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I don't think there's a podcast tonight. They're too busy wasting literally everyone's time with some faggy meetup for unsociable genderqueer fags with a desperate need to be validated by their idols.
They recorded a L&R special in advance. So where is it?
Well its working if their patreon is anything to go by, they finally hit 40k
I bet they didn't.
Great, now we get some stories of when they booted up a PS1 and went WHOOOA then based their gaming tastes on that single moment for the next 20 years.
Oh nice I was looking for this thread
Also, Kozachenko confirmed new 40k tiers on NeoFAG:
>Movie podcast hosted by Ian
>Nintendo podcast, biweekly, by Damiani
I'm not trolling. WTF?
Are you fucking serious? And we still don't have trailer scoring.
For real? Damiani definitely does not need his own podcast
And I thought it couldnt get worse than the "anime podcast"
It's true. I know, it's madness. I hope that means we won't see Damiani on the regular podcast anymore, but who am I kidding?
Podcast is up.
Guests: Damiani, Brad
Length: 01:05:50
Link: no
>That fucking diaper segment on frame trap
literally the hardest I've ever laughed watching these guys even going back to GT
That Zelda Universe podcast was one the most interesting things they've done in a while.
"Bi-weekly" would be really pushing it though.
They got into E3 last year because Bloodworth is great at making deals, but that probably couldn't last. The 40K number is arbitrary, but that and 1 million subscribers are/would be really useful for getting them into places.
FUCK OFF DAMIANI. Kyle needs to bite the damn bullet and put a weekly show up as a goal. It's not like he has a second job anyway.
>L&R special
>70% of the podcasts have been mostly L&R anyways
I miss GT time.
>Nintendo podcast, biweekly, by Damiani
Isn't that what his streams are? I've never watched them, just guessing here.
At the very least he could do a show once a month. And maybe at 55k he yould do it weekly. They are getting nowhere with podcasts by Ian and Damiani ffs.
Does Ian know anything about movies?
>That top 10 trailer list
>It's all mostly CGshit
A videogame trailer that has no gameplay should automatically be in shit tier. This is why I have no idea why people love Metal Gear trailers so much, or those Star Wars trailers that have lightstaber fights that are nothing like in the game.
The fact that Bioshock's CG trailer was #1 on their list made it completely laughable to me.
BTFO, sucker.
>Jones thinks alloy is more expressive than toon link
Is this nigga serious
Link with time
Michael Kozachenko was sooo fucking bad at Zelda. Infuriating.
Am I wrong or is it strange how low-budget everything at EZA is considering how hugely successful their patreon is? I get that they're a big crew of people, but still..
Also what is it with Kyle's refusal to do a show for them? Does Geoff Keighley own him or something? He needs to get over himself and make one.
>Damiani talking about representation
>To justify ME:A terrible animation and faces
This is in the top 10 greatest trailers of all time. No CGI bullshit, tons of gameplay, tons of story, tells you when the game is coming out, and makes you say "Holy shit what is happening" throughout the entire thing.
I was dismayed hearing them mostly bring up CGI trailers as their top 10.
>50% of gamers are female now!
Holy shit Damiani shut the fuck up
The very end of the podcast is also gold
>Also what is it with Kyle's refusal to do a show for them?
From what I gather it's 50% a lot of hangups and anxiety and thinking he'll let people down and 50% him trying to justify it by saying his "show" is the podcast.
>Damiani is also a feminist cuck
Final straw, stop making these shit threads
>They are actually defending that shitshow that is Andromeda because of the animator harassment
>Brandon saying that SOME animation and faces are bad
>Brad just quiet there shaking his head.
>Damiani trying to make a GAMERGATE thing without saying the name
Yep i think this is were i drop off.
>Movie podcast hosted by Ian
So it'll be pretentious "look at how unique my opinions are for masturbating over indie flick #1721 centred around this awkward person and his awkward life, so original!
>Nintendo podcast, biweekly, by Damiani
This will be worse because it'll be him rambling the whole episode to make a single point about Zelda and not even articulating it in a way a human could understand.
They should have just slapped Bossman around until he caved and made a "Easy Bossman" show.
Wow, just wow, I did not expect this.
Im going to stop watching these guys from now on.
everybody adores Styx, you always love lots if everyone seeks launch reveals
what did he mean by this?
What a fuck!?
Is Brandon REALLY defending what Bioware delivered with Mass Effect!?
Saying shit like they need to make fun of what happened about the game with a "fun" cut scene about Ryder "face problem", that they should say "sorry, but it's a new generation"!?
Fuck sake, Ian has enough shows.
Damiani needs to stop appearing on camera and maybe become a once in a blue moon guest like bloodworth.
The Dude can't talk about anything other than Zelda, he forces it into fucking everything!
I was watching the recent Gundam stream and in the last half an hour he turned into a zelda podcast and keep steering the conversation back to Zelda even though the guys were trying to talk about Gundam.
> actually wanting to hear a thing Ian says.
He's defending the fucking CG TRAILER for Bioshock 1.
I know that he was some kind of lite corporate apologist.
But what a hell happened here.
just got done prepping my wife's bull and i'm snuggled up in the basement next to the water heater while listening to the latest EZA podcast.
life doesn't get much better than this
I believe the rumors of him wanting to jump ship with a better deal is also true.
Kyle will never be big time.
He tried with live with youtube gaming but it crashed and burned
Thanks, and man that was great, haha jesus, Huber is one hell of a guy
>Damiani actually believes this
>even when less than a fourth of the people in their EZA meet up pic are female
What a turd lol.