Senran Kagura

When can we expect cow girl to make her appearance in the games?

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Does it really matter when everyone has cowtits?

That cow girl can milk me any time.

About the same time koffing girl appears.



PBS would have been fucking perfect
she has unlimited ammo with those tits

>literal cow tits
I love this game

Ushimaru has the biggest nipples!

>four inches
wew lad

I want her, Fuga, Ageha, Ashiya, Kasumi, and Hisui to be playable.

Is Ushimaru a sadist like Ryouna? Or is she actually part cow? Or does she just like dressing up like a cow to please her master.

Her favorite animal is a cow, so she just likes dressing up like one.

I wanna fuga Fuga's fugas.

Someone needs to mod the Steam games according to this infomation.

Honestly Im@s already did it better


Cowgirls are my fetish. What are some good games with them?
>inb4 people posting pictures of actual game cows

Fuck it, submit it to Marvelous as a resume.

I came into the thread to post Shizuku but was beaten to the punch.

Is she supposed to look like there's nobody home?
That expression is like, brain problems level vacant.

Well, she is just a dumb cow after all.

Best senrans

Ushimaru is a cute cow! A breeding cow!

I want to be a dumb cow too!

It's amussing how Shizuku has tits as big as the biggest Senran.

I mean I like cows as much as the next guy but there's a minimum level of brain activity required here.

>No snek


what are cows for?


For those who have it how is PBS?
I heard that it has lock-on aiming that is more useful than manual aiming? Is the game still fun?
How would you compare it to the other SK games or other TPSs?

Milking, duh.

1. Ryouna
2. Haruka
3. Asuka
4. Shiki
5. Yumi

Milking my dick

This is best girl
inB4 >girl and >that's a boy

Why is Hebijo so best? It's unfair

>Plays a prince in a play
>Not a boy

god damn, i wish nan drew more uncensored senran boobs.


Yeah its all autoaim. Regular enemies and especially enemy senrans are constantly moving around at a fast pace so theres no point in using manual. Its still a fun game though. I guess you could compare it to an arcade shooter.

Mirai's nipples are too small.

It's fun as long as you only use the dual pistols and shotguns, they change your dash animation into the Vanquish dash.

How is the online?

Mirai's nipples are perfect!


It can be fun but Its kinda laggy half the time because nips and majority of the time people are using nothing but maxed out grenade launchers because of how op it is right now. Apparently Marvelous is nerfing it soon.

Survival is fun and pretty smooth though.

Normally i want some hefty tits, but Ryoubi's ass is just so fantastic.

Which flatty has the better butt?

You're forced to use the grenade launcher if you want any sort of chance to win, and its super laggy. Which is crazy cause I'm in Korea, should be butter smooth for me.

Though it has potential to be mega fun if they just iron out some stuff.

Nah, cute loli sized nipples for a cute loli

Ryoubi. Is that even a question? Mirai is just a sad flatty all around, Ryoubi's ass has some OOMPH to it.

When will monster girls be in it?

They're not even an inch! She's just underdeveloped!

Is the story silly in a good way?

are these the only flat chicks?

I've never been prouder to be a Senran Kagura fan

I love these threads :')

Both are nice, Ryoubi has big, healthy and firm bums, while Mirai's are soft and delicate.

Hopefully SK7 will bring them again.
I doubt any of them will be playable though.

There aren't many.

Hope you have grenade launcher max out because that's all people use. Other than, laggy, connection drops, players losing connection while game starting up. Not fun at all at the moment.

>You're forced to use the grenade launcher if you want any sort of chance to win

So just like BioShock 2's online where once you unlock the Grenade Launcher you literally win since it tears up your opponents real fast.

There is a general for Senran Kagura series on /vg/. Please relocate there. Keep this off of Sup Forums, as no video game discussion is taking place.


I'm gonna look at this when I read that Ryoubi ass story when it comes out

>She's just underdeveloped

Yes well, that's the whole thing about being a loli.

The story is hilarious and enjoyable. Gets serious towards the end of course but its super enjoyale the whole way through.

monster girl gamu has great cow characters! play monster girl gamu!

>tfw my nipples are smaller than Mirai's

That's normal if you're a boy.

Spoil me on serious, senpai.

>pass user since 2016
How does nipmoot's cock taste?

Mods don't do shit on Sup Forums, there are a few generals on Sup Forums.

Pretty much and there are some cards that add to their bull shit.

Passcucks don't get to have an opinion in these threads


Whenever I type that into google I don't get any video game results.

>pass user since 2016
What's wrong with you, holy shit

eat a sack of baby dicks

google is for plebs! go to tumblr!

The point of PBS was to generate enough shinobi energy to slow down the Resurrection of Shin, who is close to awakening again. Instead of having ninjas just slaughter each other or whatever, they figured doing it in a fun way would be more enjoyable. Sadly, the mastermind behind everything had different plans, and really wanted to create a space where Shin couldn't enter. Instead of using the energy to slow down the Resurrection, he created an area that was so dense in shinobi energy, that Shin could not enter, which would create a "paradise" for them. Of course, the girls didn't stand for this and begin to fight back during the final true chapter.

t. poorfag

I am, I just know guys with big areolas and it's gross

How is the main story mode. Is it really hard or is it easy. And have you beaten the game yet and if so how did it end.

meh, sounds lame.

Shiki and Murasaki have magnificent huge nipples!


Who even needs cowtits anyway?

That's...dumb. Though I don't expect AAA writing from a tit game or its watergun spinoff.

I hope the next game cuts down the character count a lot.

Main story mode is pretty simple, the only time ever had an issue was Hanzo boss fight and wanna be splatoon fight, but those can easy to handle if you just power up our weapons.

Is that a guy? What's up with the flat chest.

It's just her pupils, brah. she's a slutty fuckcow with pale grey eyes.

It ends with them showing Meium that whatever he did, they would continue to fight back. He ran away from being ninja after experiencing the despair of not being able to defeat Shin himself, but believes in the girls. So he lets them out after displaying their true strength

Main story was rough since I played it on Hard the whole time and always aimed for S ranks, but I think it would be really easy on normal mode. Hardest fight was Crimson's final fight.

muh nigga
I at least like it when they like what's happening to them in an ahegeo'd daze

she's young and underdeveloped

Does Hibari not want to be a ninja or something?

Yes, it's a cute boy.

Does the game have voice chat for online? Would be cool to speak with bros online that imported the game.

Mirai is quite feminine, though.

But your comment makes me wonder how the hell do people in the game's story can mistake Miyabi for a boy.

>no chest at all


I hope Estival Versus gets complete costume overhaul mods like DoA5 has and someone makes Minori look like Ushimaru. Since Minori already has a bucket.

I'm sure it's mostly a VA joke, either that or some men must have natural big breasts on the SK universe.

When has anyone in the story ever mistaken Miyabi for a boy?