Does this game ever get interesting/started? Is the entire Zelda franchise one big bore besides Link's Awakening?
Zelda series sucks - I'm not even trolling
No, SS is objectively the shittiest 3D Zelda by a fair margin. If you think the other games, barring garbage like TP or ST are boring, you might have autism.
I agree. You walk around with a little bitch, with a bitch ass sword and little shield, and he just goes
Who wants to play that shit? I need to shoot some niggas.
Shu tthe fuck up you stupid sony faggot
Why do sony shitposters infest this board like a plague of rats
Zelda is pinnical gaming
They are bland games, like comfort food.
If you really liked Link's Awakening, just stick to the 2D ones. Try A Link Between Worlds, it's really fucking good. The Oracle games for GBC are similar mechanically to LA, but they're not as good, and only Seasons is worth playing IMO.
>cherrypick the worst game
>wow this whole series is bad?
Good thread.
No it doesn't. Skyward Sword should be widely regarded as the worst 3D Zelda.
That game's gameplay is built on the premise that the wiimote is an actually good means of control for anything but simple party games and light gun games.
Also the entire game's storyline is continual blueballs leading to a weak ending.
>play post-N64 Zelda
>write off whole series
Is this all the same poster who makes this thread every time? It's usually WW instead of SS. I would understand if you got fooled by TP's visuals but there's no excuse for jumping straight to WW or SS
Seriously though. What goes through your heads when you pick WW? Or SS, which is almost universally disliked by long time fans?
>Hmmmm I want to play Zelda, but I hate anything that's too casual, too handholdy, cartoony, and anything to do with modern Nintendo
>now let's see which game is for me
This game was great from start to finish. Far better than Depth of the Boring.
Autism because Twilight Princess sucks? Have you actually played it? When does TP actually START? Hey find your horse, hey get the sheep into the staple. WHEN THE FUCK DOES THIS GAME ACTUALLY START? WHATS IT ALL ABOUT? WHY SHOULD I CARE?
Those Zelda games are: Talk to countless characters you don't know yet / you couldn't care less about because you want the game to start and so far you don't know what the story is and it's just boring like having to play a hour long tutorial or something. Just look at Skyrim: The game throws you right into the action. The beginning is interesting. Same goes for Oblivion but TWILIGHT PRINCESS? Got it just drags on and I have no idea when the game ever gets started. I gave up on Cube, Wii and I tried it on Wii U again but just fell asleep as usual.
I have read SS is pretty good and the best Zelda before the new one came out.
You posted what is widely, WIDELY considered by the fanbase to be the worst game in the series.
Play Ocarina and play either the original or Link Between Worlds.
Seriously that's how it works? If you don't like your franchise you must be a fan boy of a rival system? I am playing SS on my NINTENDO Wii. You know what Sony stuff I have? I've got a PSP - that's where it ends. Never cared much about Sony. I play pretty much everything though. Games just shouldn't be shit.
Oh boy you have a long way, then you have to turn into a wolf and do shit secondary tasks as the main mission for the next 10 hours, that's TP for you.
hes trolling obviously, and by him saying hes not, hes baited far more than he would have otherwise. Quite simple really.
Oh WAIT Minish Cap is actually the best Zelda. It's a lot of fun. I never understood the love for SNES Zelda. Also a piece of shit and I actually OWN IT for SNES unlike most of you little kids who just emulate it and no I don't own any Playstation home console.
wow you're an annoying faggot
Play the original, Zelda II, Ocarina and Breath of the Wild and enjoy. Stay away from fucking WW, SS and TP, they're boring as fuck.
All I remember from LA is that it drops you off at the start with no instructions and expects you to bump into the necessary progression.
Just quit playing
Or kill yourself.
>good openings
People mod them out for a reason. Now Morrowind, that has a good opening. BotW, too.
>mandatory mini-dungeons to get the tools
Nah, BotW could have done without that.
Link's Awakening is one of the lesser games in the series so if you enjoyed that you'll enjoy most of the other games a lot more.
Oblivion's opening is fine, it's got fucking Patrick Stewart and at least you control your character instead of spending 6 minutes in a cutscene.
You spend 6 minutes waiting Patrick Stewart's guards to advance the story.
Best character.
All TES games have a shit opening that's way too long and annoying.
SS was just another Zelda game with obvious and shitty padding
Like the previous 3d games if they removed the time wasters and keep the core action there the games would have been much better
I am not but I have to say "I am not" because everything is fake and gay and just trolling on the internet nowadays. You can not have a proper discussion about things because no one wont believe you. So tell me why Zelda is so amazing and why the beginning of TP isn't boring and slow and just no fun at all and doesn't get you excited so you go like OMG I NEED TO SEE MORE instead of just turning off the console and play something that has proper story telling aka Japs can't tell stories.
>I am not a modern nintendo fan
>so to start the series, i will play bar none the most despised game in the series
>XD guys you actually like this lol
pls kill yourself or kill me. i want the pain to end.
First few hours of TP wouldn't really be bad if there was an actual point to it. The whole farm/kids part should have had some more meaning but really it was just there to get Link out of the village and handled pretty badly in my opinion. Like how you just abandoned the kids with a complete stranger and never really resolve the issue that the parents and kids are separated. Yeah they send them a letter saying "lol we are good and one of the kids opened a shop!" but overall the issue of them not seeing each other is something Link should have quickly handled. OoT handled having to leave his childhood place and returning to it much better than TP which felt like everything was just trying to move on to the next segment without any real rhyme nor reason.
Nigger, he straight up said Twilight Princess and Spirit Tracks are boring, are you legitimately retarded or did you just skip english classes?
That's SS but TP isn't that far off. TP issue is that it tries as hard as it can to be a "dark and edgy" OoT but never comes close to actually working so everything just felt dull. SS however tries to do some things differently but in almost every time fucks it up in a way that makes you hate everything about it.
op was talking about trying SS bro.
The replay was to a post talking about TP. But in either case they are both fucking bad.
Only intelligent reply in this thread. You other guys are just flaming and naming no proper arguments. So really CONVINCE ME. Tell me how great the intro of TP is.
The intro of the first N64 Zelda is also so god damn boring.
*breaks game in two*
I fucking hate Zelda.