Artificial difficulty the game

Artificial difficulty the game

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i think that title goes to alien isolation in 2017

Both of you need to get good and learn what artificial difficulty is.

What changed about the game in 2017?

>Casual poster: The OP

>he thinks resident evil 3 is "difficult"

get good


>He thinks Resident Evil 1-3 was hard

Did they?

I died to Nemesis at the church a few times but I dont recall RE3 being hard?

No, everyone knows that the entire cast of RE are all virgins even Barry because they're not his kids

More like artificial fun: the franchise.

Holy shit, paige looks just like jill

I wish all games were designed with three-dimensional item boxes in mind. Real Survival mode in Remake was an interesting challenge.

Knew it. This was coming. I perfectly predicted it before entering the thread, WAH HOOooooOO!! and yeah GIT GUD FAGGOT.

You didn't play The Last of Us on the highest difficulty, right?

Nemesis encounters the first time around were extremely tough if you weren't up to speed on dodges etc. I always used to skip them and then do it the second playthrough.

Metal Gear is convoluted trite

>ahem *GIT GUD

Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. NOBODY!

>Metal Gear

Those two surely fucked.

The art on this picture is so shit I don't even know who this is meant to be

I would not say artificial difficulty
It was more like artificial game length, it was fun the 2 first time but after that it was just boring as shit
and who the fuck cares?

ada chong and leo dicraprio

It's Bruce and Fong Ling from Dead Aim retard.

So disappointed that Nemesis isn't a romance option.

Oh.. Dead Aim. Yeah never played it, I only played the original trilogy as a kid.

>Dead Aim retard
Nice name.

My ex gf managed to beat this game and she was horrible at 3D games.

I'm playing that right now and honestly it's artificial the game. I'm dying because I dont have ammo. Cool. So i kill a bandit holding a gun and guess what, NO AMMO DROPS. WTF. Just give me the loot so I can kill the 30 other fucking bandits

Implying he and Jill didn't get a little bit frisky with some hot tentacle action in the clocktower building.

Nemesis is just a hardcore Ryonafag that's all.

>tfw Barry isn't a romance option in RE1
>tfw Lisa Trevor isn't a romance option in REmake
>tfw Wesker isn't a romance option in RE1
>tfw Mr. X isn't a romance option in RE2
>tfw Claire isn't a romance option in RE2
>tfw the first Licker isn't a romance option in RE2
>tfw Nemesis isn't a romance option in RE3
Fuck those games.

Damn are you gonna name your band after my post?

I know right? That's why I posted it. It is just makes no sense from perspective of being immersed in 'cinematic experience'.
You can play it on easy just like everyone who gave this game 10/10.

Group of adventurers, actually. Or a guild. But yeah. Thanks man!

Remember when artificial difficulty meant givinh the enemies more hp and attack while leaving everything the same and not just a shitty complain about trial and error.

What? They No surprises allowed! We need a tutorial and clear signaling before every danger in the game!

Frankly modern "artificial difficulty" is not even bad, It adds unpredictability, tension and forces you to react with faster reflexes. I even enjoy a decent amount of it.

>Frankly modern "artificial difficulty" is not even bad, It adds unpredictability, tension and forces you to react with faster reflexes. I even enjoy a decent amount of it.
Not in The Last of Us.
It takes away everything, giving nothing in return.

I killed so much people/clickers unarmed in that game, I don't remember any other game where I managed to get so much unarmed kills. Brick is your best friend.

>things that would happen if bioware made resident evil

If you think 3 is hard, try playing 0.

I know it is, ive been using it. But grounded is not a survival game anymore, its a brick hit and exploit the AI game. Im at the dam part with no ammo and its fucking grueling

I thought I remembered seeing Jill's desk in 2 and her having a picture of her boyfriend on it.

>tfw Barry isn't a romance option in RE1
He was. For Chris, in Jill's route.
>"Chris is an old partner, you know"

>tfw Wesker isn't a romance option in RE1
He was in Chris' route
>"Sorry for my lack of manners, I'm not used to escorting men"

>tfw Claire isn't a romance option in RE2
She was, in the true route.

>She was, in the true route
How do i unlock it? Do i have to go through the game 5 times, using only the knife, and finishing every playthrough taking no damage and in under 1:30:00? Because it's worth it.

Darkside Chronicles, Memories of a Lost City was the true route.

>Memories of a Lost City was RE2's story as told by Leon
What did HE mean by this?