Video games were already getting bad by this time 10 years ago

>video games were already getting bad by this time 10 years ago
>it hasn't slowed down at all
In 2027 will anything but mobileshit and paid early access shit even exist?

I assume you're only talking about the AAA industry in which case I agree

>It's another faggot that thinks all games are bad

Original post, user.

no faggot.
indie shit will be permanent alpha stage

Nah, also indie garbage, almost no good game comes out anymore, the golden age when pretty much every release game being worth people's time and engaging is long gone.

Indies came and saved us around 2007-8.
The """"industry"""" needs to die already. It's incredible it has survived this long.

Indie shit is fucking trash and you are delusional if you think more than 1/10000 are worth playing

>the golden age when pretty much every release game being worth people's time and engaging is long gone

what objective factor would stop a good game from being released from your point of view?


Everybody becoming a bumbling retard with no taste.

Then make your own game if you're so superior and intelligent.

>the golden age when pretty much every release game being worth people's time and engaging
because it never happened.
Shit games get released all the time everywhere

>become a game developer
Oh wow what an amazing career choice! If only I was retarded enough...
Come on that's beneath me.

You wouldn't do it for a career, but to make a game. The level designer for Doom plays his own game on occasion.

they'll just be QTE movies by then anyway.

I have better things to do, I don't spend my time with video games or anything related to them anymore.

Then why in the fuck are you on a video game board?

>video game board
We all know this place is SFW Sup Forums.

Stop buying bad games and studios wont be able to afford to release bad unfinished games

>it hasn't slowed down at all

Says who?

You have shit taste or are simply an ignorant and also Kagamin is my waifu

The technology to make video games hasn't fully developed yet, give or take a decade and we might start seeing high quality indie games

>it hasn't slowed down at all

Japan is killing it for the first time in a decade right now, man. Nioh? Nier Automata? Gravity Rush 2? Resident Evil 7? Breath of the Wild? Persona 5? Tales of Berseria? It's the PS2 all over again out of fucking nowhere.

this is the best year for video games since 2007, maybe even better
also konata is better

Now hold the fuck up there.

Kagami > Konata > Tsukasa > Miyuki



nigga NieR Automata JUST came out

You forgot Rezzy 7 famalam

What about Japanese AA titles?

VR is a meme, it's a mediocre title without it.

It's the best Rezzy since 3. I've beaten it 3 times through and haven't touched a VR headset. I'd still be playing it if not for the Switch.

How can she be your waifu if she's mine?

It's probably because I'm not blinded by shitty nostalgia but games back in the day weren't by any mean "better".
Of course we have a lot of problems now, like DLCs, early accesses, ubisoft opend worlds, predominance of free shit for toasters and mobages.

But the quality of the games is the same, you can still find a lot of games of different genres you can have fun with.

I disagree with that. I was never too on board with action RE so RE7 feels like a nice step back towards palatable territory. Certainly not perfect and not without its precedent (it's basically a more horror oriented Rev1) but I'd say it's the nicest thing to come out of RE since RE4 blindsided the world.

>video games were already getting bad by this time 10 years ago
>it hasn't slowed down at all

But Japan and indie games are fucking killing it this year, unless you mean the cancer that is the AAA western games industry then I agree, and good riddance.

>Literally "Anime ASS" the game
>Anything else than complete virgin pandering shit

>3 games that aren't out yet
>2 of those 3 will be shit and one will be good

Do you unironically think "medium-sized Japanese development studio" when you think of the word "indie"? No one on fucking earth would call Dynasty Warriors or Yakuza indie.

>if it's not AAA, it's indie
>if it's not indie, it's AAA

guaranteed you haven't played it and just read kotaku articles about how demeaning 2B is to women

>Implying he isn't just the usual baiting faggot that hasn't read jackshit or simply wants to annoy people
Granted, his shit works as we can see

Well people was jumping at indie right after the post indicates that "everything except AAA is good"

Except for some of Konami and Square Enix's projects, Japanese games don't have Western AAA budget most of the time

>mfw I'm enjoying the renaissance of good weeb games on the Vita

Home consoles were a mistake this generation

but all the games suck

True in the last 3 or 4 years, and Vita was effectively why I didn't kill myself. PS4 is really getting it together this year, though. Like, back in November I never would've considered a PS4. Bought one in January for GR2 and RE7, and am playing Nier while browsing this thread. PS4 got gud overnight, mang.

sonybros everyone

knowing that a second season will come, should i spoil everything and read the manga? Sup Forums says i should but i have done this for so many series and it sucks

Nah, I also like Nintendo. Fatal Frame 5 is one of my favorite games in the last few years and I'm getting a Switch when No More Heroes 3 drops, don't even give a fuck.

The anime is great but it won't get to the best parts.
Read the manga and watch the anime since even if you know what is coming up, it'll still be fantastic.
Froppy gets powered up

I enjoy my mobileshit thank you very much. Better than paying $60 for an AAA game that's only 6 hours long and is shit outside the graphics.

I agree that OP has shit taste. Kagamin is also a sweetheart.

This year's been off to such a strong start that I can't help get more confused every year why this "all video game suck" meme keeps on going with each and every year.

