrifices had to be made with him

Noted, can't believe I've been wrong about this for so long. Thanks guys.

I'm not reading that shit.

>you must prep the bull.

Why do elijah and 0 hate robco so much?

Because House was succesful where they weren't

0 was jealous of House's personal success and apparent genius in the field of robotics, while he was a clumsy dipshit who broke everything

Elijah is full of himself and looks at systems he's spent his whole life studying and breaking into with contempt, despite the fact they've saved his life at least once

What the fuck do your need spurs for?

There aren't any horses.

>You can fuck off and do what you like and never have to complete the game.
This not really an option since the game will never end. It would be pretty interesting if they added the option for the Courier to just leave the Mojave anytime he wanted and then end the game. You just go to NV, kill Benny for revenge, play blackjack in the casino, drink some booze, dismiss Victor and everyone else, get out of the Mojave and then the game ends with some slides telling you the Courier is off to find another job as mailman or some shit and what happened to the factions in the Mojave after you left.

Which quest is the worst and why is it Come Fly With Me?