

Is there any other series that follows this ranking order?

Why was 1 better than 3?

Mad Max, can't think of anything vidya

Can I cheat a little?
Pokemon: Gen 2>4>1>3

Metal Gear Solid fits perfectly.

3 is really, really stupid.

dark souls

3 tried to be complex with its story but it ended up with more plot holes than anything else. It didn't help that Drake's power level was all over the place in the third game.

>Wanders through a desert for days without water
>Immediately gets into a gunfight and stream rolls everyone

>Takes a grenade to the face and gets blown the fuck out of a tower
>Still manages to grab a hanging chain

Those are just a couple I can think of.

Fallout. Because NV is 4th technically and F4 is not fallout anymore

Are you ranking the pokedex or the games, because with the games gen 4 has hgss which makes gen 2 obsolete.

Gameplay wise or story wise ? or both?

If you put 4 at the end, then you get Resident Evil.

2 > 3 > 4 > 1

2's single player is simply fantastic and there isn't much to find wrong with it compared to the other games. The multiplayer being pretty great for ND's first multiplayer shooter was a big plus too.

3's story is okay, but not quite as good as 2's. The multiplayer was also much more fleshed out and is my personal favorite of the MP's.

4's story would be better if they didn't force the entirety of Sam's character into a single game. He was the focus of pretty much the whole game and he's not even that great of a character. Couple that with Nadine being by far the worst villain in all of Uncharted and the SP ends up being pretty lacking. MP is probably the worst of the three but is still okay.

1 is the worst because it aged like milk and feels super awkward to play. Play the Remastered version of it on PS4 if you can, but it still just doesn't hold up as well compared to even Uncharted 2.

Both 2 and 4 have their merits. The top spot feels interchangeable.

>pic related

DMC is just the opposite

I think Naughty Dog found their rhythm for UC4's multiplayer. People actually have to charge up their melee instead of UC2 & 3's guaranteed hipfire/melee combo. They also got rid of the power plays in 3 which I am eternally grateful for.

UC3 did have the best map variety though. Here's hoping they bring back a couple for UC4's mp.

>Those gun straps though

To each their own.


>MGS4 over 3
Fucking kill yourself.

3 Brings up a lot of weird plot bullshit about it, and really wasn't worth ending on.

It didn't have any HUGE events that happened that made it fun, like the plane is literally in there for 10-15 minutes? Barely at that.

Nothing compared to the train in 2, or even the getting dragged in the mud part of 4.

also fuck you guys my Ps4 has no space and now I wanna play the multiplayer so fuck you all.


Saints row follows it.

I miss Uncharted 3's co-op, I'm glad they finally added survival but the 5 round breaks are really annoying. Are we ever getting co-op adventure? I thought I saw it on that so called "roadmap" they put out but so far U4 has fewer multiplayer modes than U2 and U3. RIP Doughnut Drake, fucking Druckmann

>Saints Row
> 4>1>3

How can that be possible? If you disliked 3 you can't think 4 is better than 1... sounds bias to me

4's MP is filled with microtransactions and bullshit stuff like mysticals, power weapons out of thin air (UC3 did this better with the kickback system but they still shouldn't have been there), and the revive system from TLOU that really shouldn't be there. The cover and climbing system is also really strange in 4 and it always feels like you're trying to fight them instead of having them mesh well with the movement system. I've learned to deal with all of this, but there are still times when they fuck me over.

I still play this MP regularly since there isn't much else I like at the moment, but I would kill to play something like a remastered 2 or 3 MP with bug and glitch fixes since there were and still are so many in those games.



3 was kind of messy. compared to 2, it was such a weird change to go through. Too many new characters, who all get dropped. The rival gangs are said to be 3 gangs but they are all just one. The story, and I'm pretty sure Volition, forget about Angel once his plotline is over.

4 May have jumped the gun but writing wise it felt a lot better. The game focused itself on a smaller group, so we got to see some character interaction through each of their story missions. Hell, it even got emotional at points Kinzie and Matt agreeing to take the giant risk of saving Gatt, because theyre allowing the protag to rescue someone when they know they're never getting their friends back from earth really got me.