We got the first good Resident Evil in a decade, Yakuza 0, Nier Automata, a New Zelda and Nioh in a little under three months. I don't understand where someone would even get the money to buy all the cool shit that's come out this year so far, let alone the time to play through it all.

There's one decent game in your list

>We got the first good Resident Evil in a decade
RE6 came out in 2012

Nioh was announced before you were out of diapers

Zelda is boring shit with fun mechanics and took way too long to be released

Yakuza games have come out every year since 2005 so another one is nothing special even if they are good games

Nier is meh

>RE6 came out in 2012

Something tells me he knows that.

2012 is within the current decade
Also RE7 is still pretty decent

If he thinks RE4 is the last good RE game he is a retard because it isn't an RE game and everything it does 6 does better

In the future, there won't even be games.
Your children will ask for a copy of Raging Manchild Plays Minecraft And Overreacts To Everything 8.
It will be the most successful thing in the world until 9 comes out.

I'd disagree about RE6 having better pacing than RE4 but it definitely has better mechanics. I think if you separated the wheat from the chaff then RE6 could've been amazing but as it stands it's got like one good part for every half-dozen shitty ones. But even so, you can argue that REmake/RE0 were the last good ones and his claim still holds true enough.

>You have shit taste
You are right, but you also have shit taste by having kagami as your waifu.

The right order is

Konata > Miyuki > Tsukasa > any other girl in Lucky Star > Konata's dad > Kagami.

>tfw gaming 30 years and still being blown away by new games

there are a lot of great ones coming out right now and if you can't appreciate that your life probably just sucks

cause he is retarded?
I am sure it shouldn't surprise you.

>being over 30 years old and still wasting your time playing shovelware shit that does nothing but insult your intelligence


excluding andromeda, this has been a great start to the year though

>yakuza 0
>horizon zero dawn
>nier automata
>persona 5 next month

then again i guess you have to be idort to appreciate it. if all you have is an xbone then i'm sure things are feeling pretty bleak right now

What if you don't like JRPG, or hack and slash?

wtf r u babbling about

>mfw there are people that are only running an Xbone in 2017

I largely agree that this has been the strongest start to a year in a long time, but I think that one thing should be noted.

With the exception of Persona 5, all of these titles are action games of some sort. The ones I've played have been really good, but I think that it's entirely possible for someone to not be happy with the current gaming lineup if only because their genre/s of choice are all but dead in the current market.

Don't play Nier, P5 or XC2 I guess.

It keeps getting easier and easier for small teams of dedicated turbo-autists to make great games, so I wouldn't be worried. AAA isn't gonna be for you unless you like dumbfun dickaround games though.

On the flipside, a lineup like this in these genres hasn't been this prevalent in a long ass time either. Works both ways, those who have been suffering are finally getting a breath of fresh air.

Literally the only game "big" release this year that I'm kind of excited for is Ace Combat 7 and that could easily turn out to be garbage.

I'm sorry. I like 3rd person action games so 2017 is the best thing I've seen in years.

that's true, but action/adventure is the biggest genre in gaming. if you're the type of person who is mainly interested in, say, RTS games or racing games then your expected time table of good releases is going to be much much different since we get maybe one good game of those genres per year

If you don't like the current state of video games why don't you do anything to change it user?

Go make a game.

Those poor bastards.

Because I don't have the resources or competency to create a good mech game.

Yeah dude what a great idea, one person making a game with no budget in their spare time compared to teams with dozens of people and millions of dollars to play around with.

>dudebro that want to watch some Netflix after pwning kids in some FPS and Madden before getting to a party

Xbone is the literal normie console

The most popular games on PS4 are dudebro games.

>Shit games get released all the time everywhere
Yes, but in the 90s most AAA games were good. Not the case anymore

>any console
>not normie
come on user

2017 looks really good so far
kill yourself shit taste haver

Undertale was created by 1 person.
Just kickstart an idea, I mean, it's got to be a really good idea and concept. But why not? it's possible

And Undertale is fucking cancerous trash that does nothing original besides ripping off older Japanese games, what's your point?

Top kek, the amount of shovelware released for the earlier consoles is insane. Buying games in the late 80s and 90s was like playing russian roulette, even more so because information was wayyyyyyyyyy more scarce, you basically had to trust your local videogame magazine or word of mouth. Unlike today where metacritic is a couple of seconds away at any place.

This is all Drumpf's fault. We would be bathing in glorious games if Hillary got elected desu

my point is that even 1 person can make a decent video game if he puts time and effort into it.

also undertale wasn't that bad, and if you hate it , there are other decent indie games that were made by 1 person

>anime ass
>2b is literally a side character in the game and not playable past the first route except for a little scene at the beginning of route 3
ayy lmao

You are fucking delusional if you think there are less good games coming out now that 10 years ago.

so far 2017 has been one of the best years for gaming in recent memory
late 2016 had some good releases too

alright fagtron how about cave story.

dwarf fortress beta will have more plants maybe


Did they even know the damn thing ever existed?

>I only play western games

Sucks to be you.

>In 2027 will anything but mobileshit and paid early access shit even exist?
Mobile and tv videogame services. It is bond to happen, with more expensive accessories for the services to work with company X and Y

Western games are pretty good.