>That one guy in chat that pretends like he is on Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
stop it, you're embarrassing yourself
That one guy in chat that pretends like he is on Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
>he use words like kek, cuck or pepe irl
you would have to be a proper retard to use cuck outside of Sup Forums
but the worse offence
>greentexting on facebook
>dude gets obliterated
>suddenly gets on the mic "Of course you won with your cuckshit"
i do that but i only pretend so jokes on you
>get steamrolled
>"nice haxx, cheaters"
>Guy keeps saying kek in chat
>You're all normies if you tell me to stop
>You're the cringe
>I bet you weren't even here for the great meme war
>Normie normie
We all know you're underage, you don't have to point it out for us
Are you there adam?
>only pretend
>getting baited
>Acts like a fucking retard
>Gets called out
>twas only bait XD get outsmarted
>that one guy that greentexts in game chats and youtube comments
>One retard uses a meme outside of Sup Forums
>Another retard comes to remind not to use memes outside of Sup Forums
Ironic shitposting still shitposting.
>Uses quote arrows outside of Sup Forums
Newsflash retard; you look like a fucking autistic shit if you do this on any other site. Too bad half of you fuckers have social issues.
I have said "kek" and "RRRREEE" a couple of times.
Mostly in irony.
Praise kek and kekistan are the most embarrassing things I've seen come out of this site, honestly reddit bacon narwhal level shit
>getting mad cause you got tricked
Has anyone here actually met another person from Sup Forums who didn't actually talk or act like they were from here?
>not being a meme star irl
I have a friend whos been here for eight years and I hadn't found out until a month ago
it's called meme arrows you d ip
>People who actually do it
Mods? I thought you were supposed to ban underages
>meme arrows
>you dip
holy shit kids leave
>being this new
>stand in line at the food court for food
>20 year olds infront of me
>"implying you've been to australia" -"haha you 9gagger" "implying Im on 9gag"
>see 8 year olds today
The future is dark
>use garbage meme from 2012
>call me new
>googled it because he didn't know what it was
embarassing lad
>googled it
what are you on about bud
Don't you have school right now?
>mfw cuck is being censored
i don't believe you
It's been censored in all caps for about a year now
my ex used to browse /fa/ and /ic/, dunno if she still does
my cousin lurks even more than I do, we send each other sicc meems and webms all the time
>someone uses memes and maymay arrows in chat
>respond with way overblown memeing
>that one guy who makes a Sup Forums post on Sup Forums
Not really much worse, but definitely worse.
The best counter to this is to call them a faggot or burp into the mic and close chat
I use lol and kek if I don't even have the energy for a slight chuckle.
My best friend does this all the time in twitter
He began visiting Sup Forums because I did
>mfw I created a monster
They're called Irony Chevrons you fucking retard.
>19 is underage
You might need to get your brain checked.
>not new
New and underage at the same time
He's calling the other guy new for thinking 2012 was a long time ago
Only if they already support quotes in another fashion already
Cause > isnt just used by Sup Forums nor is Sup Forums the first to use it
>19 < 18
You really do have brain problems.
>shy girl in class who nobody talks to because shes a nerd
>one day get to talk to her for a project
>shes actually a funny memelord on skype XD
>19 year olds still not realizing they aren't adults until they're 21
> he started to feel self-conscious
You're underage until 21 nigga
What is more cringey, sperging about talking like Sup Forums outside of it because MUH SEKRIT CLUB like you are doing right now or actually doing it?
>being able to drink beer legally means you're an adult now XD
youre not a physical adult until 25 anyways.
Having just about zero legal restrictions makes you an adult
What's wrong with shitting in public I mean we all shit together in stalls what the duck is wrong with it huh MUH SEKRIT CLUB
It used to bug me but then I realized they are so lonely and lost on how to make friends that they just stick with the only thing they know and hope it works.
It's actually kinda sad if you think about it.
As far as life experience and ability to think for yourself, people aren't people until late 20's.
