What's next for Taro? Retirement?

What's next for Taro? Retirement?

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Drakenguard remake


Rolling around on the floor in disbelief as Automata actually sells a respectable amount of copies.


He said he wanted to open a resturaunt some day

Technically he should be finishing up or finished with his mobile game.
After that, a restaurant I guess.

He's not retiring anytime soon, currently working on dlc for Nier + some phone games.


>hopefully a sliding minigame for nier as well

Most likely a mobile port or a Vita spin-off.

Literally SINoALICE, though hes probably finished it by now.

What's it about anyway? I'm not too keen on moeshit but I can let it slide if it's Taro

>anime art style
>instantly moe shit

hopefully he works with platinum again, they are a perfect match, it doesn't have to be an automata sequel, just anything at all

Anything with anime is moe-shit. That's why Sup Forums shits on the Vita.

>tfw Okabe's doing the soundtrack

at least we'll get an amazing ost out of it if the game is shit/doesn't get a translation

What's this about? Is it mobile?

In the extremely unlikely scenario he remakes DoD1 I hope he works with Plat again.

Or he could do something intelligent and continue the story of either Nier or DoD. Maybe tie the universes together again.

Automata flopped

Taro will be fired.

Nobody knows yet. Yes its mobile

If this doesn't scream moe to you then I don't know what will.

Nah it's clear that he wanna keep both separate. Most of the stuff in Grimoire Nier didn't get any reference at all in Automata, if any

I'm excited to see how many horrible things happen to this happy face

When do we find out how well Automata sold? It's the first game I bought full price since 2013 and I have a good feeling about its success.

It really doesnt...like at all

>moe bitch in a Taro game
Kek, she's going to fucking die.

>Anything with anime is moe-shit

I'm convinced that just like the YoRHa stage play that became the prequel to Nier automata, he'll open up a bizarre maid café that'll be the springboard for a "new IP" that's really just another part of the DoD/Nier universe(multiverse?)

It sold more than 90% of it's stock in Japan, meaning it's already made back it's development costs. Every international sale is now pure profit.

If anything I hope he works on what happens before the first Nier or after it, there isn't much to be done in the story after Automata, the aliens are dead and anyone who survived would rather go for peace since there isn't a reason to fight for any side anymore

The people who started YorHa and perpetuated the machine war still need to be dealt with user

A story for A2 with Jackass/anemone in an operator role would be awesome.

We already have A2's story though, it's just in the form of a stageplay

Yeah but if they are even alive they would have to face the brunt of the united machine/android surviving force.

Jackass isn't the only one who is on the warpath, on the machine side you probably have more golden machines like the ones you fight out for revenge

Those chucklefucks would be the perfect thing to unite the survivors on the planet against a common cause

I meant a story of her and Jackass going after the androids behind YoRHa. Maybe as DLC or even just a novel that may get translated.

Every machine connected to the network was launched into space along with the ark, every machine disconnect was destroyed. There are no machines left.

I don't know whether you're insinuating that the higher androids would unite the resistance androids against A2, 2B, and 9S, or Jackass and the resistance teaming up against the higher androids.

If we see any story stuff it's most likely going to be in the form of a new game or novel. I highly doubt we're getting any kind of story based DLC, at least not anything that continues after the events of the game.

NieR-themed maid cafe

Sign me the FUCK up

Why do you wish ill will to people doing something that they are passionate about?

I call dibs on 2B

>Not Emil fighting off the aliens solo

I mean, where's the character interaction then? Unless it's Emil clones talking between each other.

He would never put better gameplay in Drakengard 1.

Emil spends the whole thing talking to an imaginary Nier and Kaine. We don't get to hear their half of the conversation.

Why wouldn't he? The game wasn't about being a shitty fucking game, it was about the mentality of video game protagonists and players thinking it's okay to murder literally thousands of people and then getting rewarded at the end of their adventure. Also pure batshit insanity

That's not moe

If it has cute girls in it then it's moe

>yfw all the maids are just dressed in generic maid outfits and an Emil mask

This is even better

>yfw Taro himself occasionally comes out also dressed in a maid outfit with Emil head

That scarf is /fa/ as fuck

Going to jail because he killed some people for his game.
This Game Dev Machine is HIM!

>Impyling he wont go crusing around Tokyo in Emil foodcart


Wait until you see what a SIX Color Cable can do user

OP, what kind of question is that. The World is what he'll gain next

Hopefully automata sells enough for them to remaster the whole nier timeline

Drakengard 1,3 and Nier. In one big collection. God that would be the day

If one game needs it, it's 3. That game was horribly optimized.

