Light Side or Dark Side?
Replaying KOTOR
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>Complete faggot or Edgelord
Whatever the fuck you want, since you are replaying it you know the difference.
>being a moral fag
>being saturday morning cartoon villain
>not just being grey.
Dick side
>Space Jesus
>I can't commit
Dark side is more interesting.
If you're playing KOTOR 1, Dark Side because Dark Side Bastila is best Bastila.
If you're playing KOTOR2, Light Side just because it's easier to convert companions into Jedi.
Light side, as long as I get to taunt and kill random civilians from time to time
I hate how most games treat morality systems in the sense that you're either a saint or the devil incarnate, why can't I do good deeds while at the same time act like a cocky douche?
the dark side choices in KOTOR 1 are so fucking cringey, its so hard to commit to a dark side playthrough
>can't be good without being a complete doormat
>can't be evil without being kicking puppies and eating babies
no thanks,
it doesn't really matter, neither have great conversation options really but if you go the edgelord route you can mind trick Zaalbar into killing Mission for shits and giggles
It's easy as fuck to do it Dark Side, too, just tank their Influence to 0.
I honestly think the writing and story in KotoR is kinda dull but the companions were great, with Jolee, Canderous, and HK. I think KotoR 2 is better in most respects though, even if its unfinished
why is force storm so broken
far easier to just pass a few speech-checks and be done with it
I love the idea of corrupting your companions, I just wish it had more depth. Any games do something similar?
True, but for those companions where that's difficult to do when you're trying to maximize Dark Side gain (like Bao-Dur) dropping their Influence to 0 lets you make them into Jedi anyway, just of the alignment opposite yours.
>Not going Jolee Bindo Grey Jedi dual wielding pistols
Why even play?
Bao-Dur is a bitch to convert and ultimately not worth the trouble
in most RPGs I don't really care about being evil, but for some reason in KotoR 2 the galaxy is in such shitty shape that I just feel bad going full sith lord, the jedi council can suck a dick though
This user gets it. While you can make them Jedi with 0 influence, they're the total opposite of you allignment-wise and that's no fun. That's why Dark Side is a little harder than Light Side, because for certain companions like Bao-Dur the Handmaiden and even Atton for the most part, if you want to properly corrupt them, you gotta walk on eggshells most of the time, and sacrifice a lot of Dark Side points just to gain influence with them.
Nagative Influence doesn't let you pass dialogue influence checks, does it? I can't remember.
Or you just abuse the Kreia Effect.
Why the hell do you want more jedis if you have lightnings?
if its 2, be dark. the edge is still amazing to these day.
more like cancerous
Pretty sure it does. The game lets you know in the beginning, in fact, that "certain things will be possible at extremely high or extremely low Influence" or some such thing.
was she a cougar?
The jedi council in KOTOR2 is probably the dumbest collection of characters in the entire galaxy
>war veteran with a far greater connection to the force than any of the council members
>basically jedi jesus
>"You were too powerful, we had to cut you off!"
>"How dare you try and seek revenge on us"
Watching Kreia completely manhandle those nitwits gave me the largest grin imaginable
kotor 2 dialogue is so cringe, it pretends to be smart and deep but in the end it's all a bunch of bullcrap
Atton probably thought so, considering all the sexual tension between them. :^)
Light Side.
She was a whore, not a cougar.
If you're playing KotOR 2 like your pic then definitely as grey as you can possibly get. I wish they would have made it an actual alignment.
No, they were dumb because they tried to destroy you instead of throw you at Nihilus, and because they failed so utterly to even attempt to understand you or how you came to be. You were new and scary and rather than figure you out they tried to shove you under a rug.
The only cute KOTOR waifu is Mission. Why doesn't Kotor 2 have cute girls?
The game pretty much confirms all of them were cowards, even Atris who wanted to fight by the Exile's side in the war. But yeah, the Jedi Council in the 2nd game was galaxy-endangering tier dumb. As forgettable (besides Vrook) as the Jedi Council was in KOTOR1, the Council in 2 is much more memorable due to the simple fact that they were idiots.
