This game released in 2012, that was 5 years ago.
Did the game improve much since then?
This game released in 2012, that was 5 years ago.
Did the game improve much since then?
Not in terms of performance.It's still unoptimized as shit.
I played nonstop, hit 80 mostly via grinding that one dungeon in the human starting zone because the late game zones were completely borked, and then got burnt out and quit.
Never went back. And I'd been hyped about it for years. Loved GW1
Probably because of how shitty Traeherne was. Fuck Traeherne
this. and the gameplay is still bland as fuck
>the late game zones were completely borked
I played at launch and the late game zones were the best part, IMO.
Orr is still the best zone I have ever experienced in any MMO. You couldn't take two steps without triggering an event or group quest. It was really exciting, and I always felt I was in danger. That being said, after about one week of being level capped I was completely burned out and never went back.
>Orr is still the best zone I have ever experienced in any MMO. You couldn't take two steps without triggering an event or group quest. It was really exciting, and I always felt I was in danger. That being said, after about one week of being level capped I was completely burned out and never went back.
Thematically they were great, but at least on my server, the events were almost constantly bugged past like level 50ish. I was in love with the game till about that point. The one two punch of bugged events and Traeherne killed it for me.
If there were actual quests it wouldn't have been so bad, but with so few hearts, leveling up was just painful
Orr is a pain in the ass
Everything locked behind boss events
Better hope there's a dozen other people who require to do the same shit as you or you're fucking stuck
Well. At least traherne is dead now. you kill him at the end of hot and now we are stuck with diversitys edge instead
At least the raids are great fun and the s3 story is good so far. But nothing else really keeps me playing it.
It got worse with every patch. Im not kidding.
How incompetent do you need to be to achieve that?
Am I the only one who thinks the Charr deserved a better video game?
Seriously, how do you go from this...
to something like this?
Charr are just furbait, they made better villains.
Also, giving Ascalon to the Charr was such a bullshit slap in the dick.
Charr are amazing. Loved getting allied ones in Eye of the North, and rolled one the day GW2 came out. Still love the Charr.
Give them a single player action rpg. pls
Played for a year, jumped back on a couple of years later, repeat .
The fact that the lead developer and designer admitted to never playing the original Guild Wars really shows.
Its also been five years and they've only gotten around to releasing one extra dragon.
They got rid of Destiny's Edge, who weren't fantastic anyway, but replaced them with the SJW brigade comprised of
>Female Charr who won't stop complaining about how the Charr oppressed their women
>Two lesbian humans who's only characterisation is that they are lesbians and telling you how much they live each other
>A black Norn who is also whatsherface from Destiny's Edge's son
>some Asura autistic savant child
Also gear treadfill is absurd, worst I've seen in an MMO
>tfw you were one of the handful of people complaining about them adding a minor treadmill two months after launch
>everyone tells you it's not a big deal
>ends up being the worst bullshit
The game was salvageable on release, although the story was shot. Devs were pants on head retarded though and wouldn't listen to the PvP community.
what would it be about?
Yes. It's great now.
>Also gear treadfill is absurd
There literally isn't a gear threadmill. You guys DO realize that a gear threadmill is continuous releases of higher-tier gear, right? GW2 released one new gear tier a few months after release. and nothing ever since. I've been using the same armor set for 4 years, and it's still the best I can get.
The game's even worse than it was before. The expansion was only a tiny sliver of content for a massive price tag, and it introduced the utterly cancerous hero specialisations which are objectively superior to base classes in every way. The story is still every bit shitty and the characters are just as unlikable as before.
Meanwhile, vanquishing in GW1 is still pretty fun.
there was some quality of life improvements (account wide dyes, wallet) but not many quality of gameplay improvements
The Loading Screen art was always good imo, the game is unoptimized as shit... hated it.
Story was the biggest pile of crap I've ever seen, the voices were a nice addition but god damn they dropped the ball hard. I didnt even bother playing through the end of the story, so bad...
dont lie user, it's still shit and anet doesn't what to do with it
they know exactly what to do with it, just keep selling people new wings to print money
i mean, with the game. with the gemstore they know very well how to milk retards
playable Charr were a mistake
Asura were a mistake
Sylvari were a mistake
Human are a mistake
>It will be GW but open world guys!
Fuck you neo-Arenanet.
Sylvari are literally a Mary Sue race that Angel McHamburger couldn't sell to real publishers, so she shoe-horned them into GW2 and used the game's story as a way to publish her failed novel.
The best gear has been available for 3 years now.
And it's not even regarded as mandatory for raids.
Spiritual GW1 successor with a similar skill system but smoother controlers when.
I fucking hate this guy so much. The biggest reason I completely gave up on finishing the story was because of how fucking boring this cabbage was.
He gets better after the base game story.
It stops revolving around him and he gets the job done.
