Go here and bring something back.
Go here and bring something back.
>Prepare for a bit of a sob story. When I was younger, and moving away from home to university for the first time, it was a very rough time for me. I was moving a long way away from all that I knew, away from all of my friends, my parents etc. Suffice it to say I found it hard to fit in for a good while living by myself. But something I did hold onto during that time was the introduction to the Mass Effect trilogy, of which I started playing before I left, finishing ME3 while moved in to my new place. Having the crew and their characters, the deep lore and intricate story during that transitional period was so precious to me, and I have since become a fanatic of the franchise; adorning my office space with posters and Garrus/Tali figurines lol.
>Since that time though a lot has happened. I have since been diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiousness and have had multiple instances of suicidal thoughts that seem to spawn out of nowhere. Because of this I am now seeing a therapist regularly. I got transferred from my area of study in Game Design into something entirely different because I was unable to keep up with the rest of my fellow students. I have since become accustomed to studying Graphic Design as an alternative but being kicked off of what I dreamt of doing since I was a kid took it's toll on me.
>This last year has been the worst though. In the span of a single summer my father lost his battle with pancreatic cancer, my girlfriend and I are currently on an extended "break", and my step mother on my dad's side began chasing me up for over £10,000 she claimed I owed her due to my father lending me finances through rougher times of my studies. With him dead I guess she feels like she can bully me. (I only found out I even had a step mother at my own fathers funeral... If that's not fucked I don't know what is.)
Better game
Go there and stay there
>But after finally getting to play extensively last night past the trial period, Mass Effect Andromeda sparked that same feeling of comfort and dependability the trilogy did for me. The Tempest, just like the Normandy, felt like stable ground where I could put my feet and catch myself. Distract myself away from all the bad and just enjoy these interesting and wonderfully written characters I want to be friends with like Gil and Jaal. (Jaal being a real surprise.) Approaching romance like the old days by flirting with Vetra and seeing that cute little Turian smile when her mandibles stretch out. The vast open beautiful worlds I can just stop and take in. The ambient sounds of birds and waterfalls on Havarl. The peaceful tranquillity of Aya.
Once I finally stopped playing and laid down in my bed, I had this huge grin on my face. It was the first time in a very long time I smiled for that long involuntarily. The game did something beautiful to me and given how extensive the mission list is looking to be, I'm going to be enjoying this for quite a while. This game had just ignited true happiness in me for the first time in a while and for that I am ridiculously appreciative of Bioware and what they've produced. Thank you to all of you over there.
This game is fantastic and I urge anyone to not judge it based on the trial alone. Once you really get into the meat and potatoes of this game you will remember that it still holds the heart and soul Mass Effect.
Edit: I want to clarify that I do have friends now lmao. I'm not that pathetic. (...maybe) We meet up whenever we can and they're awesome. This post was mainly just to explain how in my off-time where I would usually find myself dwelling on the bad, I have something that completely takes me out of it all. :)
>go to reddit
How about you fuck yourself OP.
>But see this game isn't even a bomb, people just declared it a bomb before release for profoundly petty reasons. The animations are legitimate problems, but they're not game-breaking problems.
>yfw not living in Berlininistanbul or Londonistan
Been browsing there on and off since the 10 hour trial went live. It's been so much fun.
>"who cares about the writing and the facial animation quality, look at this shiny screenshot!"
>Stop being so entitled guys! IM GOING TO ENJOY THE GAME BECAUSE I GET LAID!"
Lads I haven't had this much fun since browsing /r/NoMansSky
post yfw you are only human
>What's up with all this negativity? Are we all playing the same game? I have not been able to put this game down, which hasn't happened in video games for me in a long long time. The world's are so interesting to explore even for me who's not really big into open world games. All the characters are interesting, and the gameplay is so tight and fun! Singleplayer is fantastic being able to swap out different skills and try out different playstyles and the multiplayer is everything I loved and more. I don't mind criticism but it seems like I'm one of the few that are completely loving this game.
>I've ignored the reviews and commentary on ME:A so far. Knowing the internet to be a toxic hellhole of hyperbole, I will enjoy the game, simply because the premisse is awesome, the scifi checks out and the combat is decent enough. :P
>story/ character driven game focused on dialogue
>fans don't consider character animation especially in the face to be important
I remember reading a post that looked at game files to determine the romance options and it was predicted to be pretty even. About 2 romance options for every gender and sexuality combo. One of the bi characters was apparently suppose to be Jaal, and I was getting super excited to do a m/m romance with him.
Get in the game, I'm loving his personality and get even more excited to jump into a romance with him. Then I find out he's straight. Now, this wouldn't be too disappointing if it wasn't for the fact that essentialy my only other option is Gil, and he's basically Steve v2 (because the first one was such a resounding success...). Token gay character who's a wrench jockey, only difference is Steve actually had a backstory (even if it did make him a whiny bitch).
I love getting the most out of a playthrough. That, imo, means pursuing a romance. Since I was fully preparing to romance Jaal, I skipped flirts so I didn't get into a mess of romance. Now it just feels too late to get the most out of the other romances.
Combined with the fact that the gay romances are painfully neglected compared to literally any other romance option, I honestly don't even want to continue on this Ryder anymore because I'm so bummed out. It may sound ridiculous, but I just had high hopes for a m/m romance. In ME3, they "made" Kaidan gay because of upset players. In inquisition (entirely different team, I know) they did a really great job with giving plenty of options without making any of them feel shoe horned. And it was praised. So why they've gone back to excluding gay romances (still plenty of quality lesbian options, naturally) is beyond me.
I guess I'll just start a new character as a female
>SPOILERS OF THE MOST EVIL THING EVER! They forced me to drink coffee! Coffee I tell you! Caffeine at first site without even the option of noncaffeinated! Tea was not even offered and I felt my life crumble before me like never before. This story is truly crossing the acceptable levels that I thought Bioware was above, but I guess I was wrong. Do you understand what I am saying? This ain't no Liane or Matthews calppin bombs and fuckin moms, no sir. This is drinking coffee without the option of the no and toss please. Why would they make me take time out of my charcters busy wake up from the super ice bath to bask in the stench the New York city folk call a cup of joe is beyond me. Honestly just shoot my character now because they have been tainted by a hardcore drug that is destroying their ability to function. NOT EVEN THE OPTION OF TEA FOR FUCKS SAKE GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKIN BIOWARE MORE LIKE BIOCOFFEE MOTHER FUCKIN DRUG DRIPPIN BITCHES!
Takin the piss here, and I am enjoying the game while the characters do look pretty piss poor and animation is wonky wooden. I am just gonna treat this like it is DA:2 level quality and enjoy it for what it is even if I am disappointed it is not like the past. Now back to playing this all night long.
>Makes me very forgiving on any bugs I happen to come across (only 5 that I can account for, and one quest that broke. Thankfully it was a side quest).
Glad to see that even they're not in total denial. Most of them are men, with testicles, it's really hard to cuck a man so much.
>Mass Effect 2 (2010) vs. Mass Effect Andromeda (2017) Bioware this is totally unacceptable.
da 1 and me 1 are both very flawed games that show promise
Instead of fixing the games they just do a 180 and shit it up
/r/masseffect > Sup Forums
Fight me
why don't you go there and don't bring yourself back?
We Pathfinder now
>go to reddit
no, i've managed to stay away from that place for 13 years not going to start now