>"Now, see the force through the eyes of the Exile"
>she cuts them off from the force and they die from the shock of it
Greyfags need to die, they're literally just jedi who suck at their job
>considering all the sexual tension between them
Don't forget about the dialogue between Atton and the Exile on the Ebon Hawk, where Atton starts considering if Kreia was attractive when she was younger. Also Kreia spying into Atton's Fantasies/"Indignities".
that's some shit taste man, Visas and Handmaiden alone are better than KotoR 1's
>That scene
>This theme playing
In the original KOTOR Light Side is somewhat more buffed in terms of crystals and shit they can use, but it ultimately doesn't matter much. Make your choice based on story decisions and how much you like party members. Some of the dark ones are damn strong though maxed out which helps make up for slight equipment weaknesses on your main. Dark Side is arguably a lot funnier depending on the choices you make.
>tsundere handmaiden
>visas the ultimate bottom in a relationship
They're not schoolgirls like Mission obviously but still pretty cute
It fits perfectly within the context of the game though. There are even Jedi robes for it.
>The only cute KOTOR waifu is Mission
Nigga what? You forgetting about based Bastila? Sure she's a bitch at first, which makes breaking her into your Sith Concubine all the more enjoyable further down the line.
>The game lets you know in the beginning, in fact, that "certain things will be possible at extremely high or extremely low Influence" or some such thing.
I always assumed that was just talking about alignment influences and Jedi training, though. It seems... unintuitive to be able to convince Handmaiden to trust you by cannoning her Influence, for example.
>Kreia's warnings about sex with Handmaiden and Visas
why was there so much sexual tension on that goddamn ship
Bastila has better character design than anyone in Kotor 2, that's for sure.
Pretty sure if you lower Handmaiden's influence to 0, she downright refuses to speak with you
Light Side is more challenging.
Dark Side is insultingly easy and boring by comparison.
This game has such shitty combat I don't understand why people think it's one of the best RPGs ever. I'm having so much trouble slogging through this shit.
Dark Side. Make Bastila kill your party members.
See screenshot.
HK was my favorite character in any RPG to date
I would agree, but so rarely is the dark side options worth a damn.
Oh, I extorted this homeless person for their 34 credits and some adrenal stimulants. Whoop dee doo let me just throw it in the pile with the dozens of other stimulants I rarely ever use and toss those credits on the pile of "Never fucking anything to buy because the best shit is looted anyway"
Light side is kind of the same way. Give some credits or supplies to someone does not really impose much of a challenge since you tend to be swimming in resources unless there is some hardcore mod all the kids play with these days I don't know about. The only challenge I feel is the lack of the extorted resources the dark side gets, but see above.
I know those are just general case and there are certain key moments in the game where dark/light options can have a big influence but frankly even if you go all dark it' so easy to take the hit of lightside points, get the better option then goback to stomping kittens. Or vice versa.
what exactly do you think is shitty about the combat, user? It's really no different from other classic RPGs, except you don't get an excel spreadsheet every attack
I'm whatever has the better rewards.
Master Flurry and Master Speed if Guardian/Sentinel, Consular just needs lightning
you have now mastered KotOR combat
That's because she refuses to speak to you if her Influence is lower than Visas' any time you try (that is, it doesn't matter what their actual Influence levels are, only that you keep the Handmaiden's higher that Sithfu's)
Not even the best Master in his own game.
So just take care of all her shit before you even get Visas and you're good?
>tfw spamming Force Storm during the return to Onderon palace fights
I have never felt that overpowered in a game before or ever again.
Are you fucking retarded??? Bastilla is elder god tier. Only one I know of with 2 sets of panties.
Handmaiden is best KOOTOR2 girl.
Which Jedi Robes are most /fa/?
>you miss a lot
>attacks don't feel like they have an impact
>positioning doesn't seem to matter
>turn based but when the turns happen doesn't make sense to me
My basic problems with the game. I dunno I'm not far very (I'm on the way to the grove on Dantooine) so maybe it gets better but so far the combat has been thoroughly unenjoyable and the dialog/story isn't good enough to make up for it.
seriously force storm is so broken
KotOR 1's are pretty sleek. I remember hating that they didn't look like Jedi robes but in retrospect they look pretty effay.
This was my memory as well. Just ripping through everything in sight, demolishing entire rooms with my rage.
That felt so fucking satisfying
I always preferred the "robes" that were also armor, myself, and was disappointed that all the high-end Jedi gear is pure robes
Bastila looks /fa/ in those sith robes
around what point does a max wiz sith lord build turn every fight into a faceroll?
>piercing force storm sound
>level up sound moments after
Felt so great completely destroying enemies way before they could even get into punching range
>Light side jesus
>Dark side bald guy
I hated the Jal Shey armors in 2, the Jedi Knight and Master Robes were top tier.
