Oh shit user, you've really done it now. You made mithra cry, and Asura's coming for your ass! Only the last video game character you played as can defend you!
How fucked are you?
Oh shit user, you've really done it now. You made mithra cry...
Other urls found in this thread:
Should be just fine.
>implying any of us stand a chance
Kid Icarus Uprising
>How fucked are you?
Very, as is everyone; as even if their last played game was Asura's Wrath that would just result in the entire universe being fucked
Im fucked.
Asura will One Punch me to death!
>you might have mantra wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel
>Link Between World's Link
At first I thought I was fucked, but then I realised I can just go into another dimension with him and just relax while drinking milk.
You're gonna burn all right.
>implying Asura still wouldn't be able to get to you
Cmon now, user. You know in your heart of hearts you still wouldn't be safe from Asura
You know, there's actually a good chance someone was playing as Akuma
They'd be fine.
my wow rogue main so I guess i'm just fine
>adrenaline rush
>build 5 combo points
>straight up execute the nigger
if I can defeat the end of the world by myself I can kinda take on Asura
This thread is stupid. No one could beat a mad Asura.
all have 0 chance. nice try dumbasses
>No one
It's true, but just let people try and get beaten
at least I get an excuse to post this image
Which is more powerful, spiral power, or asura's rage
Spiral power is power of many, unity and shit, which
isn't as fair for comparison.
Nevertheless, i love Asura's fury, so i'll stick with it.
He just looks big. He can't take on a God-class being.
Asura's rage literally transcended the power of creation. We can reasonable assume that spiral power was an aspect of TTGL's universe, unlike Asura's rage.
I just felt TTGL is omnipotent because of the comic galaxy grabbing and throwing at anti-spiral.
Didn't said he is stronger, desu
I'm pretty safe desu
Spiral Power was fighting spirit wasn't it, it's just that for powering things like ttgl and the ship I forget the name of it could come from multiple sources I think it was.
>Asura's rage literally transcended the power of creation.
I vaguely remember this now, been a while. I feel like enough spiral power would be as strong if it wasn't an aspect of the universe, it's just that Simon couldn't build up enough to keep up with Asura.
Literally omnipotent is very different from "really fucking strong" as an omnipotent is all powerful, they can do literally whatever the hell they want you cannot beat them
Yeah, but spiral power shown by TTGL itself is the power of all 'riders/driver' or people and their
mechas combined, similar to Goku's spirit bomb,
which is the power/chi of people of the Earth.
And unlikely Asura's rage, which is it's own, is a bit unfair to compare, imho.
Dante wins easily
Yeah I see what you mean
9S... dies quickly and cant hack2win Asura
So was Smug JC canon in the end?
At least he tried
Oh, poor Asura
What game? Asking for a friend.
Best one I've seen of that yet
this guy got it
He fought asura already. They tied. But he wasnt angry at him, so his anger would help him move along.
Wow what the fuck am i typing. Im tired as fuck.
rest a little
If just A.W. get a PC port, oh man... how much longer do I need to wait
No matter which one I chose I'd still get my shit fucking flattened by Asura. One simply does not go up against a pissed off Asura and win. Chakravartin found this out the hard way.
I wonder this everytime I play killer is dead or related
Emulation is close
It literally doesn't matter, no one can save me from Asura
Yeah, but it would be thousand times more awesome to play a port than an emulation, desu.
Yeah, but at least it's fun to try.
I guess we'll just have to try and reason with him.
We have Turnabout mode if all else fails.
>cannot charm/fear/etc a raging creature
DnD maaaaaaaan :^)
>smt iv
Good fucking luck. I'm behind one Messiah, three max stat Doped demons ready to cast Debilitate, everyone is at +3, and Tetrakarn is up.