You need to be 25 or older to post here.
You won't ever know. Sup Forums is in the top 200 most visited sites, plenty of people you talk to daily come here but just don't mention it. Same as everyone watches porn but it's not a popular subject to bring up on the train.
>don't use a billion emoticons when skyping with women
>are you mad or something, user?
no xD I'm ^^ not :DD
But no one can get where that stuff comes from unless they also frequent this place, genius.
Hence why it's literally preaching to nobody and just trying to fit in
They do it to look cool by quoting shit people don't know
>Someone starts greentexting
>Say "nice meme arrows"
>They say thanks
You're welcome.
>mfw when I use cuck and kek irl, but just around other autist/people who really knows me
Anyways I mantain my power levels stable, I only let someone see my inner autism if he starts some videogame related discussion
I use kek instead of lol only because "lol" is apparently only used sarcastically now.
I'd like to make "lol" come back and do away with the post-modern irony shit, but it's pointless to try.
I do this in Rocket League on the PS4. I connect a keyboard just so I can send messages quick.
>mfw when
>that one guy who unironically does the costanza face irl
>everyone uses the word "meme" incorrectly now
I blame you stupid fucks. You stupid, stupid cunts.
Monsoon pls
>waaaaah people exposing my sicrit klub!! stop it!!!
gas yourself OP
>act like you're on Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums
>hey man stop that's pretty embarrassing you're not cool
I'm actually surprised. You'd think with Reddit and other popular sites appropriating the term, not to mention middle-aged moms fucking using it now, that Sup Forums would be adamantly against the word.
But nope.
>waaaaah stop ittttttt you need to mind the rediquettte!!!!! rule #1 never talk about Sup Forums xD
baka desu senpai
What the fuck are you going on about
XD I love leafy
Meet me at the playground tomorrow to talk about twitch streamers
>Normal people are starting to use cuck now
At least this will mean people here will stop using it.
Did you not read what I just said? They won't stop using it.
Found the guy who unironically says kek outside of Sup Forums in game chats
Probably runs an Instagram meme page
We stopped using it a long time ago
Just didn't make a big thing about it
We let the general population get accustomed to our saying and bullshit like that then we quit out of nowhere so when they come here and think they're fitting in they stick out like a sore thumb
>Tfw somebody on steam adds u from v and he keeps speaking in memes
Literally every fag who added me from v is a total autistic retard with zero social awareness. Wtf is wrong with u fags? I do find it endearing though.
*they were literally all the select same person
>that one underage fag who replies to serious questions with memes
>greentexts in verbal speech and costanzas conversations without making an effort to make sentences work seamlessly
>calls everything cancer and never gives straightforward responses
>brags about fapping to guro (lie)
>doesn't recognize shit from azumanga or yotsuba
>he's also a Sup Forumslack and can't stop talking about how his underage ass can't get his hands on guns and watches idolshit moenime
That meetup was a fucking mistake. I regret ever even talking to the faggot.
kek kys
tfw your russian friends are absolutely fine when speaking in russian but go full meme baka desu famalam kys in english
Just make sure anyone that comes from r/The_Donald (or better yet, the whole r*ddit) unable to post on the whole site and make nu/pol/acks unable to crosspost on other boards.
I not only saved this shithole of site but I also menaged to make sure shit doesn't leak in or out either.
Might as well be since you were like 10 when this site was in its prime.
I had good experiences playing with Sup Forums for the most part.
It's kind of a retard filter for the real world though. If I hear anyone reference internet culture in the real world it saves the time of wondering if they are worth interacting with.
>mfw my uni society is a rabble of cancerous memesluts endlessly regurgitating the same pasta
>Stop acting like a retard
Every time
100% mad confirmed
Not him but dude lurk mor seriously
Any girl on discord is an unironic slut for memes
I use cuck all the time irl. I actually know a guy that is a massive cuckold and I now have all my friends calling him a cuck on the reg.