Doing the same on Malachor is even more satisfying yet cheap. K2 isn't balanced very well but it feels good.
KOTOR is one of the shittiest adaptations of DnD mechanics to games. It doesn't get much better in that respect.
Depends. In general as soon as lightning comes online it's GG for most encounters. And at 15 when you get force crush and can just stun lock literally everything in the game there is no challenge anymore unless you want there to be.
This is the game that finally made me understand why so many BBEG toy with their prey. It's for any sense of danger or excitement.
Plain black robes
I just wish we had some hooded options or headgear in general that didn't look like shit
>So just take care of all her shit before you even get Visas and you're good?
You could, but it's not necessary and it'd be kind of difficult unless you forced yourself not to talk to one - the Handmaiden's events come staggered at different levels, and you're almost guaranteed to pick up Visas by the end of your first planet unless you're playing neutral and very carefully.
It's unnecessary, anyway - Handmaiden has a lot of possible Influence gains. The problem is that it's possible to unlock Visas by the time you leave Telos, and the Influence you gain by treating her nicely combined with the fact that if you're capable of passing her dialogue checks you can go through almost all of her dialogue the moment you talk to her on the Ebon Hawk, almost maxing her Influence immediately and causing Handmaiden not to talk to you.
It's best to just not talk to Visas straight away until you've gained Influence with Handmaiden a couple times through events, and advanced her dialogue as far as you can. After that you can talk as much as you want, because it only matters that Handmaiden's is higher, not the actual levels of each.
>Handmaiden is the best girl
>tfw no Atris gf
Fucking this. There are MAYBE 5 actually good pieces of headgear in the game. An equal amount of non offensive/unobtrusive ones and the rest are shit.
>No hoods
>No full coverage helmets
>Here's a wielder's mask
Why do this shit?
No, it's totally true. If you tank HK-47's Influence low enough you can learn his Jedi-killing shit as a paragon of virtue, I've done it.
Space jesus best exile
I can't remember anything about Kotor 1s companions aside from HK-47.
At least 2 had a sub Wookie and Kreia.
That's hilarious. Are the dialogue options/lines any different? The idea that you annoy him so much that he starts going on and on about all the jedi he killed just to piss you off amuses me to no end.
Well, fuck, still learning about this game after all this time. Thanks, user.
Now if only there was a way to easily lose influence with G0-T0, the fucker...
Becoming his best friend even as a Light-sided Exile is so satisfying.
I can't stand how it tries to combine philosophical discussions with actual manifestations of them in the world. The Exile being a wound works better as a symbolic explanation than an actual one.
invest in DEX if you want to hit more often, I think there are feats that increase your hit chance as well. When you get your improved attacks and shit you'll slap basic enemies' shit easily. As for the turn based, I think they aimed for more fluent and "realistic" combat than standard turn based, you just queue your attacks.
>positioning doesn't matter
While that is mostly true most people don't realize you can just run from initial grenades from Bendak Starkiller on Taris and spam him with yours, making the fight ez af.
>can't loot and wear his robes
>can loot but can't wear his mask
It would've been nice if their personalities changed as their alignment did. Other than minor changes in how they look it's kinda pointless to change them into dark jedi.
I don't think so, but it's been a while since I did that playthrough so I could be misremembering. That and I don't do many Dark Side runs anyway so my ability to compare is kinda lacking.
Atton is easy to corrupt. Just murder the fuck out of people and tell him he wuz a gud boi who dindu nuffin. Do that two or three times and you're done.
Mira and Bao-Dur both require a lot more tact to corrupt.
The fucking mask thing pissed me off so bad.
>This is probably gonna be a Dark Side item but I don't fucking care this is gonna be nea--
>+30 Force Points
>WORLD OF STR edgelord in KOTOR1
>space wizard balanced in KOTOR2
patrician way to play
Nihilus was so disappointing. I guess it's still cool that he's shrouded in mystery, but he goes out like a bitch.
>mullet man model is in the game (left most kolto tank)
>can't pick his face
Beardo Jesus is fucking gay and I hate him
Lore-wise he would cause you to implode and turn into dust just by him accidentally thinking about it while making breakfast, but you're the wound in the force user, you're largely immune to his space magic. You kill him so easily because you're his personal antichrist, the only one in the whole galaxy.
>With enough Charisma you can indefinitely spam Force Storm even being full Light Side
CHA, not just a dump stat.