You mean pathetically die after doing nothing of note?
at least you get to stab him with his own sword in hots
Yes the third season of the living world is the best content the game ever had so far. And they regularly improve every aspects of the game.
The first expansion was disappointing in terms of content but I doubt they'll make the same mistakes with the second one, they definitely got better. Just look at the raids.
It's still not just GW1 with better graphics so people will still shit on it like they did on GW1 because it wasn't WoW but hey, GW2 was so bad it was going to be dead in less than a year.
5 years later it's still going strong.
>it's still going strong.
c'mon, it has it's audience but it's not like the most populated
Well it completely destroyed my enthusiasm for gaming I was so hyped for it I kept lying to myself everytime they released new information. Hell I even tried to convince myself after playing the beta that the full game would be better. It basically took everything the original did well and threw it in the trash.
>No worthwhile competitive pvp
>Combat turned into a button mashing zergfest
>Skill selection and therefore build choice extremely limited due to most of them being tied to weapon choice
>Elite and utility skills aren't worth shit
>Mesmer class reduced to pew pew pink lasers
>Got rid of one of the best healing systems in any game I played and replaced it with a healing spell slot for all classes
>Mesmer class reduced to pew pew pink lasers
Feelsbadman, Mesmers were so awesome and unique in GW1. Sure, they wouldn't really work mechanically in GW2, but how the fuck did they think a class that relied on visual clutter and the terrible targeting system was good design?
I also never forgive them for butchering Rangers and turning them into a passive pet class that only seems to attract shitters.
Mesmers are still a very unique class as far as RPGs go and the chronomancer mastery made them even more unique.
The post you quoted is mostly outdated.
>The post you quoted is mostly outdated.
Not really. Combat is still button mashing and blowing all your cooldowns, PvP is still a hilarious clusterfuck, build diversity is non-existent and most elites still have barely any noticeable effect. They technically added healers, but due to the game relying purely on cooldowns as a resource, healers sit in this awkward place where they're either too strong or too weak.
>>Combat turned into a button mashing zergfest
God did it ever.
I login from time to time when I get off of work or school. I've been doing this since launch and have extensive knowledge on the game except for raids, ama
what do you play as
Yeah Charr is furbait but I prefer honestly different races over whatever the fuck fantasy standards they have over in the orient. The races in Final Fantasy XIV is laughable.
I have maxed out every class but I main reaper for easy brain dead gameplay and engineer for when I want to impress people with combos
i just actually beat the level 60 story, and I was thinking, " holy fuck, why is this stringbean fuck with me, he's so boring"
rip tybalt
his music was the best
Wonder where WoW is on that list.
>all these ascended gear receipe lists
Why are these so insanely complicated?
he's alright if you play as a sylvari because you meet him early and learn about him before doing claw island, but as every other race he just appears and takes over
I gotta agree, playable non humans were a mistake. They should've remained as NPCs or hired heroes like in GW1 that you can customize to an extent. As much as how boring playable human only mmos can be, it would fix a lot of glaring clipping issues for the armor sets. Not to mention we could've had capes in GW2 as well.
>tfw no female asura hero that you can customize as cutely as possible
Is that not why he called it a treadfill?
Ascended gear is needlessly complicated for a pointless gain. The same stupid playerbase would've just been happy with farming shiny gay ass skins - exactly as it is now. Ascended's pointless.
>not doing fractals and just get free ascended armor/weapon from rng
Wow so complex.
Glad they're reneging and making it easier to get realizing how useless it was in the first place.
I still can't log in more than five minutes without getting bored. Need new skill customization or something that changes my skillbar.
Ascended is only good to show off to pledge in dungeons. It's a requirement to have em tho in raids and high fractals, so no they are not pointless.
Why do people do raids and fractals? For cosmetics/achievements And gold farming
Raids are for non existent legendary armor.
Raids and high level fractals are pretty much currently the best way to earn cash money that is not open world PVE related. I finally managed to find a raiding guild that can consistently finish all wings weekly so that's a nice plus.
>Asura were a mistake
I think you meant they're the only good thing to come out of this
Would you cuddle a Charr?
>people still play guild wars 2
i would _be a charr
So how do we fix heralds in raids?
>boons are useless due to ps warriors already provide might and druids provide perma fury and damage increase for the whole party. Protection alone isn't viable for only 1 class
>dps is low
>healing herald ends up in a dps loss due to druids provide damage increase for the whole party by like 25% and the alacrity heralds can provide is already handed out by the 2 chronomancers in the current mirror comp meta
>condi damage on heralds is useless since it's based on enemies moving - and bosses are not moving that often
>33% more boon duration for 5 players is not enough alone to replace any other class
How do we fix this shit? I can't think of any way to make this profession good for a 10 man team comp in any way at all. It would require a very specific boss mechanic like deimos kiting.
at least healing herald is fun in fractals and I can carry most shitters with it on high levels
>tfw want to post Asura porn on /shortstack/ in /aco/ but they don't count it as shortstack there and some autists will sperg out if anybody posts them
Are raids the only actually good content in this game?
