What game lets me walk around, explore and enjoy Japanese towns/cities...

What game lets me walk around, explore and enjoy Japanese towns/cities? I already know Yakuza and Shenmue which both have a great atmosphere. Are there any other games?

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That one Jap-only summer vacation game series.


Attack of the Giant Monsters on 3DS.


Imagine if Japan was real

Persona 4 lol

Dude I wish. it would be really comfy.

>Japan will never be real

>the reason you can't learn Japanese is because it doesn't exist

At least they pretend it is in porn. A small victory.

Didn't stop my cousin from learning Quenya.

Japanese & Korean towns are fun to explore...until you realize everywhere is at a giant ass incline. No wonder they have such gorgeous legs out here. Everywhere is hilly as fuck.

Sindarin master race

dude dude imagine if 80's japan was real HOLY SHIT

I like all the random small companies that have really good logos

It looks pretty relaxing indeed.

I heard real life was good for this sort of thing.

The game called "plane ticket". Consider it, OP.

I want a qtpie Korean bf, man. But they're too traditional that they have this top and bottom mentally still. Like they won't take me as a bottom case whites are supposed to top them and shit. Fuck that.


sleeping dogs kappa XD

Even worse reality:
>Japan is real
>But you can't really ever go there because you already are stuck in your existing obligations, and would have to go through an impossible transition into another culture, with its own unique language, mannerisms, and expectations from those who enter its society

風雨来記3 Is a game where you bike around the countryside of 北海道. It also uses real pictures used throughout the creators tour through 北海道. There's also characters to romance.

360 vids on youtube that take place in japan
trust me dawg

>tfw you will never be a cute Shiba doggo living in Zipangu

Disgusting degenerate

>tfw you tagged along with one of your buddies when they went to Japan for work.
>tfw you actually got to meet a Japanese business man (Who worked for a Nip company) who could speak English.
>tfw the work hour joke you hear about on the internet is actually real and work culture is shit (compared to the West).

Fucking hurts bros.

If the rumour about Forza Horizon 4 will be set in open-world Japan is true, it'll be my best racing games ever.

>Two Asahis in
Shiba doggo is having a grand time.

>the work hour joke
It would be a joke if only people here talked about it, not literally everyone who has any decent experience with Nippon business culture

It's not that difficult. Went there first for a semester abroad and then after university worked there two years. Can't even speak fluent Japanese and never had any big troubles because of that.

>not living in Japan and wandering Tokyo sidestreets all the time

What are you people even doing.

how japanese react to ugly weaboos. tell me


Fuck that, give me the countryside.

My greatest hobby when living there and I miss it everyday. Especially walking in rural areas during summer nights, god damnit.

Or during the day while listening to miiiiiiiiiip mip mip mip mip

I don't know, some people will look at you and others will not look at you. Same as anywhere else on earth.

How do other places react to ugly people?

I'm to busy being a 30yo kissless virgin NEET with (medicated) depression and mild social phobia.

I'm imagining some fat ugly weeb walking around holding a big ass camera.

God, I miss mapcrunch threads now. Shit was so fucking comfy, clicking around Japanese neighborhoods, trying to find some interesting things.

I played Tokoy Mirage Sessions right after coming back from a Japan trip last year. It was pretty good for nostalgia / reminiscing.

also this

I actually do live in the countryside, but it's not that interesting. Particularly at night.

I'm 30 too. Not the other stuff I guess.

Me? I'm not fat / use a smartphone. It's not like there aren't 70,000 gaijin tourists with DSLRs taking photos of every single thing anyway. Or Japanese people for that matter.

Avert their gaze. Even if it's a group young people walking in a group they don't even make comments when they think you're out of earshot. A small minority react in surprise/fear meaning the either jump a little before pretending they didn't or walking away very quickly.

The further west you get the more upfront they get. They're never nasty though, just a casual 'oh look at the gaijin' comments. If you aren't absolutely hideous/fat you might even have groups of girls come up and talk to you.

>Comparing weebs like you going to anime land to Japanese tourists in Tokyo or someshit


Not imagining Ken-sama wandering the Japanese countryside with his kimono and katana hunting for his cowboy counterpart.

What's the general area of that photo? I swear I recognise it.


I used to live in a place similar to this as a kid, complete with railroad and all. Went bicycling down to a lake with my friends on hot summer days.
I can smell the pine from the picture. Fuck.

What's the difference?


It's where Ren-chon lives. I've seen it in an Anime

user.. Ken-sama died trying to protect Nippon from the great tsunami.

Imagine the communist world where you don't have to work...

Boku no Natsuyasumi

>Don't have to work
Nigger, in a commie state, not having a job would be illegal. I'll take my autismbux and pasta dinners.