Also 1 kinda.. just felt weird to me. I dunno I barely got into it.. I may or may not be talking out of my ass i'm very tired. I may be biased.

Thread over, this guy got it right.

Dunno why Sup Forums hates this series
I picked up the collection late last year after boring of FFXV and I found them all enjoyable. Definitely linear and definitely a good amount of cutscenes, but it was nothing like Until Dawn or other "movie" games that I see it called all the time

Literally Resident Evil

It's probably cause white male protag, even if Nathan Drake at leas a charming asshole in how he does it.

There's also the whole.. ludonarrative thing of Natan killing enough to fill a state but is the hero.
But I find that shit funny.

I remember they had cutscenes that would play before the start of every round in the UC3 mp beta. Too bad they took them out in the final game. I would love to see a return of more moving maps like the ones in UC3. Co-op adventure would be icing on the cake.

Too be fair, UC4 is one of the few games I know that do have microtransactions but no duplicates. Hell, they even advertise that on all of the loot boxes. I was an absolute monster on UC2 and 3's mp but I do like the revive system in 4. It really pushes people to move in as a group and it makes it so that snipers don't immediately take you out of the game.

As far as the store system goes in 4, they definitely need to tone it down just a little bit more. It's not nearly as bad as it was in the beta with El Dorados being thrown out every 30 seconds but still. Either the store prices should go up or the treasure pickups need to give less cash. Just an idea anyway, I usually end up in the top two slot in matches.

in 3 they dropped all the fun activities AND all the customization and the map was inferior to Stilwater, you couldn't buy real estate, no fighting styles, they fucked up the mechanics by making dual wielding a perk etc.

Then in 4 they basically just recycled that shitty map and stuck on a bunch of superhero game mechanics, which admittedly made the map a bit better since with those the cars became irrelevant and you just jumped and flew around 99% of the game anyway

I did play through it and it was a funny game that I liked playing through once, but the pre-3 Saints Row games are the only ones I'll ever consider Saints Row games

I just didn't like 1 at all... it was that or GTA and it was clear who the winner was. SR2 was a bit weirder and stuff, but still prefered GTA.

Saints Row 3 was the first of the franchise who really felt like weird as you say, and that's what made it better than GTA, which was getting serious, and people actually complained was boring at first.

The only SR4 "emotional" points I remember were just comedic relief, and parody of cliche.
The game just wanted to blow randomness out of proportion, and it achieved it, I think.

It's debatable the order between 2, 3 and 4. But 1 is definitely the worst of them all. In no way could 3 be worst than 1, other than a personal grunt against it. The customization it offered alone was enough to give it a few point more than 1.

It's a console exclusive and it has cutscenes. That is a deadly combo.

>There's also the whole.. ludonarrative thing of Natan killing enough to fill a state but is the hero.
Nate never killed anyone that wasn't a total dick or wouldn't have killed him first. Except Rafe or that guy from Eye of Indra, Drake had no reason to dick them over

It's certainly not terrible, but I was horribly underwhelmed when I first jumped into it. I liked the removal of the sprinting and the close ranged action, but there was so much else added that made it feel like 1 step forward, 4 steps back.

Still fun, though. It's a MP where you really have to be in the mood to play it a lot in one sitting.

Also, why is it that 80% of the people that play this game are complete retards and/or just stare at walls? Play the fucking game dude.

Twisted metal

Doom, duh

Who let the edgelord in?

TM3 was definitely better than 1 and probably 2 as well... Also, 3 is better than 4.

>Eye of Indra guy

Yeah, Nate was a major asshole back then. You can also see that at the start of UC1 with him and Elena arguing about the journal and in UC4's flashback level with him tricking the prison guard.

>4 greater than any of the classics


Yeah I like it better than 4, but 3>2? Come on, user.

3>2 is debatable, I can give you that. but 3>4>1 is a fact.

That is correct

I've never played the first one but can agree 3>4

complete garbage >>>> 2>4>1>3
That would be a more accurate summation of Uncharted.



2 > 3 > 1 >>>>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mass Effect Andromeda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4