Introducing other races was a mistake.
>Midna is shortstack
>Asuras are not
if the raids are what you're looking for this is not your game
asuras are hideous, midna is not
i dunno man, my asura is pretty cute
at this current stage I would say yes.
Sucks that herald is irrelevant now since I made mine a direct copy of durmany priory infantries. The only way to fix is them is to introduce/buff their mechanics to the point that they'll be so good they'll make OTHER classes irrelevant because that's the only the retards over at Anet can do to balance.
It's pretty fun and challenging assuming you can find a decent guild to do it with. Pugging in raids is fucking hell and I would not recommend it if you want to keep your sanity.
Asuras are kawaii little shits who bants like a Strayan.
asura are/were the main thing keeping me in the game, literally my favourite fantasy race.
World map completing is fun. Did it with an irl friend back in the good old days and had a blast.
Too bad he died of thyroid cancer
Played for two years, got two legendaries, got to legend in pvp, beat all raid bosses, got bored, sold my account, took a long break, and started a f2p one with my girlfriend, it's so much fun when you've got someone to play with, and you've got no access to the trading post, you gotta get all your gear the way it's meant to be, and she's having a blast as well, I'll probably buy HoT after we've done map completion, I'm sure she'll like it
>world map completing is fun
Its honestly the most tedious task in this game if you have done it once already.
getting legendaries is a pain due to world completion and the zerg farming in wvw. Fucking end me.
>Did the game improve much since then?
Yeah especially after anet went full retard saying: "Why are you getting so mad at new updates? It's just a game"
>World map completing is fun
Hearts get tedious after a while.
Pretty much the same for me. Their absolute bliss of level 1-30 personal story and racial lore carried the entire game. Even commissioned cute art and smut of them too.
Back then you could buy the wvvw legendary token needed to craft legendaries for 500 badges of honor which is piss easy to get.
Now you gotta do that stupid track rewards thing that takes like 8 hours of marathon non stop wvw farming.
I'm glad I'm not an autist who absolutely needs every legendary in the game. I've crafted bolt and sold it for profit back then and just last year I crafted nevermore. I'm pretty much done with the game until the next expansion
meant for
this is the best asura head type
the thing is I have 2,5k badges and I didn't read the wvw patch notes since I thought it was boring as fuck so now I have 2,5k tokens for fucking nothing. END ME
I bought the game on launch full price, played for a couple weeks and dropped it, came back like 6 months later to find out that they made the leveling even shitter by making you unlock weapons by level, never looked back.
You can buy racial cultural armor with WvW tokens now and they'll introduce legendary WvW armors within the next decade.
i reckon the asura and overall gw2 art/artstyle is what kept me coming back, can't get into other mmo's they all just seem generic in appearance
Reordered and took time off work due to my love of GW1.
I still consider killing myself over that decision.
>tfw there will never be a spin off singleplayer RPG featuring Asuras
They tried to fix the early leveling progression by making you feel like you're unlocking skills and shit by leveling instead of how it was before where you can get every weapon skills at level 1
I don't bother at all since I have a million level up scrolls stocked up
>racial armor for wvw tokens
wut. I didn't even know of that. I guess I'll unlock those with it then since I hate wvw and I can't be bothered with legendary wvw armor.
I'm raiding every week and I can't even be bothered with the raid legendary armor either. Im just building new fully ascended characters.
The problem isn't warriors providing might, it is them providing the banners and druids literally providing every single boon effortlessly while giving damage and condi and prec buffs
Literally only thing herald had it going was the boon duration buff which was clearly a bit overpowered but not more than the other classes are now
You should at least complete the first tier of the legendary armor collection, it gets you a full ascended armor with any stats you want.
Post the full nigga, in imgur if you are scared of being banned. I don't think that's on paheal
I feel that heralds would be better if the buffs from glint provided something else for groups too. Like the might aura provided some 10% damage boost and mally elite provided condi damage for the whole group and so on. Make it a pve change only so pvp doesn't blow up
>Literally only thing herald had it going was the boon duration buff which was clearly a bit overpowered
Maybe in competative play, but in raids its utterly useless due to chronomancers can already keep up nearly 100% quickness (and alacrity) and with 2 warriors and 2 druids you have all the other boons covered at all times + empower allies, banners and all other party buffs. I wouldn't say that the boon duration was op in pve.
too bad they made it shit
>tfw just need a Xera kill to finish my set
I just got back to playing again after 4-6 months of break and it sucks that people still don't understand how the fight works after all this time.
Chronos needed to sacrice its entire damage for that sustain while warriors need to do the same to a certain extent. Reves could get the equivalent of 1800 concentration for literally free. It is clearly overpowered. They could have just handled better like reducing the % but giving something else as incentive