What games gave you the best

What games gave you the best
>game trolls you into thinking it's wrapped up
>game starts now

Dragon Quest VIII

Kid Icarus Uprising. I managed to not get spoiled on there being more to the game than beating Medusa, so I was messaging a friend while the credits were playing and was legitimately shocked to see that the game was far from over

Nier: a tomato.

Red Dead Redemption clearly the best at this. I expected the credits to roll when John went home to his family, and it dragged on and on until the real climax and then the unexpected time jump.



Witch and The Hundred Knight pulls it off really well, game hypes up a last boss fight, turns out you're at the halfway point.
>spoiling it for someone else


Came in here to say this. What really makes it is that companies usually spoil a large deal of the game via trailers, but Nintendo stayed very tight on any details regarding the later 2/3s of the game. The whole arc against Medusa is about as long as your average Star Fox game too, so it'd be very convincing to think that would be the end of the game and then you'd be tempted into doing it over on higher difficulties.

I came here for this. KI:U was too damn good for it's era.

Warioland 2 hands down
>linear levels until "final boss"
>credits roll
>world map unlocked
>the game actually starts

A link to the past.

I was fully expecting it to be over after the three dungeons and getting the master sword.

I might just have been retarded though.

When I was young I thought that. but I replayed/beat it for the first time recently and the whole game really isnt even that long

>KI:U is over 5 years old
At this point who the hell hasn't played it?


Nothing says "You're not done yet motherfucker" quite like Hades grabbing the fucking credits and then telling you what's what.
Coincidentally I just re-played that level
>>spoiling it for someone else
Surely it being in the thread is a spoiler in and of itself


Dragons dogma (and DA)

pokemon gold/silver. Never expected to go back to kanto

>game hypes up the villan
>everyone is scared shitless from him
>huge build up hype train when you reach the final boss
>finally wreck his ass
>congratulations, you finished 1/3 of the motherfucking game, go have a blast for another 50hours.
I fucking love Okami

Oneshot, that fucking dream sequence when you call out to Niko. I was actually balling thinking I failed until I saw the clover in my documents folder.

Only neo v would be surprised by it since we would play the series it's based on first, newfag

Nier: Automata, Route C


Any boss fight that has a surprise second stage.

>fight over
>you win
We meant stuff like
>you thought I was final boss
>but really you're nowhere strong enough kid I was just humoring your stats
>get buff through another 30 hours of playtime
>okay maybe now you'll stand a chance
>defeated boss
>2nd form engaged

Star Ocean Second Departure

But I hate JRPG's


>oh, you thought you beat the final boss? too bad, game's just started motherfucker

Star Ocean 2.

Are you the type to shoot through the story or talk your way out of situations

>Beat final Boss
>Credits roll
>Main theme starts
>Different animuh opening
>Turns out it was only the first half I finished
>And here's an entire second game inside the game

Man, Solatorobo is severely underappreciated, it's like the devs knew the game would sell like shit and wouldn't get a sequel, so they put the sequel inside the game.