Who is best girl Sup Forums and why is it Hanako?

Who is best girl Sup Forums and why is it Hanako?

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It's me

I think you meant to say Lily.

video related

>can't even spell her name correctly

Lillyfags, everyone

Best girl is purely subjective.
Best route is objectively Rin's, even though Hisao is extra retarded on that route.

it's not like she could see you're spelling it wrong.

>not playing on realism mode


>Lilly and Emi are still the best
like poetry

Why isn't Emi dirty blonde? Because she's asian?


you already had a katawa thread on Sup Forums today
go back to /vg/ and circlejerk with your same 50 images over and over

>best girl

Pick one and only one

Lily/Rin tied for best girl

Shitzune makes me so fucking mad. If she were real I'd smear her ass into the pavement. What a terrible friend, she doesn't deserve Misha.

Lilly is the best. There simply isn't a contest.

Shizune was the best girl stuck in the worst route.

not a staring contest anyway

>be a piece of shit
>act cunty constantly
>have a vagina
>people laud your personality

I actually really enjoyed her route.

Nah, most boring cliche can't be a winner. Misha or Rin are best. Hanako is a fucking loser and Emi is obnoxious.

Emi is obviously best

Unironically Rin

>actively sabotages Shizune's relationship with Hisao out of pure spite, jealousy, and hatred
Oh, but she's "thick". I guess that excuses her.

Lilly/Hanako are best
This is the objective truth.


Cat and grumpy faces are the only reason I could like shizune

absolutely correct