You shouldn't have fun genociding people, user

That's exactly what I said, thanks for reiterating I guess

It'll be Nier: Mass Effect. Emil = shepard. Aliens/robot/androids = the cast of alien weirdos you have to plow.

by omega force.

>this man got away with putting the single best ass in any game in 2017

There's nowhere to go but down. Retirement seems the best bet

TARO 2020

Stop advertising your video you unfunny nigger.

>Spends the money on a complete remake of DoD1
>Goes out of his way to make sure the gameplay is even worse

senran kagura collab with him and platinum

I would find that pretty funny

> Nier Automata Slice of Life manga
Alternatively DLC showing a bit of the post ending of Ending E.

Automata is the second best selling game for Platinium, it got a better worldwide reception than FFXV for 1/10th of its developement cost

Square-Enix won't let go of the guy now, they will use him as the "quirky japanese guy" who makes original games alongside their westernized mainstream crap

>Automata is the second best selling game for Platinium

You got a source on that?

I doubt it's true, but it somehow wouldn't surprise me. Bayonetta 1 had infamously poor sales and I can't imagine 2 did much better, and most of their other games haven't exactly been huge sellers either.

>currently working on dlc for Nier
Is this real? I'm not coughing up another 50 bucks like in Drakengard 3.

I assume it is selling well, certainly better than other Yoko Taro games, which should be enough for Square Enix. Especially since they are focusing on improving their reputation with the fans and critics.

>square enix starts producing fun, original games all thanks to yoko taro and nier

We can only hope that this inspires other companies to take chances on original games that aren't triple A but are just good and fun.

Directed by: Hiroyuki Ito and yoko Taro
Written by: Yoko Taro and Kikuchi Hana
Combat designer:Takahisa Taura
Composer: Keiichi Okabe

>Nier Automata manga

You mean this?


i could dig that

So that's the power of Yoko Taro?

A generic edgy manga with shit writing?

Complete with gags like "I got my balls shot off!" that is the punchline for that character every time he turns up.

>character walks into scene
>*audience laughs*
>"Hey guys how's it go-"
>"You don't have any testicles"
>*eruption of laughter*

That's the quality of the writing. Complete with edgy MC and female lead who has crazy zerker powers whenever she gets beaten up a bit. The releases for it are so fucking slow so it's hard to keep it all in your head when you're waiting months inbetween chapters. Maybe it'll be good when its finished but I recommend it right now.

>finished but I recommend it right now.

Fuck I meant "I can't recommend it right now."

I don't understand how you could call Yoko Taro edgy when he takes none of the grimdark stuff seriously.

Jesus christ.

Did Taro just expunge all of his artistic qualities after Drakengard 1 and the first Nier? Neither Drakengard 3 or Nier Automata compares favorably to their predecessors.

So, I'd like to have a discussion about a thing in Nier: Automata
Do you guys think that it would be better off as a linear game, instead of having this open world illusion with pointless side quests?

Drakengard remaster collection if Square Enix would fund it.

>pointless side quests

Most of the lore & development of themes come from the quests.

You actually think Drakengard has 'artistic qualities'?
Because the game is incredibly terrible.

They literally don't have the budget for Automata dlc.

>Complete with edgy MC and female lead who has crazy zerker powers

Nothing like Caim, amiright?

>Neither Drakengard 3 or Nier Automata compares favorably to their predecessors


Lose some weight so the rope doesn't break when you kill yourself, retard.

More so than his later efforts, yeah.

Wait jackass is on the warpath? For wat reason? I dont remember her doing anything else once she finished her drug

Hopefully nothing, the man is a one-trick pony with a 2 dimensional writing style, he can't write anything remotely original without ripping it from other works and adding in shock value.

That's the point.

He wants to troll both the edgetards and feelfags that were attached to Drakengard 1 & Nier.

Seeing your reaction is the best artistry.

>going back and forth between the same locations doing the same type of quest over and over

sure, but they're pretty much exactly the same.
why have an open world if you don't do anything differently ever

Is this actually how tarofags think?

That pose is a true and tried moe cliché and her face is pretty moeblobby in style. Get rekt.

Jackass discovers the truth about humanity and writes a report on it.

Casshern Sins did what automata tried to do but better and without edgy shock value.

lmao this delusional newfag

Never played a Nier game. Not interested in Drakengaard whatsoever. Without reading any manga or supplementary material, which game can I start to get a taste for the series?