You're white/black and ugly and a pest in their country. They're not. :^)

My apologies, native Japanese :^(

Only right answer

His spirit still lives in his Hanzo-steel taking possession of the poor fools whom try to wield it. And thus he still roams the rural roads of Zipangu. Always searching for the elusive villain Cowboy Tanaka

Why the countryside? City wandering it way more fun than country, you don't even get burnt.

>tfw waiting on a sudden streak of luck that makes me a millionaire so I can up and move to tokyo and live the qt anime life i've always dreamed about
I promised myself that if it ever happened, I would give two random anons from Sup Forums the opportunity to come live with me, and leech of my wealth for the rest of our sad, otaku lives

> There will never be a game where you play as a japanese high school student in the 80's and where you can either chose to live the life of a regular student, have romances, walk around in the neighborhood and make some friends or just go to other schools and conquer them with your fists with your delinquent friends..

I've been waiting too long for this.

Don't listen to these fucks. They are envy. Japanese don't care about the few gaijin there.

>couldn't afford it regardless

that's a noble dream user

Nobody wants you there.

This looks like America. Or any other civilized country, for that matter.

You sure you wanna risk your life when millionaire in a earthquake zone?

nigga thats gay

Have you tried Kenka Bancho for the PSP?
It's pretty much what you describe.

That's not true communism

How would you move to Tokyo? Pretty sure you actually have limits and need to have qualifications to contribute. And how is your otaku life going to be any different there to just living in your own country doing huge orders on anime shopping sites?

If you have money, everyone wants you.

I live there.

I'm not. They probably just used to live in Japan then had to move back home and are bitter, so they shitpost like I will should that day come

Everyone wants people with money, don't kid yourself. I would not want to live and work in Japon for Jap company, but I'd like to live there regardless

True communism is unreachable. Not in our lifetime, comrade.

Where do you live user? Are you content with living in rural Japan?

I wouldn't feel comfortable living in a place where everyone can tell I'm a foreigner at first glance.

I'd hate to live in a country where people would stare at me like people here are staring at black people.

>tfw lived as an exchange student in Tokyo for 1 year
>tfw school was way worse than it is in Europe

Holy fucking shit the common classes are grueling work but at least P.E classes are fun though. I swear Japanese people have some kind of problem when it comes to physical activities. They're all so slow and weak. And almost nobody goes to the gym regularly. But like this guy says () it's actually fun to wander around Tokyo because there's just so much to see.

tfw will never taste food that delicious again

They don't. I'm white and I get stared at more by white strangers in the US than I did Japan.

Yeah, nobody wants it.

The countryside is so peaceful and green, and the sounds of the bugs and birds are relaxing. Preferable to city noise and grey buildings, for sure.

I can kind of understand I guess, but I imagine you would just stop caring at some point. Whether your life is relatively lonely, or you're in a relationship and have friends, I don't know why you would be affected by random people knowing you are or are not a citizen.

There's rarely any blatant racism in Japan unless you bump into a drunk guy who wants to let off some steam or a protest/demonstration.

However beneath the surface everyone fucking hates you for stepping foot in their land. They just won't say it to you because "Oh Japs are so polite" stereotype.

Automatization will come regardless whether you want it or not

Were you at a higher end school or something? I went on one and my class slept for most of the day and I could do half the content despite the language.

tfw never have to taste that fucking horrible food again. even without that going on that exchange was the worst decisions of my life


The countryside is shit for the most part. Most roads don't even have sidewalks, there's fuck all to see and there's barely any places to rest. Tokyo is fantastic and there's literally parks and lakes and trees fucking everywhere even in the city center, there's absolutely no reason not to live in Tokyo unless you're poor.

Persona 5
Raw Danger

Eh... with mechanization making manual labor less and less necessary and the few remaining jobs being so specialiced and complex that only a select few people will be able to do them it's likelier in our lifetime then it was ever before.

If not communism or socialism than at least a type of capitalism that'll be very different from what we have now.

I did. Finished the only one translated 100%. But the game is way too short and the city is way too small and empty.
What I want is a Yakuza game but instead of Yakuzas, it would be about teenage delinquents.

Automization != Commies

You get used to it, and most people don't really care at all.
Here in Korea, I only really get stares from older people. Japan was the same way.

>you will always be a filthy gajin in their eyes

Automatization and capitalism are incompatible after a certain point

Japan and Oregon/Southern Washington pretty much look similar.

Also it's funny people here talking about Japanese hating foreigners are specifying "black / white"

If you want to be a foreigner in Japan, you are 500x better off being white or black than Korean or Chinese.

How do they eat the broth though?

>CTRL F "Yokai" not found

WTF Sup Forums?

Yokai Watch is basically exactly what OP is asking for, and not a single person thought of it after 80+ replies?

I don't remember quite clearly. I signed on an exchange student program at my school and they sent me over and took care of all the details. There were several other foreigners at the school I went to so I dunno, it can't have been something that special.

Shit taste man.